android Programming Glossary: preload
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays on GitHub. Regarding ProGuard and build times I am myself preloading large libraries on my device with sbt android . This eliminates.. works I just need to send the pull requests Automatically preload Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android preload.. Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android preload device emulator no Proguard needed for development anymore Should..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? pppd apriori gtest_prod_test libpv_aac_dec preload archquery gtest test part_test libpvaacffparsernode ProcessTests..
Threading textures load process for android opengl game a large amount of textures in JPG format. And I need to preload them in opengl memory before the actual drawing starts. I've..
Android preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing I have an..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? have to perform the above steps. By default it will only preload one Fragment in front and behind the current position although..
How can I use android transition effects in web view? way to get a semi smooth animation is to allow the page to preload while the user does not see it. package com.adeptdev.animwebview..
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript Where audio_tag is audio id audio_tag src audio sound.mp3 preload auto also tried with all combinations of paths and formats...
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays also a great work in progress android sdk plugin by @pfn on GitHub. Regarding ProGuard and build times I am myself preloading large libraries on my device with sbt android . This eliminates ProGuard altogether but requires root. android sdk plugin.. thanks to SBTIdea coming very soon In fact it already works I just need to send the pull requests Automatically preload Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android preload device emulator no Proguard needed for development anymore.. I just need to send the pull requests Automatically preload Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android preload device emulator no Proguard needed for development anymore Should support simple Gradle projects out of the box with minimal..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? AppWidgetProvider gtest_pred_impl_unittest libprotocolenginenode_ps pppd apriori gtest_prod_test libpv_aac_dec preload archquery gtest test part_test libpvaacffparsernode ProcessTests asm 3.1 gtest typed test2_test libpvaacffrecognizer procmem..
Threading textures load process for android opengl game textures load process for android opengl game I have a large amount of textures in JPG format. And I need to preload them in opengl memory before the actual drawing starts. I've asked a question and I've been told that the way to do this..
Android preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing preload a url into WebView while splashscreen is showing I have an app with a splash screen which after a few seconds opens up..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? we relinquish fragment management to the adapter and do not have to perform the above steps. By default it will only preload one Fragment in front and behind the current position although it does not destroy them unless you are using FragmentStatePagerAdapter..
How can I use android transition effects in web view? the user to realize that the page is loading.. The only way to get a semi smooth animation is to allow the page to preload while the user does not see it. package com.adeptdev.animwebview import import
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript document.getElementById audio_tag .src audio.load Where audio_tag is audio id audio_tag src audio sound.mp3 preload auto also tried with all combinations of paths and formats. But the sound is not playing and only clue what may be wrong..