android Programming Glossary: preparing
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_STRIDE_BYTES mTriangleVertices preparing parameter for texture position mTriangleVertices.position TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_UV_OFFSET.. GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray program.POSITION_LOCATION preparing parameter for texture coords GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer program.TEXTURECOORD_LOCATION..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures sample https training in app billing preparing iab app.html#GetSample but there's no signatures. I even run..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? to package static data with your application I recommend preparing the database at development time using any UI or csv import..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) the Sanselan EXIF reading classes for Android and was preparing to rotate them myself. Funny thing is there is EXIF headers..
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing the background that I show temporarily while the video is preparing and removing it when the video is ready to start. That also..
Difference between onStart() and onResume() The loop from being stopped back through a restart preparing to carry on my journey to starting again is perhaps less common...
Change theme according to android version theme according to android version I am preparing my app to work smoothly with honeycomb. I have an small aesthetics..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state I'm writing an audio player using MediaPlayer that allows..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android did that this way import org.kxml2.kdom.Element then while preparing envelope soapEnvelope.headerOut new Element 1 soapEnvelope.headerOut..
Questions about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store Amazon's documentation..
Android table creation Failure (near “autoincrement”: syntax error)? Failure 1 near autoincrement syntax error on 0x218df0 when preparing 'create table MY_TABLE2 _id2 integer autoincrement Content2..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets link awesome http android 2011 09 preparing for handsets.html The problem with what we call tablet is that..
how do I delete column from sqlite table in android? 13952 Failure 1 near DROP syntax error on 0x34e550 when preparing 'ALTER TABLE favs DROP COLUMN favsCount'. Is it not possible..
How to test if a fragment view is visible to the user? you'll quickly notice this is triggered several times on preparing the fragment and while the user is swiping along. So it might..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file If I use the filename as parameter it throws later when preparing the media player... _mediaPlayer.prepareAsync catch Exception..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database 1616 Failure 1 near in syntax error on 0x23fed8 when preparing 'delete from detail1where_id in select top 3_idfromdetail1order..
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? message where i am getting from downloading and installing Preparing to install archives Downloading Android SDK Platform tools revision..
Folder name for 7" hdpi tablet Android layout files this way. You should also take a look here Preparing for Handsets and New Tools For Managing Screen Sizes share..
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception if _chkAutofocus.isChecked Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Preparing to take the picture using autofocus... _camera.autoFocus new.. ... finished. else Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Preparing to take the picture without autofocus... takePicture private..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? callback. The doc says It is important to note that the Preparing state is a transient state and the behavior of calling any method.. with side effect while a MediaPlayer object is in the Preparing state is undefined. Does that include calls to reset or even..
How to crop image in android if state Environment.MEDIA_CHECKING noStorageText Preparing card else noStorageText No storage card else if remaining 1..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? the end of the build proguard Writing output... proguard Preparing output jar C Workspace UI MyApp build proguard obfuscated.jar..
HttpPost -> Redirect -> Location or body of response needed code functionality but I just am not able to. Java code Preparing the CLIENT and POST Method HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file afd.getLength Log.d MediaPlayer Now initialized. Preparing it. player.prepare break catch IllegalArgumentException e.. 03 18 01 14 24.707 D MediaPlayer 1335 Now initialized. Preparing it. 03 18 01 14 24.927 D MediaPlayer 1335 Everything is prepared..
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? program.POSITION_LOCATION 2 GLES20.GL_FLOAT false TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_STRIDE_BYTES mTriangleVertices preparing parameter for texture position mTriangleVertices.position TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_UV_OFFSET GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray.. mTriangleVertices.position TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_UV_OFFSET GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray program.POSITION_LOCATION preparing parameter for texture coords GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer program.TEXTURECOORD_LOCATION 2 GLES20.GL_FLOAT false TRIANGLE_VERTICES_DATA_STRIDE_BYTES..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures android.test.purchased I followed exactly this sample https training in app billing preparing iab app.html#GetSample but there's no signatures. I even run the given sample app by Google but no luck. I put my Base64..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? import sqlite3 share improve this question If you want to package static data with your application I recommend preparing the database at development time using any UI or csv import command you like and shipping the sqlite file inside the assets..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) the Motorola camera driver wasn't rotating the images so found the Sanselan EXIF reading classes for Android and was preparing to rotate them myself. Funny thing is there is EXIF headers but no rotation element. If I set the rotation manually to 90..
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing start. The last thing I tried was to have a second view in the background that I show temporarily while the video is preparing and removing it when the video is ready to start. That also wasn't very seamless. Is there any way to get rid of that gap...
