android Programming Glossary: measured
Augmented reality - Image size transform 45 degrees to the right. Please note that none of this is measured or purely scientific but for making augmented reality certain..
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? like I was using above will cause all child View s to be measured which will cause further CPU time. This measurement will cause..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen parameters Screen size the physical size of the display measured diagonally Screen density the physical pixel density of the..
Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points is the point at the center of the screen. theta is measured counter clockwise from the x axis. Then delta_x touch_x center_x..
How is location accuracy measured in Android? is location accuracy measured in Android Does anyone know the proper interpretation of the.. chance that the true location is within that radius of the measured point. Assuming that errors are normally distributed which as..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 that time limit on user written scripts . However when I measured the timing of the download interrupts I saw that the interrupt..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen bar and that doesn't seem to be an elegant sollution. The measured size isn't really to be trusted I'm not doing a complete restart.. int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max.. heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? layout just prior to drawing it i.e. everything has been measured already and from here you can get the scaled measurements from..
Store orientation to an array - and compare the following 2 arrays Array 1 5 3 1 Array 2 1 3 5 8 8 We measured 2 4 6 7 . Which array is the most similar to the newly measured.. 2 4 6 7 . Which array is the most similar to the newly measured Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured.. Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured and the first is not. Let's compute the cost matrices according..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp normal physical units in mm pt are all the same size. I measured it with a ruler and the 160 dp bar is about 1mm larger than..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) a real time voice communication. Using specialized tools I measured the delay of waveout path. Best results were over 100 ms most..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? the grid row int rowIndex mPosition mNumColumns Get the measured height for this layout int measuredHeight getMeasuredHeight.. mNumColumns Get the measured height for this layout int measuredHeight getMeasuredHeight If the current height is larger than.. is larger than previous measurements update the array if measuredHeight mMaxRowHeight rowIndex mMaxRowHeight rowIndex measuredHeight..
Check the bandwidth rate in Android if wifiInfo null Integer linkSpeed wifiInfo.getLinkSpeed measured using WifiInfo.LINK_SPEED_UNITS share improve this answer..
Android animate drop down/up view proper height So in order to get this to work for wrap_content I measured the height of the view before I start the animation and then.. of the view before I start the animation and then use this measured height as the actual height. Bellow is code for measuring height..
Why are nested weights bad for performance? Alternatives? performance because Layout weights require a widget to be measured twice. When a LinearLayout with non zero weights is nested inside..
Augmented reality - Image size transform out at a right angle triangle 45 degrees to the left and 45 degrees to the right. Please note that none of this is measured or purely scientific but for making augmented reality certain assumptions can make processing a lot easier. Step 2 The Benefit..
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? turns out to be related to wrap_content . Using wrap_content like I was using above will cause all child View s to be measured which will cause further CPU time. This measurement will cause your getView ... to be called. I've now tested this and the..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen generalises device displays into categories based on two parameters Screen size the physical size of the display measured diagonally Screen density the physical pixel density of the display in pixels per inch or ppi ` To determine screen size..
Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points touch_y is the point selected by the user. center_x center_y is the point at the center of the screen. theta is measured counter clockwise from the x axis. Then delta_x touch_x center_x delta_y touch_y center_y theta_radians atan2 delta_y delta_x..
How is location accuracy measured in Android? is location accuracy measured in Android Does anyone know the proper interpretation of the accuracy measurements returned by getAccuracy For instance.. is the radius of 68 confidence meaning that there is a 68 chance that the true location is within that radius of the measured point. Assuming that errors are normally distributed which as the docs say is not necessarily true that means that this..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 was due to a 100 second timeout limit because Yahoo enforces that time limit on user written scripts . However when I measured the timing of the download interrupts I saw that the interrupt timing varies a lot sometimes the download runs uninterrupted..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen but you have to 'guess' the size of the notification bar and that doesn't seem to be an elegant sollution. The measured size isn't really to be trusted I'm not doing a complete restart on orientation change for speed but the way the screen.. int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth int height Math.max.. widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth int height Math.max measuredHeight getSuggestedMinimumHeight..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView?
Store orientation to an array - and compare example with 1D arrays. In the database we already have the following 2 arrays Array 1 5 3 1 Array 2 1 3 5 8 8 We measured 2 4 6 7 . Which array is the most similar to the newly measured Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured.. following 2 arrays Array 1 5 3 1 Array 2 1 3 5 8 8 We measured 2 4 6 7 . Which array is the most similar to the newly measured Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured and the first is not. Let's compute the cost matrices according.. 2 4 6 7 . Which array is the most similar to the newly measured Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured and the first is not. Let's compute the cost matrices according to this paper subsection 2.1 D i j Dist i j MIN D i 1 j..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp On the Nexus S 160dp is slightly larger than 1 inch. All the normal physical units in mm pt are all the same size. I measured it with a ruler and the 160 dp bar is about 1mm larger than it should. While the physical units are 1mm shorter than they..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) phones to see how I can get best possible latency for a real time voice communication. Using specialized tools I measured the delay of waveout path. Best results were over 100 ms most phones were in 180ms range. Anybody have ideas android android..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? null return Get the current view cell index for the grid row int rowIndex mPosition mNumColumns Get the measured height for this layout int measuredHeight getMeasuredHeight If the current height is larger than previous measurements update.. view cell index for the grid row int rowIndex mPosition mNumColumns Get the measured height for this layout int measuredHeight getMeasuredHeight If the current height is larger than previous measurements update the array if measuredHeight mMaxRowHeight.. int measuredHeight getMeasuredHeight If the current height is larger than previous measurements update the array if measuredHeight mMaxRowHeight rowIndex mMaxRowHeight rowIndex measuredHeight Update the dimensions of the layout to reflect the..
Check the bandwidth rate in Android
Android animate drop down/up view proper text @string hello LinearLayout Edit Measure wrap_content height So in order to get this to work for wrap_content I measured the height of the view before I start the animation and then use this measured height as the actual height. Bellow is code.. to get this to work for wrap_content I measured the height of the view before I start the animation and then use this measured height as the actual height. Bellow is code for measuring height of the view and set this as the new height I assume the..
Why are nested weights bad for performance? Alternatives? share improve this question Nested weights are bad for performance because Layout weights require a widget to be measured twice. When a LinearLayout with non zero weights is nested inside another LinearLayout with non zero weights then the number..