android Programming Glossary: mediaplayer.create
android video, hear sound but no video this holder.setFixedSize 400 300 MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create this mp.setDisplay holder mp.setAudioStreamType 2..
Clickable widgets in android super.onCreate savedInstanceState MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.sound mp.start However when I added..
android: how do i use the progress bar? if v.equals startMedia if mp null mp.isPlaying return mp MediaPlayer.create Player.this R.raw.exodus_piranha mp.start status.setText R.string.PlayingMedia..
How to implement an endless gallery in Android? .setText imgNames position mp MediaPlayer.create SeaSpell.this audioTrack position catch Exception e TODO..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android media player prepare share improve this question Try MediaPlayer.create you also may want to start only after player is actually ready.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState MediaPlayer player MediaPlayer.create this Uri.parse http file.mp3 player.setOnPreparedListener..
How to mute MediaPlayer in android this question This code worked for me MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.sound_file_1 mp.start for Mute mp.setvolume 0..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback instead of as a resource. Create the MediaPlayer using MediaPlayer.create getContext mAudioId and skip the calls to setDataSource .....
AlarmManager and WakeLock namaz_vakti_activity wl.acquire MPX MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.azan1 ... if eltime 0 uyandirma MPX.isPlaying MPX.setVolume..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? Playing... setContentView tv final MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException.. Playing... setContentView tv mHandler new Handler mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas mPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener this mPlayer.seekTo.. mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create method you are using returns a MediaPlayer that has already..
Android: Play mp3 file from raw resource on click of a TextView v.getId case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException.. break case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer1 MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaawas try mPlayer1.prepare catch IllegalStateException.. question You need to pass in a context instance into MediaPlayer.create method MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create PlayWorld.this..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer or wrong one. This is how I do it MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same with correct.. is public void falseAnswerPoints MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same is correctAnswerPoints.. sometimes with another... Answer MediaPlayer playSuccess MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.success playSuccess.start playSuccess.setOnCompletionListener..
Android background music service null @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate player MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.idil player.setLooping true Set looping player.setVolume..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking Created Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onCreate player MediaPlayer.create this player.setLooping false Set looping @Override..
Thread not interrupting if m_mediaPlayer null m_mediaPlayer.release m_mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create this notes ii 4 m_mediaPlayer.start try Thread.sleep NOTE_DURATION..
android video, hear sound but no video PixelFormat.UNKNOWN Set a size for the video screen holder.addCallback this holder.setFixedSize 400 300 MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create this mp.setDisplay holder mp.setAudioStreamType 2 try mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO..
Clickable widgets in android is it's code @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.sound mp.start However when I added the widget to the home screen and clicked on it nothing..
android: how do i use the progress bar? this @Override public void onClick View v if v.equals startMedia if mp null mp.isPlaying return mp MediaPlayer.create Player.this R.raw.exodus_piranha mp.start status.setText R.string.PlayingMedia progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE..
How to implement an endless gallery in Android? .setImageResource mImageIds position TextView findViewById .setText imgNames position mp MediaPlayer.create SeaSpell.this audioTrack position catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace How can..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android catch IOException e e.printStackTrace android media player prepare share improve this question Try MediaPlayer.create you also may want to start only after player is actually ready for example @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. example @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState MediaPlayer player MediaPlayer.create this Uri.parse http file.mp3 player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void..
How to mute MediaPlayer in android in android android android mediaplayer share improve this question This code worked for me MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.sound_file_1 mp.start for Mute mp.setvolume 0 0 Unmute or full volume mp.setvolume 1 1 share improve this..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback things that made no difference Load the sound file as an asset instead of as a resource. Create the MediaPlayer using MediaPlayer.create getContext mAudioId and skip the calls to setDataSource ... and prepare . Then I noticed that LogCat always shows this line..
AlarmManager and WakeLock Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK namaz_vakti_activity wl.acquire MPX MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.azan1 ... if eltime 0 uyandirma MPX.isPlaying MPX.setVolume 1 1 MPX.start protected void onPause ... Intent intent..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? R.layout.main final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText Playing... setContentView tv final MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText Playing... setContentView tv mHandler new Handler mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas mPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener this mPlayer.seekTo mStartTime @Override public void onDestroy mPlayer.release.. onSeekComplete MediaPlayer mp mPlayer.start mHandler.postDelayed mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create method you are using returns a MediaPlayer that has already been prepared and prepare should not be called again like you..
Android: Play mp3 file from raw resource on click of a TextView new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v switch v.getId case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. mPlayer.start nicholas.setText Nicholas Clicked break case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer1 MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaawas try mPlayer1.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. advance android mp3 listener media player share improve this question You need to pass in a context instance into MediaPlayer.create method MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create PlayWorld.this R.raw.aaanicholas Also after the create call prepare is already..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer button and it will play a sound to notify about right choice or wrong one. This is how I do it MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same with correct sound. It works fine most of the time but when I click it.. Method Edit Line is 148 playError.start And falseAnswerPoints is public void falseAnswerPoints MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same is correctAnswerPoints but with different sound. That's about it. Sometimes.. about it. Sometimes it gives NullPointerException with one sometimes with another... Answer MediaPlayer playSuccess MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.success playSuccess.start playSuccess.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener @Override..
Android background music service MediaPlayer player public IBinder onBind Intent arg0 return null @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate player MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.idil player.setLooping true Set looping player.setVolume 100 100 public int onStartCommand Intent intent int..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking public void onCreate Toast.makeText this My Service Created Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onCreate player MediaPlayer.create this player.setLooping false Set looping @Override public void onDestroy Toast.makeText this My Service Stopped..
Thread not interrupting ii check to ensure main activity is not paused if paused if m_mediaPlayer null m_mediaPlayer.release m_mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create this notes ii 4 m_mediaPlayer.start try Thread.sleep NOTE_DURATION catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace ..