android Programming Glossary: me.getrawy
How to make Drag & Drop Button in Android Dragging tv.setPadding int me.getRawX int me.getRawY 0 0 b.setPadding 0 50 0 0 tv.invalidate return false .. v.getWidth v.getHeight int me.getRawX v.getWidth 2 int me.getRawY v.getHeight v.setLayoutParams params return true v is the..
Crop image ala Google Goggles START_DRAGGING true myView.selectCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY selecst nearest corner if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE.. TAG ACTION_MOVE myView.moveCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY move selected corner continuously if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP.. START_DRAGGING false myView.moveCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY final selected corner move return false share improve this..
Android Drag and drop of button Log.v Drag and drop me.getRawX and Y me.getRawX me.getRawY Log.v Drag and drop image position image.getLeft image.getRight.. image.getRight btn.setPadding int me.getRawX int me.getRawY 0 0 this is not working fine. btn.invalidate return false I.. 50 50 layoutParams.setMargins int me.getRawX 25 int me.getRawY 50 0 0 layout.removeView btn layout.addView btn layoutParams..
How to make Drag & Drop Button in Android if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE if status 0 System.out.println Dragging tv.setPadding int me.getRawX int me.getRawY 0 0 b.setPadding 0 50 0 0 tv.invalidate return false android drag drop share improve this question I am working.. MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE LayoutParams params new LayoutParams v.getWidth v.getHeight int me.getRawX v.getWidth 2 int me.getRawY v.getHeight v.setLayoutParams params return true v is the view that you are wanting to move in your case it you'd replace..
Crop image ala Google Goggles SETTING_ROI true if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN START_DRAGGING true myView.selectCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY selecst nearest corner if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Log.d TAG ACTION_MOVE myView.moveCorner int me.getRawX.. nearest corner if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Log.d TAG ACTION_MOVE myView.moveCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY move selected corner continuously if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if START_DRAGGING true START_DRAGGING false myView.moveCorner..
Android Drag and drop of button if status START_DRAGGING System.out.println Dragging Log.v Drag and drop me.getRawX and Y me.getRawX me.getRawY Log.v Drag and drop image position image.getLeft image.getRight btn.setPadding int me.getRawX int me.getRawY 0 0 this.. me.getRawY Log.v Drag and drop image position image.getLeft image.getRight btn.setPadding int me.getRawX int me.getRawY 0 0 this is not working fine. btn.invalidate return false I think btn.setPadding is not working correctly please suggest.. layoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 50 50 layoutParams.setMargins int me.getRawX 25 int me.getRawY 50 0 0 layout.removeView btn layout.addView btn layoutParams btn.invalidate return false Now its working fine. share improve..