android Programming Glossary: prefs_name
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances extends Activity private static final String PREFS_NAME public static final String.. prefs context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 .edit prefs.putString NOME mAppWidgetId editNome.getText.. SharedPreferences prefs context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 String valuename prefs.getString prefKey appWidgetId Non Trovato..
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here out of it. SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE connectStatus settings.getInt connectStatus..
how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity? the keys you're going to use public static final String PREFS_NAME MyPrefsFile private static final String PREF_USERNAME username.. the username and password as follows getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE .edit .putString PREF_USERNAME username .putString.. them like this SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username pref.getString PREF_USERNAME null..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding SharedPreferences settings context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 Editor edit settings.edit edit.putInt channelId channelId..
Adding the same context menu to multiple activities savedInstanceState settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 if IsFullScreen requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE..
How do I show an alert dialog only on the first run of my application? MyActivity extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME MyPrefsFile @Override protected void onCreate Bundle state super.onCreate.. state SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 boolean dialogShown settings.getBoolean dialogShown false..
Android Shared Preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString.. SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences SignIn.PREFS_NAME Activity.MODE_PRIVATE username TextView findViewById
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android class Prefs extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME LocalePrefs private String region public boolean isUk public.. prefs SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 String myRegion settings.getString region us this.region myRegion.. here SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor ed settings.edit ed.clear ed.putString..
How can I store images using sharedpreference in android? PREF_USERNAME nothing String wallPaper myPrefs.getString PREFS_NAME null if wallPaper null try Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances public class Configurazione extends Activity private static final String PREFS_NAME public static final String NOME nome_ private static long millis 60000 private int.. alarmManager pendingIntent SharedPreferences.Editor prefs context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 .edit prefs.putString NOME mAppWidgetId editNome.getText .toString prefs.commit Push widget update to surface with.. String getName Context context String prefKey int appWidgetId SharedPreferences prefs context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 String valuename prefs.getString prefKey appWidgetId Non Trovato return valuename static String getColor Context context..
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here the shared preferences file and grab the connectionStatus out of it. SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE connectStatus settings.getInt connectStatus 0 Log.d LightfactoryRemote Focus onResume with connectStatus..
how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity? . Define some statics to store the preference file name and the keys you're going to use public static final String PREFS_NAME MyPrefsFile private static final String PREF_USERNAME username private static final String PREF_PASSWORD password You'd.. static final String PREF_PASSWORD password You'd then save the username and password as follows getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE .edit .putString PREF_USERNAME username .putString PREF_PASSWORD password .commit So you would retrieve them.. PREF_PASSWORD password .commit So you would retrieve them like this SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username pref.getString PREF_USERNAME null String password pref.getString PREF_PASSWORD null if username..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding iter.hasNext if channelId 0 channelId break SharedPreferences settings context.getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 Editor edit settings.edit edit.putInt channelId channelId edit.putInt appWidgetIds appWidgetIds appWidgetIds.length 1..
Adding the same context menu to multiple activities protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 if IsFullScreen requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN..
How do I show an alert dialog only on the first run of my application? alert is shown. SharedPreferences Something like public class MyActivity extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME MyPrefsFile @Override protected void onCreate Bundle state super.onCreate state SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences.. @Override protected void onCreate Bundle state super.onCreate state SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 boolean dialogShown settings.getBoolean dialogShown false if dialogShown AlertDialog code here SharedPreferences.Editor..
Android Shared Preferences but they're not working for me. code for setting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key editor.putString.. .toString editor.commit code for getting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences SignIn.PREFS_NAME Activity.MODE_PRIVATE username TextView findViewById String uname settings.getString user_name null username.setText..
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android 344 My code is this public class Prefs extends Activity public static final String PREFS_NAME LocalePrefs private String region public boolean isUk public boolean isUs public boolean isEu @Override protected void onCreate.. void onCreate Bundle state super.onCreate state restore prefs SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 String myRegion settings.getString region us this.region myRegion changeLocale getRegion public void editRegion String.. getRegion public void editRegion String sregion The error occurs here SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor ed settings.edit ed.clear ed.putString region sregion ed.commit public String getRegion SharedPreferences..
How can I store images using sharedpreference in android? MODE_WORLD_READABLE String prefName myPrefs.getString PREF_USERNAME nothing String wallPaper myPrefs.getString PREFS_NAME null if wallPaper null try Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeFile data misc wallpaper wallPaper Log.d getClass .getSimpleName..