android Programming Glossary: presence
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? declaring these but it is. Doesn't complain about their presence in the 'official' devices. Comment them out for now. GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket.. Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter setPresenceState Type precenseType String status Presence presence new Presence precenseType presence.setStatus status connection.sendPacket..
android device id confusion that do not have a telephony module fake the IMEI so the presence of an IMEI does not always guarantee the device has a telephony..
Scheduling recurring task in Android I'm designing an app that has a recurring task of sending presence to a dedicated server as long as the app is in foreground. in..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” suggests that this issue is definitely related to the presence of files without an extension in my project however I don't..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video players won't accept this format. If you can't rely on the presence of MediaMuxer you will need to find another way to cook the..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator then load it to the emulator at startup to simulate the presence of a user's SD card in the device. To do this you can use the..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? android title Gender android summary Verify or deny the presence of a Y chromosome. android key genderPref android defaultValue..
How to detect system information like os or device type src tools Windowsize and keyboard presence were a good idea i added some more infos for debug purpose String..
Android - check for presence of another app check for presence of another app I'm working on an app that extends the functionality..
Can I get online users in my friend list via Smack? Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser.. Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser.. System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println presence.getType .name System.out.println presence.getStatus share..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android devices through an app working as a service checking the presence of a specific kind of device and a modified version of the Settings.. that checks periodically the presence of a 1344 class device a keyboard the only way to input data..
press “.” many times (validate ip address in EditText while typing) to that filter to validate ips. It checks for the presence of four digits separated by dots and none of them bigger than..
Geocoder's isPresent() method always returns false returns false I had written a simple Activity to test presence of Geocoder calling Geocoder.isPresent always returns false...
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market Market or non Market I would imagine one could detect the presence of the signed JAR file. android share improve this question..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket.. e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter.. e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter..
XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)? presence of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode.. list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do.. asmack share improve this question Just use like this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode..
Can I get online users in my friend list via Smack? Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence.. presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? d gl version d gl extensions No clue why the tool is unhappy declaring these but it is. Doesn't complain about their presence in the 'official' devices. Comment them out for now. GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_float..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? apiKey sessionKey sessionSecret Application catch XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener new PacketListener public void.. .addChatListener chatManagerListner public void setPresenceState Type precenseType String status Presence presence new Presence precenseType presence.setStatus status connection.sendPacket presence public Presence getUserPresence String..
android device id confusion do not have an IMEI . As Schlangi commented some devices that do not have a telephony module fake the IMEI so the presence of an IMEI does not always guarantee the device has a telephony module. ANDROID_ID The ANDROID_ID is another unique number..
Scheduling recurring task in Android recurring task in Android I'm designing an app that has a recurring task of sending presence to a dedicated server as long as the app is in foreground. in my searches across the web I saw a few different approaches..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” ANOTHER EDIT OK so more searching led me to this page which suggests that this issue is definitely related to the presence of files without an extension in my project however I don't know which file and for the life of me I can't find any in that..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video elementary stream rather than a cooked .mp4 file. Many players won't accept this format. If you can't rely on the presence of MediaMuxer you will need to find another way to cook the data search around on stackoverflow for ideas . It's certainly..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator possible SD Card Emulation You can create a disk image and then load it to the emulator at startup to simulate the presence of a user's SD card in the device. To do this you can use the android tool to create a new SD card image with a new AVD..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? android title Personal Settings ListPreference android title Gender android summary Verify or deny the presence of a Y chromosome. android key genderPref android defaultValue male android entries @array genderArray android entryValues..
How to detect system information like os or device type 559 https bitstars SimpleUi blob master SimpleUI src tools Windowsize and keyboard presence were a good idea i added some more infos for debug purpose String s Debug infos s n OS Version System.getProperty os.version..
Android - check for presence of another app check for presence of another app I'm working on an app that extends the functionality of another existing app. I want to know what the easiest..
Can I get online users in my friend list via Smack? this question Roster roster xmppConnection.getRoster Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println.. Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println presence.getType .name System.out.println..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android to auto request a pairing procedure with keyboard featured devices through an app working as a service checking the presence of a specific kind of device and a modified version of the Settings app. I have to say that I was working on a custom device.. with android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED and android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED that checks periodically the presence of a 1344 class device a keyboard the only way to input data on request on the onReceive callback public void onReceive..
press “.” many times (validate ip address in EditText while typing) decimal values like ##.## Update sample code Here is an adaptation to that filter to validate ips. It checks for the presence of four digits separated by dots and none of them bigger than 255. The validation occurs in real time i.e. while typing...
Geocoder's isPresent() method always returns false isPresent method always returns false I had written a simple Activity to test presence of Geocoder calling Geocoder.isPresent always returns false. Class public class LocationTestActivity extends Activity @Override..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market Is this possible for an app to tell where it came from Market or non Market I would imagine one could detect the presence of the signed JAR file. android share improve this question Yes you could use the signature for that. If you use a..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? apiKey sessionKey sessionSecret Application catch XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter.. sessionSecret Application catch XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener.. Application catch XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener..
XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)? asmack in android. Can anyone please help me in getting the presence of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status.. help me in getting the presence of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status of each user listed in my roster... status of each user listed in my roster. android xmpp smack asmack share improve this question Just use like this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode retrieveState_mode availability.getMode availability.isAvailable..
Can I get online users in my friend list via Smack? share improve this question Roster roster xmppConnection.getRoster Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println.. Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries Presence presence for RosterEntry entry entries presence roster.getPresence entry.getUser System.out.println entry.getUser System.out.println presence.getType .name System.out.println presence.getStatus..