Difference between onStart() and onResume() loop is a tight one and occurs many times through my journey. The loop from being stopped back through a restart preparing to carry on my journey to starting again is perhaps less common. In one case I spot the Grocery Store and the GroceryStoreActivity..
Change theme according to android version theme according to android version I am preparing my app to work smoothly with honeycomb. I have an small aesthetics question regarding with the android theme. For honeycomb..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state I'm writing an audio player using MediaPlayer that allows the user to skip the actual tune. A skip request might..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android soap header ksoap2 share improve this question I did that this way import org.kxml2.kdom.Element then while preparing envelope soapEnvelope.headerOut new Element 1 soapEnvelope.headerOut 0 buildAuthHeader ...send request... with private Element..
Questions about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store Amazon's documentation is surprising lacking in information about the submitting..
Android table creation Failure (near “autoincrement”: syntax error)? me out thank you. 09 29 13 41 19.760 ERROR Database 334 Failure 1 near autoincrement syntax error on 0x218df0 when preparing 'create table MY_TABLE2 _id2 integer autoincrement Content2 text not null Content3 text not null FOREIGN KEY _id2 REFERENCES..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets play share improve this question You will find this link awesome http android 2011 09 preparing for handsets.html The problem with what we call tablet is that the definition is not the same for evryone. I think about..
how do I delete column from sqlite table in android? gives the following message 11 07 21 18 29.238 ERROR Database 13952 Failure 1 near DROP syntax error on 0x34e550 when preparing 'ALTER TABLE favs DROP COLUMN favsCount'. Is it not possible to delete fields in sqlite for Android Thanks Ab android sqlite..
How to test if a fragment view is visible to the user? start debugging to get a feel of when exactly this is called you'll quickly notice this is triggered several times on preparing the fragment and while the user is swiping along. So it might be a good idea to also attach a ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file file _mediaPlayer.setDataSource is.getFD Throws If I use the filename as parameter it throws later when preparing the media player... _mediaPlayer.prepareAsync catch Exception e setDataSourceFD failed. status 0x80000000..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database code 1 msg near in syntax error 03 21 13 19 39.226 ERROR Database 1616 Failure 1 near in syntax error on 0x23fed8 when preparing 'delete from detail1where_id in select top 3_idfromdetail1order by _id '. android sqlite share improve this question..
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? Sdk Platform Tools. I have post here some last lines of message where i am getting from downloading and installing Preparing to install archives Downloading Android SDK Platform tools revision 12 Installing Android SDK Platform tools revision 12..
Folder name for 7" hdpi tablet Android
Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception View v if _camera null Decide whether or not to use autofocus if _chkAutofocus.isChecked Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Preparing to take the picture using autofocus... _camera.autoFocus new AutoFocusCallback @Override public void onAutoFocus boolean.. entered. takePicture Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE _camera.autoFocus.onAutoFocus ... finished. else Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE Preparing to take the picture without autofocus... takePicture private void takePicture Log.d LOG_TAG LOG_LINE takePicture entered...
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? a call to MediaPlayer.prepareAsync and the upcoming onPrepared callback. The doc says It is important to note that the Preparing state is a transient state and the behavior of calling any method with side effect while a MediaPlayer object is in the.. is a transient state and the behavior of calling any method with side effect while a MediaPlayer object is in the Preparing state is undefined. Does that include calls to reset or even to release Because if it so then I would either have to wait..
How to crop image in android NO_STORAGE_ERROR String state Environment.getExternalStorageState if state Environment.MEDIA_CHECKING noStorageText Preparing card else noStorageText No storage card else if remaining 1 noStorageText Not enough space if noStorageText null Toast.makeText..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? I am seeing the following output in my cmd window at the end of the build proguard Writing output... proguard Preparing output jar C Workspace UI MyApp build proguard obfuscated.jar proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace UI..
HttpPost -> Redirect -> Location or body of response needed what I want it to do. I tried quite everything to post the code functionality but I just am not able to. Java code Preparing the CLIENT and POST Method HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file player.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength Log.d MediaPlayer Now initialized. Preparing it. player.prepare break catch IllegalArgumentException e Log.i MediaPlayer IllegalArgumentException... catch IllegalStateException.. 03 18 01 14 24.657 D MediaPlayer 1335 Setting Data Source... 03 18 01 14 24.707 D MediaPlayer 1335 Now initialized. Preparing it. 03 18 01 14 24.927 D MediaPlayer 1335 Everything is prepared and ready to play the music file. 03 18 01 14 26.797 D..