android Programming Glossary: mediaplayerservice
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? D MediaPlayer 30916 setDataSource FileDescriptor fd in E MediaPlayerService 28138 offset error That offset error comes from the following.. error That offset error comes from the following lines in MediaPlayerService.cpp in AOSP where it does a fstat on the read side of the pipe.. it does a fstat on the read side of the pipe status_t MediaPlayerService Client setDataSource int fd int64_t offset int64_t length struct..
How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android player.start I get this error 04 11 17 15 27.638 ERROR MediaPlayerService 30 Couldn't open fd for content settings system ringtone So....
audio and video recording errors in android handle try another component if available ERROR MediaPlayerService 31 error 2 ERROR MediaPlayer 31 Unable to to create media player.. 31 Failed to load CameraService sounds. ERROR MediaPlayerService 31 error 2 ERROR MediaPlayer 31 Unable to to create media player..
Basic streaming audio works in 2.1 but not in 2.2 ... E HTTPDataSource 65 retrying connection failed V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage.. connect ... W HTTPStream 65 Returned from connect ... V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage.. E HTTPStream 65 recv failed errno 9 Bad file number V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd trying to create the MediaPLayer 05 24 16 25 39.360 ERROR MediaPlayerService 88 offset error 05 24 16 25 39.360 ERROR MediaPlayer 11895 Unable..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” run out of space so create the thumbnail in memory. I MediaPlayerService 2182 Use PV_PLAYER for url sdcard DCIM Camera video 2011 10.. InputConnection I copybit 2227 createPP fimc version 50 I MediaPlayerService 2182 Use PV_PLAYER for url DCIM Camera video 2011 10 17 10 40..
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? clip.ogg Map String String headers in D MediaPlayer 30916 setDataSource FileDescriptor fd in E MediaPlayerService 28138 offset error That offset error comes from the following lines in MediaPlayerService.cpp in AOSP where it does a fstat.. FileDescriptor fd in E MediaPlayerService 28138 offset error That offset error comes from the following lines in MediaPlayerService.cpp in AOSP where it does a fstat on the read side of the pipe status_t MediaPlayerService Client setDataSource int fd int64_t.. from the following lines in MediaPlayerService.cpp in AOSP where it does a fstat on the read side of the pipe status_t MediaPlayerService Client setDataSource int fd int64_t offset int64_t length struct stat sb int ret fstat fd sb .... if offset sb.st_size LOGE..
How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android player.setLooping true player.prepare player.start I get this error 04 11 17 15 27.638 ERROR MediaPlayerService 30 Couldn't open fd for content settings system ringtone So.. please if somebody knows how to play a default ringtone alarm..
audio and video recording errors in android PVMFOMXEncNode Video_AVC DoPrepare Cannot get component OMX.PV.avcenc handle try another component if available ERROR MediaPlayerService 31 error 2 ERROR MediaPlayer 31 Unable to to create media player ERROR CameraService 31 Failed to load CameraService sounds... MediaPlayer 31 Unable to to create media player ERROR CameraService 31 Failed to load CameraService sounds. ERROR MediaPlayerService 31 error 2 ERROR MediaPlayer 31 Unable to to create media player ERROR CameraService 31 Failed to load CameraService sounds...
Basic streaming audio works in 2.1 but not in 2.2 ResetAOLC W HTTPStream 65 Returned from connect ... E HTTPDataSource 65 retrying connection failed V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage what 4 I Prefetcher 65 0x3db60 cache below low water.. below low water mark filling cache. W HTTPStream 65 Calling connect ... W HTTPStream 65 Returned from connect ... V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage what 4 I Prefetcher 65 0x3db60 cache below low water.. Prefetcher 65 0x3db60 cache below low water mark filling cache. E HTTPStream 65 recv failed errno 9 Bad file number V MediaPlayerService 65 2 notify 0x355d0 4 0 0 I MediaPlayer 1719 MediaPlayer handleMessage what 4 I Prefetcher 65 0x3db60 cache below low water..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd End from I receive the following error when trying to create the MediaPLayer 05 24 16 25 39.360 ERROR MediaPlayerService 88 offset error 05 24 16 25 39.360 ERROR MediaPlayer 11895 Unable to to create media player 05 24 16 25 39.360 WARN System.err..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 V MediaStore 3326 We probably run out of space so create the thumbnail in memory. I MediaPlayerService 2182 Use PV_PLAYER for url sdcard DCIM Camera video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 E MetadataDriver 2182 MetadataDriver setDataSource.. W IInputConnectionWrapper 3505 showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I copybit 2227 createPP fimc version 50 I MediaPlayerService 2182 Use PV_PLAYER for url DCIM Camera video 2011 10 17 10 40 54.mp4 D 2182 SISO TEST registering PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory..