android Programming Glossary: pressed
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this..
Standard Android Button with a different color apk res android item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable red_button_pressed item android.. state_pressed true android drawable @drawable red_button_pressed item android state_focused true android drawable @drawable red_button_focus.. one for the button at rest one when focused and one when pressed . That seems more complicated and non DRY than I need. All I..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? It finishes the activity that was on screen when the user pressed the BACK button. It should only terminate when the Users wants..
How to close Android application? so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer.. However you can determine with the HOME key is pressed by setting a flag to true in a helper class that assumes that.. in a helper class that assumes that the HOME key has been pressed then changing the flag to false when an event occurs that shows..
How to call Android contacts list? mAdapter end onCreate Called when contact is pressed @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int..
remove line between custom option menu items public void onClick View arg0 Log.i LOG About Menu Pressed panel_setting.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override.. public void onClick View arg0 Log.i LOG Setting Menu Pressed NEXT widget_menu.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
How to change the color of tab 'underbar' in actionbarsherlock false android drawable @drawable tab_selected_focused Pressed Non focused states item android state_focused false android..
How to change background color of key for android soft keyboard? state_pressed false android drawable @drawable normal Pressed state item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable..
listView dynamic add item then TextView 's text can auto add to ListView but i Pressed button it donot work unless after i enter content press OK Key.. donot work unless after i enter content press OK Key then Pressed button TextView's text can auto add to ListView . I donot know.. auto add to ListView . I donot know why. If I continuous Pressed button as 3 times then press Ok key the content auto add list..
ListSelector applies to the entire list @drawable bg_list_item_highlighted @drawable tab_focus Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable bg_list_item_pressed..
How can I set the width of radio buttons to change with regards to screen size? (android) images in res drawable . You should have at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed.. . You should have at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed Checked Create a selector.. at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed Checked Create a selector type layout..
how to change color of android list item on click or selection? [duplicate] state_selected false android drawable @drawable focused Pressed item android state_selected true android state_focused false..
The constructor Intent is undefined int icon R.drawable.icon CharSequence ticketBrief Button Pressed Brief CharSequence ticketTitle Button pressed CharSequence ticketText..
How to change the background color of a TableRow when focused? false android drawable @android color transparent Pressed state item android state_pressed true android drawable @android..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable state_pressed false android drawable @drawable lightlogo Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable lightlogo..
change color of selected listview item false android drawable @drawable list_focused Pressed item android state_selected true android state_focused false..
Rounded Button Android false android drawable @drawable button_focus Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable..
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap button function handleBackButton console.log Back Button Pressed But it only works on the first page of.. Ready function handleBackButton console.log Back Button Pressed script Put the following code in the else..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? does public class MyAct extends Activity implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread..
Standard Android Button with a different color xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable red_button_pressed item android state_focused true android drawable @drawable red_button_focus.. android http apk res android item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable red_button_pressed item android state_focused true android drawable @drawable red_button_focus item android drawable @drawable red_button_rest.. three different drawables for each button I want to customize one for the button at rest one when focused and one when pressed . That seems more complicated and non DRY than I need. All I really want to do is apply some sort of color transform to..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? above . Pressing the BACK button does not kill the app . It finishes the activity that was on screen when the user pressed the BACK button. It should only terminate when the Users wants to terminate it never ever any other way. If you cant write..
How to close Android application? Android will not notify an application of the HOME key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their application... that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their application. However you can determine with the HOME key is pressed by setting a flag to true in a helper class that assumes that the HOME key has been pressed then changing the flag to false.. with the HOME key is pressed by setting a flag to true in a helper class that assumes that the HOME key has been pressed then changing the flag to false when an event occurs that shows the HOME key was not pressed and then checking to see of..
How to call Android contacts list? this R.layout.mycontacts C columns names setListAdapter mAdapter end onCreate Called when contact is pressed @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id super.onListItemClick l v position id Cursor..
remove line between custom option menu items panel_about.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View arg0 Log.i LOG About Menu Pressed panel_setting.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View arg0 Log.i LOG Setting Menu.. panel_setting.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View arg0 Log.i LOG Setting Menu Pressed NEXT widget_menu.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android..
