android Programming Glossary: presenting
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView be done in the ViewModel Model code. This can be done by presenting a behaviour enabled wrapper of the Model object rather than..
automatically update my activity to show which was written If anyone can help me by editing what i have done or by presenting a sample example it will be very helpfull Thank you very much..
Android Application Class Lifecycle system reclaim memory on devices that need it while still presenting a seamless illusion of multitasking to the end user. From the..
Android: Generate random color on click? in which I am programmaticly creating drawables and presenting them to the user. My goal is to click on said ImageView and..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android something like the left picture but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets like in the right one. Is there such a layout..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? to be added to the calls db @param presentation the number presenting rules set by the network for allowed payphone restricted or..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? Afaik there is no way to do this. So I created one presenting Graeme's Amazing Custom List View v2 I've created a custom view..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView binding instructions in mvx this type of redirection can be done in the ViewModel Model code. This can be done by presenting a behaviour enabled wrapper of the Model object rather than the Model object itself e.g. using a List ActiveArticle public..
automatically update my activity to show which was written automatically Autoupdate the activity or something like that. If anyone can help me by editing what i have done or by presenting a sample example it will be very helpfull Thank you very much The image of my application is here http a img199..
Android Application Class Lifecycle and recreated with the task stack intact this lets the system reclaim memory on devices that need it while still presenting a seamless illusion of multitasking to the end user. From the docs A background activity an activity that is not visible..
Android: Generate random color on click? Generate random color on click I have an ImageView in which I am programmaticly creating drawables and presenting them to the user. My goal is to click on said ImageView and change the drawable's color. How would I go about the random..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android true l.addView t mlp setContentView l lp yields something like the left picture but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets like in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination of layouts and parameters or do I have to..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? to get the ContentResolver @param number the phone number to be added to the calls db @param presentation the number presenting rules set by the network for allowed payphone restricted or unknown @param callType enumerated values for incoming outgoing..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? user interface mobile scrollview share improve this question Afaik there is no way to do this. So I created one presenting Graeme's Amazing Custom List View v2 I've created a custom view which performs overscroll for ListViews and for GridViews..