android Programming Glossary: mediacodec
Android sdk cut/trim video file On Android 4.1 you can access the hardware codecs via MediaCodec API which could be an option but I haven't seen any example..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec I'm trying to get this to work on Android 4.1 using an upgraded.. on encoder's side . public class AvcEncoder private MediaCodec mediaCodec private BufferedOutputStream outputStream public.. initialized catch Exception e e.printStackTrace mediaCodec MediaCodec.createEncoderByType video avc MediaFormat mediaFormat MediaFormat.createVideoFormat..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match and Camera colorspaces don't match I have been trying to get.. by the camera on an Android tablet using the new low level MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this since the.. I have gone through some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework entry for a H.264 decoder could be as below. Decoders MediaCodec name OMX.ABC.XYZ.H264.DECODER type video avc Quirk name requires.. input ports Quirk name requires allocate on output ports MediaCodec MediaCodec name type video avc Where.. Quirk name requires allocate on output ports MediaCodec MediaCodec name type video avc Where a. OMX.ABC.XYZ.H264.Decoder..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video MediaCodec to save series of images as Video I am trying to use MediaCodec.. to save series of images as Video I am trying to use MediaCodec to save a series of Images saved as Byte Arrays in a file to.. I can see them fine. I have looked at many examples using MediaCodec and here is what I understand please correct me if I am wrong..
Android sdk cut/trim video file
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec I'm trying to get this to work on Android 4.1 using an upgraded Asus Transformer tablet . Thanks to Alex's response to.. the color space looks incorrect atm using the camera's default on encoder's side . public class AvcEncoder private MediaCodec mediaCodec private BufferedOutputStream outputStream public AvcEncoder File f new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. new FileOutputStream f Log.i AvcEncoder outputStream initialized catch Exception e e.printStackTrace mediaCodec MediaCodec.createEncoderByType video avc MediaFormat mediaFormat MediaFormat.createVideoFormat video avc 320 240 mediaFormat.setInteger..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match and Camera colorspaces don't match I have been trying to get H264 encoding to work with input captured by the camera on.. trying to get H264 encoding to work with input captured by the camera on an Android tablet using the new low level MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something.. on an Android tablet using the new low level MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting up the camera as follows Camera.Parameters..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework listed as the first entry for the specific MIME type. An example entry for a H.264 decoder could be as below. Decoders MediaCodec name OMX.ABC.XYZ.H264.DECODER type video avc Quirk name requires allocate on input ports Quirk name requires allocate on.. type video avc Quirk name requires allocate on input ports Quirk name requires allocate on output ports MediaCodec MediaCodec name type video avc Where a. OMX.ABC.XYZ.H264.Decoder is the name of your component b... type video avc Quirk name requires allocate on input ports Quirk name requires allocate on output ports MediaCodec MediaCodec name type video avc Where a. OMX.ABC.XYZ.H264.Decoder is the name of your component b. video avc..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video MediaCodec to save series of images as Video I am trying to use MediaCodec to save a series of Images saved as Byte Arrays in a file.. MediaCodec to save series of images as Video I am trying to use MediaCodec to save a series of Images saved as Byte Arrays in a file to a video file. I have tested these images on a SurfaceView playing.. these images on a SurfaceView playing them in series and I can see them fine. I have looked at many examples using MediaCodec and here is what I understand please correct me if I am wrong Get InputBuffers from MediaCodec object fill it with your..