android Programming Glossary: mdialog.dismiss
upload video to facebook in android Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mDialog.dismiss if msg.what 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image Posted..
android bluetooth can't connect data public void onEvent EventMessage.DeviceSelected event mDialog.dismiss BluetoothDevice device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread..
android View not attached to window manager public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute..
How do I show and then remove an android progress dialog
custom row in a listPreference? editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder private TextView text.. editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss The xml for my PreferenceActivity. This is not my full..
Cannot get ProgressDialog to stop after WebView has loaded
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mDialog.dismiss public JSONObject getJSON String url throws InterruptedException.. json And then use the json object inside this method mDialog.dismiss You'll have to override this method on your other tasks that..
upload video to facebook in android e e.printStackTrace .start private Handler mPostHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mDialog.dismiss if msg.what 0 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image Posted on Facebook. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if msg.what..
android bluetooth can't connect super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data public void onEvent EventMessage.DeviceSelected event mDialog.dismiss BluetoothDevice device event.getDevice ConnectThread connectThread new ConnectThread device connectThread.start public class..
android View not attached to window manager and then checking this in the AsyncTask before dismissing. @Override public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute mDialog mContext Saving changes... true..
How do I show and then remove an android progress dialog
custom row in a listPreference? int value Integer.valueOf String entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder private TextView text null private RadioButton rButton null CustomHolder View row.. int value Integer.valueOf String entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss The xml for my PreferenceActivity. This is not my full xml took out al my other preference items for simplicity...
Cannot get ProgressDialog to stop after WebView has loaded
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return retorno @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mDialog.dismiss public JSONObject getJSON String url throws InterruptedException ExecutionException Determina a URL setUrl url Executa.. JSONObject... JSONObject json createJSONObj result customMethod json And then use the json object inside this method mDialog.dismiss You'll have to override this method on your other tasks that extend from this one and use your JSONObject as needed public..