android Programming Glossary: presents
URLConnection.getContentLength() returns -1 using the simple method In theory if the Http client presents itself as HTTP 1.0 most servers will switch back to non streaming..
Android multiple list views that don't scroll independently it MergeAdapter accepts a mix of Adapters and Views and presents them as one contiguous whole to whatever ListView it is poured..
In the Google Play app, how is the ViewGroup showing the application top lists implemented? top lists implemented The Google Play application presents the top lists of different categories in a GridView like way.. ListView here with a BucketListAdapter. This adapter presents the list elements in a GridView like way splitting them to columns...
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? launch the program based on its associated MIME type or it presents the Choose Application to Launch dialog. Here's the code I'm..
Android Fragments Retaining Data session singleton object and retrieve after rotation which presents a few problems with stale data but we can easily overcome. The..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? action. Talking to the Android chipset makers often presents a solution. Since they design the hardware they have access..
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press trigger the default contextual dialog on long press that presents options for text IME selection and cut copy paste. I saw a similar..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment Consider the concrete example of a Fragment that presents an AlertDialog via DialogFragment. It has Yes No buttons. How..
Exact Difference between “Content-Provider” and “SQLite Database” provider model as recommended in Android. This article presents the basics of content providers and how you can implement one...
Share Text on Facebook from Android App via ACTION_SEND ACTION_SEND intent and the EXTRA_TEXT field. The chooser presents me with all apps that can handle such an intent. Those are Twitter..
how to do XML parsing in android? as user Rahul recommended in this question this great page presents three ways to parse XML on Android and shows example code. ..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android layout for Android I'm trying to create an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? volume is 0. Handle volume button presses myself which presents two issues volume button presses adjust the ringer volume unless..
Fragment Inside Fragment
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) places to look at. Embedded SmartMX chip inside Nexus S presents itself as a dual smartcard. A programable one allowing installing..
Android search with Fragments from the intent's QUERY extra then searches your data and presents the results. The underlying internal system that is responsible..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable a drawable that lets you embed a case statement. It presents a different drawable depending on the state of the View it's..
Android Process Scheduling cgroups share improve this question The following list presents the different types of processes in order of importance the..
Parsing html in java for an android app an android app that takes relevant data from a website and presents it to the user html scraping . The application downloads the..
URLConnection.getContentLength() returns -1 offset System.arraycopy buf 0 imageBuf 0 offset else download using the simple method In theory if the Http client presents itself as HTTP 1.0 most servers will switch back to non streaming mode but I don't believe this is a possibility for URLConnection...
Android multiple list views that don't scroll independently you have several listviews in one. Quoting from the docs for it MergeAdapter accepts a mix of Adapters and Views and presents them as one contiguous whole to whatever ListView it is poured into. This is good for cases where you have multiple data..
In the Google Play app, how is the ViewGroup showing the application top lists implemented? the Google Play app how is the ViewGroup showing the application top lists implemented The Google Play application presents the top lists of different categories in a GridView like way screenshot . I'm pretty sure that it's not a standard GridView.. the Google Play app and found that they're using simple ListView here with a BucketListAdapter. This adapter presents the list elements in a GridView like way splitting them to columns. This way they could also use list footers and headers...
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? sort of a file browser. When a file is clicked it tries to launch the program based on its associated MIME type or it presents the Choose Application to Launch dialog. Here's the code I'm using to launch File file new File app.mediaPath _mediaFiles.get..
Android Fragments Retaining Data proper practice The next idea is to store the data into a session singleton object and retrieve after rotation which presents a few problems with stale data but we can easily overcome. The other alternative I see that seems like it is the best solution..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? partners Now we get into the solutions which require commercial action. Talking to the Android chipset makers often presents a solution. Since they design the hardware they have access to the framebuffer and they often are able to provide libraries..
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press EditText widgets. The issue is that those EditTexts will not trigger the default contextual dialog on long press that presents options for text IME selection and cut copy paste. I saw a similar question trying to get the TouchTrigger or something..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment Really it could be any Java object that implements OnClickListener. Consider the concrete example of a Fragment that presents an AlertDialog via DialogFragment. It has Yes No buttons. How can I send these button presses back to the Fragment that..
Exact Difference between “Content-Provider” and “SQLite Database” to share data between applications you need to use the content provider model as recommended in Android. This article presents the basics of content providers and how you can implement one. I found this article at this link http wireless..
Share Text on Facebook from Android App via ACTION_SEND supports sending text via other apps. It therefore uses the ACTION_SEND intent and the EXTRA_TEXT field. The chooser presents me with all apps that can handle such an intent. Those are Twitter EMail ... and Facebook. But when I select Facebook it..
how to do XML parsing in android?
Line-breaking widget layout for Android breaking widget layout for Android I'm trying to create an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words'..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? which is ineffective if the music stream's volume is 0. Handle volume button presses myself which presents two issues volume button presses adjust the ringer volume unless my audio is playing and I have been as of yet unable to..
Fragment Inside Fragment
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) Nfc system application and libnfc nxp system library are the places to look at. Embedded SmartMX chip inside Nexus S presents itself as a dual smartcard. A programable one allowing installing of cardlets on it based and a 4K Mifare one. The 4K Mifare..
Android search with Fragments action. Your searchable activity retrieves the query from the intent's QUERY extra then searches your data and presents the results. The underlying internal system that is responsible for providing search results expects an Activity not a Fragment..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable this question The XML you've included here is a way of defining a drawable that lets you embed a case statement. It presents a different drawable depending on the state of the View it's being assigned to. As a drawable you should save it as an xml..
Android Process Scheduling Thanks again android multithreading scheduler dalvik cgroups share improve this question The following list presents the different types of processes in order of importance the first process is most important and is killed last Foreground..
Parsing html in java for an android app html in java for an android app I'm writing an android app that takes relevant data from a website and presents it to the user html scraping . The application downloads the source code and parses it looking for relevant data to store..