android Programming Glossary: mediaplayer
Android, How to manage start activity for result? this activity. Also during preparation of MediaRecorder or MediaPlayer if problem happens then I'll close this activity. If it device..
WebView and HTML5 <video> to get back to the web view. public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp Log.d TAG Video completo a.setContentView R.layout.main WebView..
How to play a video in a webview with android? View.VISIBLE @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mp.stop mCustomViewContainer.setVisibility View.GONE onHideCustomView.. mContentView @Override public boolean onError MediaPlayer mp int what int extra interfazWeb.setContentView R.layout.main..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” OnClickListener Runnable private SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection.. rawBinder .getService service that handles the MediaPlayer progress.setVisibility SeekBar.VISIBLE progress.setProgress..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android.. Android 2.1 but not in higher versions EDIT Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other.. in phone local temporary storage. i am using the StreamingMediaPlayer class . Check this piece of code private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other.. import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log.. public class SimpleMusicStream extends Activity implements MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener..
Android songs fetching from SD card on this . android filter hashmap android sdcard android mediaplayer share improve this question I once used MediaStore for my..
Android: Voice Recording and saving audio resultCode RESULT_OK android android intent android mediaplayer voice recognition android audiomanager share improve this..
Getting access to media player cache playback do not waste data and battery. android android mediaplayer share improve this question The comment on the original..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ to different types of clicks from the headset to alter the mediaplayer. This solution works fine for all versions prior to ICS. Here..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 V MediaPlayer 3921 disconnect android streaming android mediaplayer samsung mobile share improve this question The answer to..
Clickable widgets in android class a simple activity that when created would create a mediaplayer object and start it it wouldn't ever release the object so it..
Play audio file from the assets directory for handling this kind of problem. android audio android mediaplayer assets android assets share improve this question player.setDataSource..
Video Streaming and Android is to create a videoview in your layout and use the mediaplayer to stream video to it. Here's the videoview in xml VideoView..
Android: Mediaplayer: How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size Mediaplayer How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size I am playing local video file..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback downloading the file while the StreamProxy feeds it into mediaplayer . import import import..
Online radio streaming app for Android 2008 04 04 tutorial custom media streaming for androids mediaplayer but the problem I have is that it plays for several seconds..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? some way to just override the system volume in a single mediaplayer instance that would work too. android share improve this..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions Native Method android audio audio streaming android mediaplayer shoutcast share improve this question The StreamingMediaPlayer..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) find anything that applies to my project. android android mediaplayer share improve this question I think you should set an error..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String path . The prepare.. will immediately trigger error 1 2147483648 from the mediaplayer essentially a file permission error. SDK 9 introduced file.setReadable.. FileDescriptor fd does NOT have this problem and mediaplayer will successfully prepare the same exact file without a permission..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android 48 android android ndk surfaceview videoview android mediaplayer share improve this question You are not giving an awful..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video e @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mediaplayer Log.d TAG onPrepared called mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed true if..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background code would be helpful... MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file Button buttonPlay.. MediaPlayer mPlayer public void StartPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file TODO Auto generated..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] player but that resulted in system crashes... MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Tried passing path directly but kept getting.. instead FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream tempMp3 mediaPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start.. tempMp3 mediaPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start catch IOException ex String s ex.toString..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? String AUDIO_FILE_NAME audioFileName private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer private MediaController mediaController private String audioFile.. findViewById .setText audioFile mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener this mediaController.. .setText audioFile mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener this mediaController new MediaController..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 final Handler handler new Handler private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer private File downloadingMediaFile private boolean isInterrupted.. private boolean validateNotInterrupted if isInterrupted if mediaPlayer null mediaPlayer.pause mediaPlayer.release return false else.. if isInterrupted if mediaPlayer null mediaPlayer.pause mediaPlayer.release return false else return true Test..
Android MediaPlayer error codes? is what do the error codes 1 26 mean What is causing my mediaPlayer to crash Is the 2.1 problem at all related to the 2.2 problem..
null pointer exception : println needs a message in android but i do not know the reason .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax.. .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration.. mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener..
SurfaceView height + width gets ignored import android.view.SurfaceView public class mediaPlayer extends Activity implements OnBufferingUpdateListener OnCompletionListener..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) and am setting up the Media Player like MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer try mediaPlayer.setDataSource URL catch IllegalArgumentException.. Player like MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer try mediaPlayer.setDataSource URL catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace try mediaPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch..
Modifying FileInputStream for mediaPlayer setDataSource FileInputStream for mediaPlayer setDataSource I'm trying to modify extend the FileInputStream.. stream. I tried overriding all the read methods but the mediaPlayer doesn't seem to use them. Any suggestions android media player..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? as does it have camera if it doesn't have then I'll close this activity. Also during preparation of MediaRecorder or MediaPlayer if problem happens then I'll close this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording..
WebView and HTML5 <video> the onCompletion and the onError events for the video in order to get back to the web view. public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp Log.d TAG Video completo a.setContentView R.layout.main WebView wb WebView a.findViewById a.initWebView..
How to play a video in a webview with android? Show the content view. mContentView.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mp.stop mCustomViewContainer.setVisibility View.GONE onHideCustomView interfazWeb.setContentView mContentView @Override.. View.GONE onHideCustomView interfazWeb.setContentView mContentView @Override public boolean onError MediaPlayer mp int what int extra interfazWeb.setContentView R.layout.main return true So this code is much inspired on the android..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” like this public class Song extends Activity implements OnClickListener Runnable private SeekBar progress private MediaPlayer mp ... private ServiceConnection onService new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className.. className IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder rawBinder .getService service that handles the MediaPlayer progress.setVisibility SeekBar.VISIBLE progress.setProgress 0 mp appService.getMP appService.playSong title progress.setMax..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions EDIT Android 2.2 MediaPlayer.. works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions EDIT Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one I need to play audio files from external URLs shoutcast.. incrementally are played as soon as we get enough audio in phone local temporary storage. i am using the StreamingMediaPlayer class . Check this piece of code private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one Please see the code i am using for streaming shoutcast.. someOtherURL import import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.Button.. import android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class SimpleMusicStream extends Activity implements MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener private..
Android songs fetching from SD card .mp3 name.endsWith .MP3 Please give your comments on this . android filter hashmap android sdcard android mediaplayer share improve this question I once used MediaStore for my music application this is a very more efficient and correct..
Android: Voice Recording and saving audio int resultCode Intent data if requestCode VOICE_REQUEST resultCode RESULT_OK android android intent android mediaplayer voice recognition android audiomanager share improve this question There is an example of how to do audio capture using..
Getting access to media player cache move a fully streamed file to external storage so that future playback do not waste data and battery. android android mediaplayer share improve this question The comment on the original post points you in the right direction but I thought it may..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ from the headset as well as bluetooth eventually to respond to different types of clicks from the headset to alter the mediaplayer. This solution works fine for all versions prior to ICS. Here is some of the code and things I have tried .... private BroadcastReceiver..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 16 26 57.935 V MediaPlayer 3921 destructor 05 21 16 26 57.935 V MediaPlayer 3921 disconnect android streaming android mediaplayer samsung mobile share improve this question The answer to this question turned out to be an issue on Android firmware..
Clickable widgets in android for the ExampleActivity class. So I made my sample activity class a simple activity that when created would create a mediaplayer object and start it it wouldn't ever release the object so it would eventually crash here is it's code @Override public..
Play audio file from the assets directory parameter for setDataSource . I can't find a good guideline for handling this kind of problem. android audio android mediaplayer assets android assets share improve this question player.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength..
Video Streaming and Android want to create a view yourself and stream video to it one approach is to create a videoview in your layout and use the mediaplayer to stream video to it. Here's the videoview in xml VideoView android id @ id your_video_view android layout_width wrap_content..
Android: Mediaplayer: How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size Mediaplayer How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size I am playing local video file using MediaPlayer and SurfaceView. SurfaceView is the only..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback this way works around that restriction i.e. I have a thread downloading the file while the StreamProxy feeds it into mediaplayer . import import import import import..
Online radio streaming app for Android them work using the tutorial in http 2008 04 04 tutorial custom media streaming for androids mediaplayer but the problem I have is that it plays for several seconds and then stops it keeps loading but does not restart the streaming..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? it cedes control of the volume to the user but if there were some way to just override the system volume in a single mediaplayer instance that would work too. android share improve this question Got another suggestion via Google Groups that is..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions 597 dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method android audio audio streaming android mediaplayer shoutcast share improve this question The StreamingMediaPlayer class is using a double buffering technique to get around..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) I've read a little about these state errors but couldn't find anything that applies to my project. android android mediaplayer share improve this question I think you should set an error listener using setOnErrorListener to see if you get any..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? saved. For example if I write a file using new RandomAccessFile filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String path . The prepare will immediately trigger error 1 2147483648 from the mediaplayer.. if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String path . The prepare will immediately trigger error 1 2147483648 from the mediaplayer essentially a file permission error. SDK 9 introduced file.setReadable boolean readable boolean ownerOnly which would presumably..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android D SEC_Overlay 2689 overlay_createOverlay IN w 128 h 96 format 48 android android ndk surfaceview videoview android mediaplayer share improve this question You are not giving an awful lot of specifics on what exactly you have tried and what the..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video catch Exception e Log.e TAG error e.getMessage e @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mediaplayer Log.d TAG onPrepared called mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed true if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed mMediaPlayer.start @Override public..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background Please someone help me its much needed any suggestion sample code would be helpful... MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file Button buttonPlay Button buttonStop buttonPlay Button findViewById left from the app so u can stop it. GlobalPlayer.class public MediaPlayer mPlayer public void StartPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file TODO Auto generated method stub mPlayer MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] mp3SoundByteArray fos.close Tried reusing instance of media player but that resulted in system crashes... MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer Tried passing path directly but kept getting Prepare failed. status 0x1 so using file descriptor instead.. getting Prepare failed. status 0x1 so using file descriptor instead FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream tempMp3 mediaPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start catch IOException ex String s ex.toString ex.printStackTrace..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? static final String TAG AudioPlayer public static final String AUDIO_FILE_NAME audioFileName private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer private MediaController mediaController private String audioFile private Handler handler new Handler public void onCreate.. this.getIntent .getStringExtra AUDIO_FILE_NAME TextView findViewById .setText audioFile mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener this mediaController new MediaController this try mediaPlayer.setDataSource.. AUDIO_FILE_NAME TextView findViewById .setText audioFile mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener this mediaController new MediaController this try mediaPlayer.setDataSource audioFile mediaPlayer.prepare..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 Handler to call View updates on the main UI thread. private final Handler handler new Handler private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer private File downloadingMediaFile private boolean isInterrupted private Context context private int counter 0 public StreamingMediaPlayer.. stream.close if validateNotInterrupted fireDataFullyLoaded private boolean validateNotInterrupted if isInterrupted if mediaPlayer null mediaPlayer.pause mediaPlayer.release return false else return true Test whether we need to transfer buffered data.. validateNotInterrupted fireDataFullyLoaded private boolean validateNotInterrupted if isInterrupted if mediaPlayer null mediaPlayer.pause mediaPlayer.release return false else return true Test whether we need to transfer buffered data to the MediaPlayer...
Android MediaPlayer error codes? 82 Invalid percentage value big growing number My question is what do the error codes 1 26 mean What is causing my mediaPlayer to crash Is the 2.1 problem at all related to the 2.2 problem Thanks Nathan Edit I was looking in the source code to OnInfoListener..
null pointer exception : println needs a message in android println needs a message e in android. i tried long time but i do not know the reason .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start.. e in android. i tried long time but i do not know the reason .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener.. the reason .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener this catch Exception ex Log.e sdcard..
SurfaceView height + width gets ignored import android.util.Log import android.view.SurfaceHolder import android.view.SurfaceView public class mediaPlayer extends Activity implements OnBufferingUpdateListener OnCompletionListener OnPreparedListener OnVideoSizeChangedListener..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) streams an internet radio station. I have the URL for the station and am setting up the Media Player like MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer try mediaPlayer.setDataSource URL catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace catch SecurityException.. I have the URL for the station and am setting up the Media Player like MediaPlayer mediaPlayer new MediaPlayer try mediaPlayer.setDataSource URL catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace catch SecurityException e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException.. e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace try mediaPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mediaPlayer.start The program..
Modifying FileInputStream for mediaPlayer setDataSource FileInputStream for mediaPlayer setDataSource I'm trying to modify extend the FileInputStream class so that I can open an encrypted file and use the stream.. method should be overridden to do the decryption inside the stream. I tried overriding all the read methods but the mediaPlayer doesn't seem to use them. Any suggestions android media player fileinputstream share improve this question I don't..