android Programming Glossary: price
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address are fairly sensitive pieces of data so this is the price of admission. Below is a full example that uses a CursorLoader..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order 8dp android src @drawable loading TextView android id @ id price android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height 18dp..
Which Android phones out there do have a gyroscope? [closed]
Get and Parse CSV file in android s msft f sl1p2 then parse it so that I can get the price and the price changed into an object that sets both properties... f sl1p2 then parse it so that I can get the price and the price changed into an object that sets both properties. Is there a.. RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble..
Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android
Android Parcelable — return null Parcelable private double availableQuantity private double price private String productCode private String description private.. this.product product @param availableQuantity @param price @param productCode @param description @param nonStockItemFlag.. value public Product double availableQuantity double price String productCode String description String nonStockItemFlag..
Return data from AsyncTask class String title book.getString title int version book.getInt price catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace share improve this..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? resultExtra private String isuename private String isueprice Handler hRefresh new Handler @Override public void handleMessage.. isuename getIntent .getStringExtra name .trim isueprice getIntent .getStringExtra price .replace .trim Log.v isuename.. name .trim isueprice getIntent .getStringExtra price .replace .trim Log.v isuename isuename Log.v isueprice isueprice..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? will speed things up. However this speed does come with a price of convenience. To put it simply if you use the same layout..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change e e.printStackTrace return Item number Price random.nextInt 500 .00 Number in stock random.nextInt 10000..
android: swipe left or right to slide views String priceTag String.format .2g extras.getDouble Price Buy Now buy.setText priceTag ImageView image ImageView findViewById..
Populate list of custom view using ListFragment #343434 android textSize 10sp tools ignore SmallSp Price TextView android id @ id price android layout_width wrap_content.. TextView txtMenuName TextView txtMenuDesc TextView txtPrice public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup.. convertView.findViewById holder.txtPrice TextView convertView.findViewById holder.imageView..
How to display a two column ListView in Android? Author final String CopyrightName CopyRight final String PriceName Price final String matrix _id name value final String columns.. String CopyrightName CopyRight final String PriceName Price final String matrix _id name value final String columns name.. key CopyrightName mCopyright cursor.addRow new Object key PriceName formatter.format mPrice SimpleCursorAdapter data new SimpleCursorAdapter..
Android: How to set the colour of a Toast's text following code Toast.makeText getBaseContext Please Enter Price Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is displayed as white text on a..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 d4p1 MusicFile music magic.mp3 d4p1 MusicFile d4p1 Price 400 d4p1 Price d4p1 PropertyType 0 d4p1 PropertyType d4p1 SF.. music magic.mp3 d4p1 MusicFile d4p1 Price 400 d4p1 Price d4p1 PropertyType 0 d4p1 PropertyType d4p1 SF 400 d4p1 SF d4p1.. nil true d4p1 ShowAddress true d4p1 ShowAddress d4p1 ShowPrice true d4p1 ShowPrice d4p1 State TN d4p1 State d4p1 Status i nil..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address it requires two permissions more on that below but email addresses are fairly sensitive pieces of data so this is the price of admission. Below is a full example that uses a CursorLoader to retrieve profile data rows containing email addresses...
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_marginRight 8dp android src @drawable loading TextView android id @ id price android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height 18dp android layout_toRightOf @id thumb android layout_alignParentBottom..
Which Android phones out there do have a gyroscope? [closed]
Get and Parse CSV file in android to get a csv file from http d quotes.csv s msft f sl1p2 then parse it so that I can get the price and the price changed into an object that sets both properties. Is there a way that I can do this with the android libraries.. from http d quotes.csv s msft f sl1p2 then parse it so that I can get the price and the price changed into an object that sets both properties. Is there a way that I can do this with the android libraries Edit Here's.. line null while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData 2 stock.setPrice Double.parseDouble price stock.setTicker name stock.setChange change..
Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android
Android Parcelable — return null SalesProduct enetity class public class Product implements Parcelable private double availableQuantity private double price private String productCode private String description private String description2 private String productGroup private String.. size @param product public Product ArrayList Product product this.product product @param availableQuantity @param price @param productCode @param description @param nonStockItemFlag @param kitProductFlag @param qty @param grossValue @param.. @param kitProductFlag @param qty @param grossValue @param value public Product double availableQuantity double price String productCode String description String nonStockItemFlag double qty double value super this.availableQuantity availableQuantity..
Return data from AsyncTask class
How integrate Paypal in android Application? public static String resultInfo public static String resultExtra private String isuename private String isueprice Handler hRefresh new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case INITIALIZE_SUCCESS setupButtons.. INITIALIZE_FAILURE libraryInitializationThread.start isuename getIntent .getStringExtra name .trim isueprice getIntent .getStringExtra price .replace .trim Log.v isuename isuename Log.v isueprice isueprice LinearLayout content new.. libraryInitializationThread.start isuename getIntent .getStringExtra name .trim isueprice getIntent .getStringExtra price .replace .trim Log.v isuename isuename Log.v isueprice isueprice LinearLayout content new LinearLayout this content.setLayoutParams..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? configuration change for a rotation by handling it yourself will speed things up. However this speed does come with a price of convenience. To put it simply if you use the same layout for both portrait and landscape you're in good shape by doing..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change expensive Web call try Thread.sleep 5000 catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace return Item number Price random.nextInt 500 .00 Number in stock random.nextInt 10000 @Override public void deliverResult String data if isReset..
android: swipe left or right to slide views extras.getString Desc Button buy Button findViewById String priceTag String.format .2g extras.getDouble Price Buy Now buy.setText priceTag ImageView image ImageView findViewById Utils.imageLoader.DisplayImage extras.getString..
Populate list of custom view using ListFragment @ id thumbnail android text @string description android textColor #343434 android textSize 10sp tools ignore SmallSp Price TextView android id @ id price android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_alignParentRight.. view holder class private class ViewHolder ImageView imageView TextView txtMenuName TextView txtMenuDesc TextView txtPrice public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent ViewHolder holder null Menu rowItem getItem position.. holder.txtMenuDesc TextView convertView.findViewById holder.txtPrice TextView convertView.findViewById holder.imageView ImageView convertView.findViewById convertView.setTag..
How to display a two column ListView in Android? ListView private void initListView final String AuthorName Author final String CopyrightName CopyRight final String PriceName Price final String matrix _id name value final String columns name value final int layouts private void initListView final String AuthorName Author final String CopyrightName CopyRight final String PriceName Price final String matrix _id name value final String columns name value final int layouts new Object key AuthorName mAuthor cursor.addRow new Object key CopyrightName mCopyright cursor.addRow new Object key PriceName formatter.format mPrice SimpleCursorAdapter data new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.viewlist_two_items cursor..
Android: How to set the colour of a Toast's text a toast message as the result of an if statement using the following code Toast.makeText getBaseContext Please Enter Price Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is displayed as white text on a white background as such it can not be read My question is how..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 ModifiedDate 2012 01 24T17 50 09.0541149 05 00 d4p1 ModifiedDate d4p1 MusicFile music magic.mp3 d4p1 MusicFile d4p1 Price 400 d4p1 Price d4p1 PropertyType 0 d4p1 PropertyType d4p1 SF 400 d4p1 SF d4p1 Schools i nil true d4p1 ShowAddress true.. 2012 01 24T17 50 09.0541149 05 00 d4p1 ModifiedDate d4p1 MusicFile music magic.mp3 d4p1 MusicFile d4p1 Price 400 d4p1 Price d4p1 PropertyType 0 d4p1 PropertyType d4p1 SF 400 d4p1 SF d4p1 Schools i nil true d4p1 ShowAddress true d4p1 ShowAddress.. 0 d4p1 PropertyType d4p1 SF 400 d4p1 SF d4p1 Schools i nil true d4p1 ShowAddress true d4p1 ShowAddress d4p1 ShowPrice true d4p1 ShowPrice d4p1 State TN d4p1 State d4p1 Status i nil true d4p1 Street 9111 Cross Park Drive d4p1 Street d4p1..