android Programming Glossary: mdrawerlayout
Set drag margin for Android Navigation Drawer Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger.. findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger mRightDragger for right.. ViewDragHelper draggerObj ViewDragHelper mDragger .get mDrawerLayout Field mEdgeSize draggerObj.getClass .getDeclaredField mEdgeSize..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout.. DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when.. that overlays the main content when the drawer opens mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow R.drawable.drawer_shadow GravityCompat.START..
Set drag margin for Android Navigation Drawer android navigation drawer share improve this question Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger mRightDragger.. a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger mRightDragger for right obviously mDragger.setAccessible true ViewDragHelper draggerObj.. mRightDragger for right obviously mDragger.setAccessible true ViewDragHelper draggerObj ViewDragHelper mDragger .get mDrawerLayout Field mEdgeSize draggerObj.getClass .getDeclaredField mEdgeSize mEdgeSize.setAccessible true int edge mEdgeSize.getInt draggerObj..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets layout it will return null. So there is not need to have an extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when.. extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when the drawer opens mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow R.drawable.drawer_shadow.. if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when the drawer opens mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow R.drawable.drawer_shadow GravityCompat.START Enable ActionBar app icon to behave as action to toggle nav..