android Programming Glossary: preinstalled
Android Emulator vs Real Device limitations Pre installed software. Real device can have preinstalled a lot more applications than emulator. You cannot use capture..
How to set mobile system time and date in android? checks proper permissions. This is the way the internal preinstalled Settings App works. It just runs under the system user account...
How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run CATEGORY_LAUNCHER and this only shows application that are preinstalled or can run the ACTION_MAIN Intent type. I also know I can use..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? I'm developing an application that will most likely be preinstalled on devices. It will be also available on Google Play. Is there..
Why are these permissions being refused? two can be obtained only by applications which are system preinstalled in the device's firmware or which are signed with the platform..
display huge Images in Android as pdf fails because not every handheld got a pdf viewer preinstalled and I don't want to require the users to install one. So I have..
Android: How to get a list of installed activities, as they appear in launcher, without duplicates many apps that i want to have including Maps and other preinstalled apps. I've tried using PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY flag..
Android Emulator vs Real Device android share improve this question I am aware of these limitations Pre installed software. Real device can have preinstalled a lot more applications than emulator. You cannot use capture photo video functions in emulator. According to emulator documentation..
How to set mobile system time and date in android? permissions do not matter there's no entity involved which checks proper permissions. This is the way the internal preinstalled Settings App works. It just runs under the system user account. For all the other kids in town there's the alarm manager...
How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run Intent intent new Intent ACTION_MAIN intent.addCategory CATEGORY_LAUNCHER and this only shows application that are preinstalled or can run the ACTION_MAIN Intent type. I also know I can use PackageManager to get all the installed applications but how..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? there a way to automatically update application on Android I'm developing an application that will most likely be preinstalled on devices. It will be also available on Google Play. Is there a way to update those instances that are not downloaded through..
Why are these permissions being refused? first two groups can be granted to any application. The last two can be obtained only by applications which are system preinstalled in the device's firmware or which are signed with the platform key i.e. the same key that was used to sign the firmware...
display huge Images in Android large Images in Android. My first solution to supply them as pdf fails because not every handheld got a pdf viewer preinstalled and I don't want to require the users to install one. So I have a png now width 3998px height 2827px that I want to display...
Android: How to get a list of installed activities, as they appear in launcher, without duplicates apps through ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM but this removes many apps that i want to have including Maps and other preinstalled apps. I've tried using PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY flag when executing queryIntentActivities but this also filters..