android Programming Glossary: preview
Android Camera without Preview up. This is a service and should take a picture without preview. This app will log the light density in some areas whatever... came across a bug thread about it. If you don't generate a preview the image will be black since android camera needs preview to.. preview the image will be black since android camera needs preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera.. displayed in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation.. that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object is a map. If I click on my button to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the application returns from the.. which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter..
File Upload in WebView this example wont work on 4 versions since it has an image preview feature if you want to make it work use a simple php upload..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? to turn on only the camera flash light not with camera preview programmatically in Android. I googled for it but the help i..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken IMAGE_CAPTURE based on the result we either set the preview or show a quick toast splash. if resultCode RESULT_OK This..
Android saving file to external storage
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor fixed in ADT 21. The fix is now available in ADT 21 Preview 9 posted a few minutes ago here https android surgery on the document to fix it. In short Get ADT 21 Preview 9 run Lint on your projects and look for any complaints about..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack wrap_content class com.fragment_test.FragmentControls Preview layout @layout details fragment FrameLayout android id @ id..
Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' using Gradle installation . 2 Delete these folders C Users youruser .AndroidStudioPreview C Users youruser .android C Users youruser .gradle 3 Reopen..
where is android studio layout preview Text button under the xml text editor Or you can use the Preview button in the upper right corner to add a preview window next..
Android Camera without Preview Camera without Preview I am writing an android 1.5 application which starts just after..
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything.. However I have the Preview within an Activity that has other elements in it and it does.. is there anyway to just change the orientation of the Preview And leave the rest of my Activity correctly displayed in Portrait..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity All 3 tabs work as expected w the exception of the Camera Preview Surface B . It is rotated 90 degrees. They only way to make..
Android camera rotate Defy OS Android 2.1 and I make an application with camera Preview. The problem is that the camera works fine on Samsung Galaxy..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card holder SurfaceView surface Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity.. Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main isPreviewRunning false fromOnResume false requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE..
switch back/front camera on fly void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try camera.setPreviewDisplay holder camera.startPreview catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. holder try camera.setPreviewDisplay holder camera.startPreview catch IOException e e.printStackTrace @Override public void.. if cameraId Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK params.setPreviewSize 1280 800 else params.setPreviewSize 640 480 camera.setParameters..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview Overlay on Android Camera Preview I'm using Camera API and invoking the camera. I want to display.. ApiDemos src com example android apis graphics CameraPreview . You can have your own layout over the preview area and add..
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key that will give me the clue I need. Edit 4 Moved key Preview question here as it's slightly off topic How do you disable.. @layout keyboard_popup_keyboard Implementing Key Preview Overlay The only solution I've been able to knock together to..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFrameRate 30 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange 15000 30000 mCamera.setParameters.. parameters.setPreviewFrameRate 30 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange 15000 30000 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.addCallbackBuffer.. new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder videoCaptureViewHolder is a SurfaceHolder..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? installation and in fact I can see it listed in the Widget Preview app and I can run it there and it seems fine but it doesn't..
Android :: Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview? Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview Is it possible to capture an image without showing the camera.. example for dummy surface view. public void takePictureNoPreview Context context open back facing camera by default Camera myCamera.. SurfaceView dummy new SurfaceView context myCamera.setPreviewDisplay dummy.getHolder myCamera.startPreview myCamera.takePicture..
Android Camera without Preview an android 1.5 application which starts just after boot up. This is a service and should take a picture without preview. This app will log the light density in some areas whatever. I was able to take a picture but the picture was black. After.. but the picture was black. After googling like crazy i came across a bug thread about it. If you don't generate a preview the image will be black since android camera needs preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and listener.. came across a bug thread about it. If you don't generate a preview the image will be black since android camera needs preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and listener but the onSurfaceCreated event never gets fired. I..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine surface.. of the Preview And leave the rest of my Activity correctly displayed in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue.. in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared to start out as a bug with certain hardware see here but can..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object the camera layout. The activity that gets launched for result is a map. If I click on my button to launch the image preview load an image off the SD card the application returns from the activity back to the listview activity to the result handler.. activity to the result handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am not sure how I can..
File Upload in WebView
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android I want to turn on only the camera flash light not with camera preview programmatically in Android. I googled for it but the help i found referred me to this page Does anyone have any links or..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode IMAGE_CAPTURE based on the result we either set the preview or show a quick toast splash. if resultCode RESULT_OK This is ##### ridiculous. Some versions of Android save to the MediaStore..
Android saving file to external storage
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor xml eclipse share improve this question This bug is finally fixed in ADT 21. The fix is now available in ADT 21 Preview 9 posted a few minutes ago here https android # c 44936 1 The reason you get weird visual artifacts.. error marker for this problem along with a quickfix to perform surgery on the document to fix it. In short Get ADT 21 Preview 9 run Lint on your projects and look for any complaints about files containing broken line endings and if it finds any apply..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content class com.fragment_test.FragmentControls Preview layout @layout details fragment FrameLayout android id @ id detailFragment android layout_width match_parent android layout_height..
Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' using Gradle installation docs current userguide userguide_single.html#installation . 2 Delete these folders C Users youruser .AndroidStudioPreview C Users youruser .android C Users youruser .gradle 3 Reopen Android Studio Now probably it will works There are a lot of..
where is android studio layout preview this question You should have a Design button next to the Text button under the xml text editor Or you can use the Preview button in the upper right corner to add a preview window next to the XML code UPDATE If you dont have it then do this View..
