android Programming Glossary: mdrawpoint
Android FingerPaint sample does not draw dot? you will need to change 3 things Have a private boolean mDrawPoint in the MyView class to differentiate between a tap and a slide... class to differentiate between a tap and a slide. Set mDrawPoint to true in touch_start and to false in touch_move if the path.. is in the if statement . In touch_up check the value of mDrawPoint . If it is false do what the function did before and if it is..
Android FingerPaint sample does not draw dot? y Paint paint in the class Canvas. To use it in the API demo you will need to change 3 things Have a private boolean mDrawPoint in the MyView class to differentiate between a tap and a slide. Set mDrawPoint to true in touch_start and to false in touch_move.. change 3 things Have a private boolean mDrawPoint in the MyView class to differentiate between a tap and a slide. Set mDrawPoint to true in touch_start and to false in touch_move if the path is changed that is in the if statement . In touch_up check.. and to false in touch_move if the path is changed that is in the if statement . In touch_up check the value of mDrawPoint . If it is false do what the function did before and if it is true then draw the point on the canvas mCanvas.drawPoint mX..