How to change the color of tab 'underbar' in actionbarsherlock true android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable tab_selected_focused Pressed Non focused states item android state_focused false android state_selected false android state_pressed true android drawable..
How to change background color of key for android soft keyboard? android state_focused false android state_selected false android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable normal Pressed state item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable pressed selector If you want everything in xml you can..
listView dynamic add item are textView and button in my listActivity Iwant to Press button then TextView 's text can auto add to ListView but i Pressed button it donot work unless after i enter content press OK Key then Pressed button TextView's text can auto add to ListView.. 's text can auto add to ListView but i Pressed button it donot work unless after i enter content press OK Key then Pressed button TextView's text can auto add to ListView . I donot know why. If I continuous Pressed button as 3 times then press.. content press OK Key then Pressed button TextView's text can auto add to ListView . I donot know why. If I continuous Pressed button as 3 times then press Ok key the content auto add list View but 3 times. public class DynamicListItems extends ListActivity..
ListSelector applies to the entire list state_focused true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable bg_list_item_highlighted @drawable tab_focus Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable bg_list_item_pressed @drawable tab_press selector Then I added..
How can I set the width of radio buttons to change with regards to screen size? (android) . In short you need to take the following steps Place your images in res drawable . You should have at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed Checked Create a selector type layout in res drawable. Here.. to take the following steps Place your images in res drawable . You should have at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed Checked Create a selector type layout in res drawable. Here is mine xml version.. steps Place your images in res drawable . You should have at least 4 icons Pressed Unchecked Pressed Checked Not Pressed Unchecked Not Pressed Checked Create a selector type layout in res drawable. Here is mine xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8..
how to change color of android list item on click or selection? [duplicate] res android Selected item android state_focused true android state_selected false android drawable @drawable focused Pressed item android state_selected true android state_focused false android drawable @drawable selected selector Step3 Create a..
The constructor Intent is undefined mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService ns int icon R.drawable.icon CharSequence ticketBrief Button Pressed Brief CharSequence ticketTitle Button pressed CharSequence ticketText You pressed button 1 long when System.currentTimeMillis..
How to change the background color of a TableRow when focused? false android state_focused false android state_pressed false android drawable @android color transparent Pressed state item android state_pressed true android drawable @android color yellow Selected state using d pad item android state_focused..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable state_focused true android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable lightlogo Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable lightlogo selector In my code an example tab is generated using..
change color of selected listview item android Selected item android state_focused true android state_selected false android drawable @drawable list_focused Pressed item android state_selected true android state_focused false android drawable @drawable list_selected selector I have set..
Rounded Button Android state_focused true android state_selected true android state_pressed false android drawable @drawable button_focus Pressed item android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable button_press selector For each state a drawable resource e.g...
Override Android Backbutton behavior only works on the first page with PhoneGap backbutton handleBackButton false handle the back button function handleBackButton console.log Back Button Pressed But it only works on the first page of my app. After changing to a different page the backbutton does.. false function onDeviceReady console.log PhoneGap Ready function handleBackButton console.log Back Button Pressed script Put the following code in the else block of document.addEventListener in cordova 1.5.0.js after..
android button selector red when pressed it appears grey. I would like to ask how could the code be further directly modified such that when PRESSED the text size and color could also change Many thanks item android state_pressed true shape xmlns android http
Android. How do I keep a button displayed as PRESSED until the action created by that button is finished? How do I keep a button displayed as PRESSED until the action created by that button is finished I have button_focused button_pressed and button_normal images. When..
How can i keep one button as pressed after click on it? [duplicate] one button as pressed after click on it duplicate Possible Duplicate Android. How do I keep a button displayed as PRESSED until the action created by that button is finished I have one button and i want when i pressed it to stay as pressed with..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity is the following public class mainActivity extends Activity..
Android Stop Background Music if this.isFinishing basically BACK was pressed from this activity player.stop Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU PRESSED BACK FROM YOUR 'HOME MAIN' ACTIVITY Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Context context getApplicationContext ActivityManager am ActivityManager.. on. The very intersting thind is when you press BACK from your 'Home Main' activity you obviously get 2 Toasts YOU PRESSED BACK FROM YOUR 'HOME MAIN' ACTIVITY and the 2nd Toast is YOU SWITCHED ACTIVITIES WITHIN YOUR APP . I believe I know why..