Android Camera without Preview Camera without Preview I am writing an android 1.5 application which starts just after boot up. This is a service and should take a picture without..
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine surface created surface set and the surface.. will set the picture straight setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE However I have the Preview within an Activity that has other elements in it and it does not make sense for my Activity to be displayed in landscape.. in landscape mode. Its disabled by default So I was wondering is there anyway to just change the orientation of the Preview And leave the rest of my Activity correctly displayed in Portrait mode Or anyway to rotate the preview so that it is displayed..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity Requirement is that the application runs in Portrait mode. All 3 tabs work as expected w the exception of the Camera Preview Surface B . It is rotated 90 degrees. They only way to make it correct is to set the app to landscape which throws all my..
Android camera rotate camera rotate I have a Motorola Defy OS Android 2.1 and I make an application with camera Preview. The problem is that the camera works fine on Samsung Galaxy S with Android 2.1 but on Motorola the camera is rotated with..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Camera object. Plus the image never gets saved. Code SurfaceHolder holder SurfaceView surface Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. never gets saved. Code SurfaceHolder holder SurfaceView surface Camera camera Boolean isPreviewRunning fromOnResume Preview mpreview Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main isPreviewRunning false fromOnResume false requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE surface SurfaceView findViewById
switch back/front camera on fly void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try camera.setPreviewDisplay holder camera.startPreview catch IOException e e.printStackTrace @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder.. holder @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder try camera.setPreviewDisplay holder camera.startPreview catch IOException e e.printStackTrace @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width.. cameraId Camera.Parameters params camera.getParameters if cameraId Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK params.setPreviewSize 1280 800 else params.setPreviewSize 640 480 camera.setParameters params private void stopCamera System.out.println stopCamera..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview Overlay on Android Camera Preview I'm using Camera API and invoking the camera. I want to display a header for branding on the top of the camera preview... taking picture yourself. Take a look at the Samples at samples ApiDemos src com example android apis graphics CameraPreview . You can have your own layout over the preview area and add your graphic to it. Sample link http
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key on the inbuilt keyboard If anyone knows where to find this perhaps that will give me the clue I need. Edit 4 Moved key Preview question here as it's slightly off topic How do you disable customise the Soft keyboard key preview window android android.. true android background #FF272727 android popupLayout @layout keyboard_popup_keyboard Implementing Key Preview Overlay The only solution I've been able to knock together to show key previews Without entirely rewriting the KeyboardView..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? I brief my code below. Camera mCamera Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFrameRate 30 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange 15000 30000 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte.. mCamera Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFrameRate 30 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange 15000 30000 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize dataBufferSize stands.. frame mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder videoCaptureViewHolder is a SurfaceHolder object mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer new..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? 4.0 emulator ran it from Eclipse it reported a successful installation and in fact I can see it listed in the Widget Preview app and I can run it there and it seems fine but it doesn't show up anywhere under Widgets I can't actually find it to drag..
Android :: Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview? Possible To Camera Capture Without A Preview Is it possible to capture an image without showing the camera preview i have a requirement that i should be able to capture.. device android share improve this question Here is the example for dummy surface view. public void takePictureNoPreview Context context open back facing camera by default Camera myCamera if myCamera null try set camera parameters.. if you want to ... here the unused surface view and holder SurfaceView dummy new SurfaceView context myCamera.setPreviewDisplay dummy.getHolder myCamera.startPreview myCamera.takePicture null null getJpegCallback finally myCamera.close ..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? KEEP THEM ON SCREEN SO TAKING THEIR AVERAGE. max maxR maxG maxB 3 DEVIDED BY 8 TO GET GRAPH OF THE SAME SIZE AS ITS IN PREVIEW max max 2.5 arrAllPoints NSMutableArray alloc init for int i 0 i 255 i ClsDrawPoint objPoint ClsDrawPoint alloc init objPoint.x..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? public void draw Canvas canvas super.draw canvas nothing gets drawn Paint p new Paint Color.RED canvas.drawText PREVIEW canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android camera surfaceview share improve this question SurfaceView probably..
camera.setParameters failed in android @Override public void draw Canvas canvas super.draw canvas Paint p new Paint Color.RED Log.d TAG draw canvas.drawText PREVIEW canvas.getWidth 2 canvas.getHeight 2 p android share improve this question It is failing because not all devices support..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails Math.abs size.height targetHeight return optimalSize public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera arg1 Debug.out PREVIEW FRAME byte pixels new byte use_size.width use_size.height 3 decodeYUV420SP pixels data use_size.width use_size.height renderer.bindCameraTexture.. e Log.d TAG Cannot start preview. e public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera arg1 Log.d CameraSurfaceView PREVIEW FRAME byte pixels new byte use_size.width use_size.height 3 decodeYUV420SP pixels data use_size.width use_size.height renderer.bindCameraTexture..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? out is that some devices need a SurfaceView to turn on the LED. SurfaceView preview SurfaceView findViewById SurfaceHolder mHolder preview.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder.. to reply but felt it was useful Somewhere in the XML of your current Content View you want SurfaceView android id @ id PREVIEW android layout_width 1dip android layout_height 1dip If you have it inside a RelativeLayout preferred you can also do alignParentLeft..