android Programming Glossary: premium
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android memory unnecessarily and on mobile devices memory is at a premium. The combination of all of the things above would leave your..
Android In-App Billing v3: “Can't perform operation: queryInventory” SoundsGlobals.IAB_SKU_PREMIUM we are premium do things else oops @Override protected void onDestroy if..
How to handle application upgrades from free to paid version while preserving any data Here is the context. I want to have a free version and a premium version of the same application. When people buy the application.. to be able to upgrade without losing their data i.e. the premium version should install over the free version. I want to use.. the same code base and just switch a setting to build the premium version. Andoid Market does not let me convert a free app to..
How can I use the paid version of my app as a “key” to the free version? AND ensure your free package signature matches installed premium package signature. Otherwise somebody would be able to install.. package name matching your paid package name and unlock premium this way. This post can help you to find your signature http..
How to create android spinner without down triangle on the right side of the widget the user has many items to input so screen space is at a premium. I want the look of the widget on the screen before the user..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 Services Division CN Thawte Premium Server CA emailAddress premium android ssl share improve this question..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android class to act as your LocationListener. In fact it'll burn up memory unnecessarily and on mobile devices memory is at a premium. The combination of all of the things above would leave your Activity looking something like this public class Whatever..
Android In-App Billing v3: “Can't perform operation: queryInventory” result Inventory inventory if result.isFailure if inventory.hasPurchase SoundsGlobals.IAB_SKU_PREMIUM we are premium do things else oops @Override protected void onDestroy if mHelper null mHelper.dispose mHelper null super.onDestroy..
How to handle application upgrades from free to paid version while preserving any data upgrades from free to paid version while preserving any data Here is the context. I want to have a free version and a premium version of the same application. When people buy the application I want them to be able to upgrade without losing their.. same application. When people buy the application I want them to be able to upgrade without losing their data i.e. the premium version should install over the free version. I want to use the same code base and just switch a setting to build the premium.. version should install over the free version. I want to use the same code base and just switch a setting to build the premium version. Andoid Market does not let me convert a free app to a paid app so the trivial option is not available. I am curious..
How can I use the paid version of my app as a “key” to the free version? Use PackageManager to ensure your paid package is installed. AND ensure your free package signature matches installed premium package signature. Otherwise somebody would be able to install unsigned app with package name matching your paid package.. Otherwise somebody would be able to install unsigned app with package name matching your paid package name and unlock premium this way. This post can help you to find your signature http questions 986627 detect if app was downloaded..
How to create android spinner without down triangle on the right side of the widget on the right side of the widget I have a screen where the user has many items to input so screen space is at a premium. I want the look of the widget on the screen before the user presses it to be similar to an EditText or the left portion..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 Cape L Cape Town O Thawte Consulting cc OU Certification Services Division CN Thawte Premium Server CA emailAddress premium android ssl share improve this question This thread was really helpful when I debugged a similar..