android Programming Glossary: presume
Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection are working for the problem I'm having. On Android and I presume on iPhone if you tap and hold on text it highlights it and brings..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? Android nor VLC can play it. If I had to guess I would presume that I am screwing up something in reading from the pipe but..
How to create a stagefright plugin what is the problem. Postscript Based on your queries I presume you aren't familiar with Android sources. Please refer to androidxref..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) can display maps without any problem on Android 4.0 so I presume the problem should not be anything wrong with the settings or..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output data is one line of code. Now fetching the JSON which I presume you are doing from the aforementioned URL will be several lines..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? call .setPositiveButton ok null .create I presume I have to somehow get the context to be that of the dialler..
Android - Service wont stop? method public void releaseBind unbindService this So I presume that the unbinding is not my problem android service stop ..
Silent installation on Android devices that will optionally automatically refresh this setting. I presume this is very similar to what Google does in the kill switch...
How can I debug a seemingly hardware-dependent issue with my Android app without access to the hardware? work fine for me with over 1 000 active installs I have to presume that it works for most people . I recently got a bug report..
change application's starting activity - android can I set it as the default activity of my application I presume I could just change the name of the classes...but is there a..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? sheet to the iPhone Android phones and their ilk. So I presume that they Android devices must be target able by @media queries..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android text Toast.LENGTH_SHORT @littleFluffyKitty. I presume by default WebView touch events you mean when it brings up the..
Android phone orientation overview including compass is that A represents the world's coordinate system which I presume refers to the way locations on the planet are given as a latitude..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? app and inputting data into the database . So you can't presume to just restore the backupped data in place deleting the empty..
Updating app widget using AlarmManager the PendingIntent for the alarm Your code refers to what I presume are static data members on a Battery class but it is rather..
Android - basic gesture detection to implement something that recognizes a fling. I presume this is because it may span views If my activity implements..
Mobile Web - Disable long-touch/taphold text selection with the variations of user select but none of those are working for the problem I'm having. On Android and I presume on iPhone if you tap and hold on text it highlights it and brings up little flags to drag and select text. I need to disable..
Anyone Have MediaRecorder Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? gibberish as is the output from the first app. However neither Android nor VLC can play it. If I had to guess I would presume that I am screwing up something in reading from the pipe but I am not sure where specifically I am going wrong. Any suggestions..
How to create a stagefright plugin is successful. Else you will have to debug and find out what is the problem. Postscript Based on your queries I presume you aren't familiar with Android sources. Please refer to androidxref site to become familiar with AOSP distributions. Unless..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) desired on Android 4.0 device without any problem. Because it can display maps without any problem on Android 4.0 so I presume the problem should not be anything wrong with the settings or permissions of Google Maps V2. However when I try it on Android..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output I think that's the right word the JSON new JSONObject data is one line of code. Now fetching the JSON which I presume you are doing from the aforementioned URL will be several lines of code. Neither the parsing of the JSON nor the fetching..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? context .setTitle Call Blocked .setMessage Call Blocked reroute call .setPositiveButton ok null .create I presume I have to somehow get the context to be that of the dialler screen Can anyone offer any help and assistance or links to..
Android - Service wont stop? method unbind the Service. Here is the code for that method public void releaseBind unbindService this So I presume that the unbinding is not my problem android service stop share improve this question I am going to guess that your..
Silent installation on Android devices us the permission again. We are working on a future update that will optionally automatically refresh this setting. I presume this is very similar to what Google does in the kill switch. I am assuming that the kill switch is an application on my..
How can I debug a seemingly hardware-dependent issue with my Android app without access to the hardware? open source application on the Android market. It seems to work fine for me with over 1 000 active installs I have to presume that it works for most people . I recently got a bug report that indicated a problem for at least three users on Samsung..
change application's starting activity - android one with eclipse . 2 once I have a new activity created how can I set it as the default activity of my application I presume I could just change the name of the classes...but is there a more elegant way to handle that maybe within the AndroidManifest.xml..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? a popular client side technique for delivering a tailored style sheet to the iPhone Android phones and their ilk. So I presume that they Android devices must be target able by @media queries but as noted I'm unable to say with any certainty. To target..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android show_toast final String text Toast t Toast.makeText context text Toast.LENGTH_SHORT @littleFluffyKitty. I presume by default WebView touch events you mean when it brings up the zoom controls etc I didn't test that. I have found that implementing..
Android phone orientation overview including compass .. method figure So my understanding is that A represents the world's coordinate system which I presume refers to the way locations on the planet are given as a latitude longitude couple with an optional altitude . X is the..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? might happen just when the user has already started using the app and inputting data into the database . So you can't presume to just restore the backupped data in place deleting the empty or old data . You'll have to somehow join it in which for..
Updating app widget using AlarmManager an action string when you create the Intent that you put in the PendingIntent for the alarm Your code refers to what I presume are static data members on a Battery class but it is rather likely those are all empty null... or at least they would be..
Android - basic gesture detection View.OnClickListener . It seems infinitely more complicated to implement something that recognizes a fling. I presume this is because it may span views If my activity implements OnGestureListener I don't know how to set that as the gesture..