android Programming Glossary: mediafile
camera app not working? mCamera null private static File getOutputMediaFile File mediaFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory video.mp4 return.. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory video.mp4 return mediaFile So please help me in solving this problem.. If I remove the..
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMdd_HHmmss .format new Date File mediaFile mediaFile new File mediaStorageDir.getPath File.separator IMG_.. yyyyMMdd_HHmmss .format new Date File mediaFile mediaFile new File mediaStorageDir.getPath File.separator IMG_ timeStamp.. File.separator IMG_ timeStamp .jpg return mediaFile public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView..
Streaming AAC audio with Android downloads the file and plays from the cache. private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn.. is cn.getInputStream create file to store audio mediaFile new File this.getCacheDir mediafile FileOutputStream fos new.. mediafile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream mediaFile byte buf new byte 16 1024 Log.i FileOutputStream Download write..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 e return private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setOnErrorListener.. here. FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE mediaFile is where the image will be saved intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT.. saved intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT Uri.fromFile mediaFile startActivityForResult intent 1 share improve this answer..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions piece of code private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example.. IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis.. playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer..
camera app not working? mCamera.release release the camera for other applications mCamera null private static File getOutputMediaFile File mediaFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory video.mp4 return mediaFile So please help me in solving this problem.... static File getOutputMediaFile File mediaFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory video.mp4 return mediaFile So please help me in solving this problem.. If I remove the method prepareVideoRecorder then it previews the camera properly....
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? return null Create a media file name String timeStamp new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMdd_HHmmss .format new Date File mediaFile mediaFile new File mediaStorageDir.getPath File.separator IMG_ timeStamp .jpg return mediaFile public.. null Create a media file name String timeStamp new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMdd_HHmmss .format new Date File mediaFile mediaFile new File mediaStorageDir.getPath File.separator IMG_ timeStamp .jpg return mediaFile public class CameraPreview.. .format new Date File mediaFile mediaFile new File mediaStorageDir.getPath File.separator IMG_ timeStamp .jpg return mediaFile public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback private SurfaceHolder..
Streaming AAC audio with Android AAC files in other containers such as MP4 3GP . It simply downloads the file and plays from the cache. private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream is cn.getInputStream.. try URLConnection cn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection InputStream is cn.getInputStream create file to store audio mediaFile new File this.getCacheDir mediafile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream mediaFile byte buf new byte 16 1024 Log.i.. create file to store audio mediaFile new File this.getCacheDir mediafile FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream mediaFile byte buf new byte 16 1024 Log.i FileOutputStream Download write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 e Log.e getClass .getName Error initializing the MediaPlayer. e return private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setOnErrorListener new MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener public.. to setDataSource . So unless otherwise noted we use a FileDescriptor here. FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Transfer buffered data to the MediaPlayer. NOTE Interacting..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices asked the intent I've used and how i started was like this Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE mediaFile is where the image will be saved intent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT Uri.fromFile mediaFile startActivityForResult intent..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions i am using the StreamingMediaPlayer class . Check this piece of code private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream.. private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD.. new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Current status 1 It works fine from Android 1.6 to 2.1 but..