android Programming Glossary: mdialog
upload video to facebook in android test1.3gp Put Your Video Link Here private ProgressDialog mDialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. R.layout.main btn1 Button findViewById mDialog new ProgressDialog FacebookVideoPostActivity.this mDialog.setMessage.. mDialog new ProgressDialog FacebookVideoPostActivity.this mDialog.setMessage Posting video... btn1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) private WebView mWebView private ProgressDialog mDialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. ConsoleMessage cmsg if cmsg.message .startsWith MAGIC mDialog.cancel HashMap String String message new HashMap String String..
android bluetooth can't connect BluetoothDevice mDevicesList private BluetoothDeviceDialog mDialog private ProgressDialog progressBar private int progressBarStatus.. REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else searchForPairedDevices mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog this mDevicesList getFragmentManager.. mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog this mDevicesList getFragmentManager private void searchForPairedDevices..
android View not attached to window manager dismissing. @Override public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected.. public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute.. void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute mDialog..
custom row in a listPreference? entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder.. editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder private TextView.. entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss The xml for my PreferenceActivity...
Android Activity Indicator? this question do some thing like this ProgressDialog mDialog new ProgressDialog getApplicationContext mDialog.setMessage.. mDialog new ProgressDialog getApplicationContext mDialog.setMessage Please wait... mDialog.setCancelable false getApplicationContext mDialog.setMessage Please wait... mDialog.setCancelable false share improve this answer..
android dialog transparent share improve this question Try below code Dialog mDialog new Dialog mContext
Cannot get ProgressDialog to stop after WebView has loaded private Context mContext private ProgressDialog mDialog public MyWebViewClient Context context mContext context @Override.. url Bitmap favicon super.onPageStarted view url favicon mDialog mContext Loading... true @Override public..
DialogFragment.getDialog returns null life cycle. getDialog simply returns the private variable mDialog from the DialogFragment. When a DialogFragment is instantiated.. the DialogFragment. When a DialogFragment is instantiated mDialog is null and then it gets set when onCreateDialog is fired inside..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask doInBackground Void... arg String linha String retorno mDialog mContext Aguarde Carregando... true Cria.. @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mDialog.dismiss public JSONObject getJSON String url throws InterruptedException.. linha String retorno String url arg 0 Added this line mDialog mContext Aguarde Carregando... true Cria..
upload video to facebook in android statusString private Button btn1 private String PATH sdcard test1.3gp Put Your Video Link Here private ProgressDialog mDialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main btn1 Button findViewById mDialog new ProgressDialog FacebookVideoPostActivity.this mDialog.setMessage Posting video... btn1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener.. R.layout.main btn1 Button findViewById mDialog new ProgressDialog FacebookVideoPostActivity.this mDialog.setMessage Posting video... btn1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v facebook.authorize..
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) public final static String EXTRA_HTML private WebView mWebView private ProgressDialog mDialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main.. new WebChromeClient public boolean onConsoleMessage ConsoleMessage cmsg if cmsg.message .startsWith MAGIC mDialog.cancel HashMap String String message new HashMap String String String msg cmsg.message .substring 5 Intent intent new..
android bluetooth can't connect private int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 100 private ArrayList BluetoothDevice mDevicesList private BluetoothDeviceDialog mDialog private ProgressDialog progressBar private int progressBarStatus 0 private Handler progressBarHandler new Handler @Override.. startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else searchForPairedDevices mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog this mDevicesList getFragmentManager private void searchForPairedDevices Set BluetoothDevice.. enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else searchForPairedDevices mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog this mDevicesList getFragmentManager private void searchForPairedDevices Set BluetoothDevice pairedDevices mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices..
android View not attached to window manager null onPause and then checking this in the AsyncTask before dismissing. @Override public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute mDialog mContext Saving.. and then checking this in the AsyncTask before dismissing. @Override public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute mDialog mContext Saving changes..... this in the AsyncTask before dismissing. @Override public void onPause super.onPause if mDialog null mDialog.dismiss mDialog null ... in my AsyncTask protected void onPreExecute mDialog mContext Saving changes... true protected..
custom row in a listPreference? false int index position int value Integer.valueOf String entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder private TextView text null private RadioButton rButton.. int value Integer.valueOf String entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss return row class CustomHolder private TextView text null private RadioButton rButton null CustomHolder View.. int index buttonView.getId int value Integer.valueOf String entryValues index editor.putInt yourPref value Dialog mDialog getDialog mDialog.dismiss The xml for my PreferenceActivity. This is not my full xml took out al my other preference..
Android Activity Indicator? indicator in Android . android android layout share improve this question do some thing like this ProgressDialog mDialog new ProgressDialog getApplicationContext mDialog.setMessage Please wait... mDialog.setCancelable false ..
android dialog transparent
Cannot get ProgressDialog to stop after WebView has loaded The new class public class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient private Context mContext private ProgressDialog mDialog public MyWebViewClient Context context mContext context @Override public void onPageStarted WebView view String url Bitmap.. @Override public void onPageStarted WebView view String url Bitmap favicon super.onPageStarted view url favicon mDialog mContext Loading... true @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url super.onPageFinished..
DialogFragment.getDialog returns null You're calling getDialog too early in the DialogFragmen'ts life cycle. getDialog simply returns the private variable mDialog from the DialogFragment. When a DialogFragment is instantiated mDialog is null and then it gets set when onCreateDialog.. getDialog simply returns the private variable mDialog from the DialogFragment. When a DialogFragment is instantiated mDialog is null and then it gets set when onCreateDialog is fired inside getLayoutInflater Bundle savedInstanceState so you have..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask extends AsyncTask Void Void String @Override protected String doInBackground Void... arg String linha String retorno mDialog mContext Aguarde Carregando... true Cria o cliente de conexão HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return retorno @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mDialog.dismiss public JSONObject getJSON String url throws InterruptedException ExecutionException Determina a URL setUrl url.. @Override protected String doInBackground String... arg String linha String retorno String url arg 0 Added this line mDialog mContext Aguarde Carregando... true Cria o cliente de conexão HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient..