android Programming Glossary: mediaplayer.start
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] mediaPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start catch IOException ex String s ex.toString ex.printStackTrace..
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? mediaPlayer.setDataSource audioFile mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not open file audioFile.. false MediaPlayerControl methods public void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 the MediaPlayer so update the buttons progress meters. mediaPlayer.start startPlayProgressUpdater playButton.setEnabled true catch IOException.. 1000 if wasPlaying atEndOfFile mediaPlayer.start Lastly delete the previously playing buffered File as it's..
null pointer exception : println needs a message in android seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener this catch Exception ex..
Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback? ... Then in onPrepared MediaPlayer mp mediaPlayer.start Why does it take so long to prepare some streams but not others..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mediaPlayer.start The program isn't crashing when emulated but nothing is playing..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[]
How can I show a MediaController while playing audio in Android? this mediaController new MediaController this try mediaPlayer.setDataSource audioFile mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start catch IOException e Log.e TAG Could not open file audioFile for playback. e @Override protected void onStop super.onStop.. the screen to make it appear again return false MediaPlayerControl methods public void start mediaPlayer.start public void pause mediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mediaPlayer.getDuration public int getCurrentPosition..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 bufferedFile We have pre loaded enough content and started the MediaPlayer so update the buttons progress meters. mediaPlayer.start startPlayProgressUpdater playButton.setEnabled true catch IOException e Log.e getClass .getName Error initializing the MediaPlayer... left to play boolean atEndOfFile mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition 1000 if wasPlaying atEndOfFile mediaPlayer.start Lastly delete the previously playing buffered File as it's no longer needed. oldBufferedFile.delete catch Exception e Log.e..
null pointer exception : println needs a message in android new MediaPlayer mediaPlayer.setDataSource sdcard t1.mp3 seek.setMax mediaPlayer.getDuration mediaPlayer.prepare mediaPlayer.start mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener this catch Exception ex Log.e sdcard err2 ex.getMessage null pointer exception println..
Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback? AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mediaPlayer.prepareAsync ... Then in onPrepared MediaPlayer mp mediaPlayer.start Why does it take so long to prepare some streams but not others The above data seems to suggest that it might be based on..
Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0) try mediaPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mediaPlayer.start The program isn't crashing when emulated but nothing is playing and I am get the following error start called in state 0..