android Programming Glossary: preserve
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View int These look like they're there to preserve View constructors or preserve the classes that contain them.. look like they're there to preserve View constructors or preserve the classes that contain them that would only be called when..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations collected and that's a central mechanism for Android to preserve resources on the device. It is really a very very bad idea to..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard # Explicitly preserve all serialization members. The Serializable interface # is only..
Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle? cycle I frequently run into the problem that I have to preserve state between several invocations of an activity i.e. going.. support for doing that is really poor. As an easy way to preserve state I thought that since the class is only loaded once by..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application doesn't appear in many implementations. If you want to preserve the ratio of the elements you display keep f constant for both.. getWidth getHeight 2 as you noticed. Both solutions preserve the elements ratio. The focal and thus the angle of view will..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action google maps settings screen until user takes action I press..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context you hold outside the GL environment will still need to be preserved and restored manually however bitmaps game state etc for these.. Update Android 3.x provides a function to preserve the GL context on pause without needing to be recreated. However..
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved in launchMode &ldquo singleTask&rdquo activity stack not preserved My main activity A has as set android launchMode singleTask.. HOME BUTTON long to show my most recent apps it doesn't preserve my activity stack and returns straight to A instead of the expected..
How to blit() in android?
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions My app uses a WebView..
ANDROID: Parsing XML and then trigger certain events upon that. If you want to preserve the order of the elements in the XML file then you simply use..
<select> box not displaying on Android in PhoneGap Under body webkit perspective 800 webkit transform style preserve 3d Under body webkit backface visibility hidden webkit transform..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? to make Proguard leave library jars alone was to ask it to preserve their package names eg keep class javax. keep class org. keep..
Combine image and text to drawable 0 bm.getHeight 2 paint return new BitmapDrawable bm To preserve density you need this constructor BitmapDrawable Resources res..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? cookies when I make subsequent requests . It'd be nice to preserve any and all cookies but really the only one I care about is..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? onRestoreInstanceState mechanism in your activity to preserve the image URI and any other data upon the activity restarts...
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? code I am rounding up. Hope it helps. EDIT If you want to preserve the number of decimals when they are zero I guess it is just..
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View class public init android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet int These look like they're there to preserve View constructors or preserve the classes that contain them that would only be called when the class is referenced from.. android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet int These look like they're there to preserve View constructors or preserve the classes that contain them that would only be called when the class is referenced from XML. share improve this answer..
Android AsyncTask for Long Running Operations it can no longer be displayed. The activity can't be garbage collected and that's a central mechanism for Android to preserve resources on the device. It is really a very very bad idea to use AsyncTasks for long running operations. Nevertheless they..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard dontnote # Explicitly preserve all serialization members. The Serializable interface # is only a marker interface so it wouldn't save them. keepclassmembers..
Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle? in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create destroy cycle I frequently run into the problem that I have to preserve state between several invocations of an activity i.e. going through several onCreate onDelete cycles . Unfortunately Android's.. several onCreate onDelete cycles . Unfortunately Android's support for doing that is really poor. As an easy way to preserve state I thought that since the class is only loaded once by the class loader that it would be safe to store temporary data..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application α 90deg is used which means tan α 1 . That's why this term doesn't appear in many implementations. If you want to preserve the ratio of the elements you display keep f constant for both X and Y ie instead of calculating X x z w 2 tan α and Y y.. s . Note 2 Instead of using min w h 2 Appunta uses screenRatio getWidth getHeight 2 as you noticed. Both solutions preserve the elements ratio. The focal and thus the angle of view will simply be a bit different depending on the screen's own ratio...
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action google maps settings screen until user takes action I press a button and a dialog appears where the user selects if he..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context public void onResume myGlSurfaceView.onResume Anything you hold outside the GL environment will still need to be preserved and restored manually however bitmaps game state etc for these you'll need to use static fields or a mechanism like SharedPreferences... you'll need to use static fields or a mechanism like SharedPreferences. Update Android 3.x provides a function to preserve the GL context on pause without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x features are not..
Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved bug in launchMode &ldquo singleTask&rdquo activity stack not preserved My main activity A has as set android launchMode singleTask in the manifest. Now whenever I start another activity from.. to my app either via pressing the app's button or pressing the HOME BUTTON long to show my most recent apps it doesn't preserve my activity stack and returns straight to A instead of the expected activity B . Here the two behaviors Expected A B HOME..
How to blit() in android?
WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions? how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions My app uses a WebView and users sometimes adjust the zoom level to make the text..
ANDROID: Parsing XML you do is basically check for the occurrence of certain tags and then trigger certain events upon that. If you want to preserve the order of the elements in the XML file then you simply use a LinkedHashMap instead of a HashMap . I hope it helps. share..
<select> box not displaying on Android in PhoneGap To fix it just comment out these 4 lines in jqtouch.css Under body webkit perspective 800 webkit transform style preserve 3d Under body webkit backface visibility hidden webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 rotate 0 scale 1 share improve this..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it?
Combine image and text to drawable 20 Canvas canvas new Canvas bm canvas.drawText text 0 bm.getHeight 2 paint return new BitmapDrawable bm To preserve density you need this constructor BitmapDrawable Resources res Bitmap bitmap So keeping your context last return should..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? eg. storing cookies sent by the server and sending those cookies when I make subsequent requests . It'd be nice to preserve any and all cookies but really the only one I care about is the session cookie. With it appears that the preferred..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? and re created afterwards. You should use onSaveInstanceState onRestoreInstanceState mechanism in your activity to preserve the image URI and any other data upon the activity restarts. Like this @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState Bundle..
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? need to decide if you want to round up or down. In my sample code I am rounding up. Hope it helps. EDIT If you want to preserve the number of decimals when they are zero I guess it is just for displaying to the user you just have to change the function..