android Programming Glossary: measurement
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? s to be measured which will cause further CPU time. This measurement will cause your getView ... to be called. I've now tested this..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? sent and received android traffic network traffic traffic measurement share improve this question 1.Create a new Android project..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View out so I decided to get more familiar with the layout and measurement system and here's the solution that I've come up with. A custom.. unspecified. Skip measuring the child and just accept the measurements from the first run. if heightMode MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED .. dimension for this ResizeLayout getting the initial measurements for the condensed and expanded heights from the child view...
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame it be solved all I use simple Kalman filter to approximate measurement values because w o it I get quiet different values even if the.. private TextView maximumRange Magnetic field coordinates measurements. private TextView magneticXTextView private TextView magneticYTextView..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? the px dip dp and sp units in Android android units of measurement share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale..
Does setWidth(int pixels) use dip or px? 100 dips or 100 pxs Thanks. android width pixels units of measurement dip share improve this question It uses pixels but I'm sure..
What event is fired after all views are fully drawn? Also getLeft getTop return the correct value after measurement and layout you don't need to wait for drawing to end to use..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration the number has little relation to any real world unit of measurement. You can simply apply a scaling function at the end calibrated..
Positioning a dialog on screen I first need to know the dialog's width and height after measurement since I need that to calculate the position relative to my overlay..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions start it and await the procedure described above after a measurement . The Android application I've started out from the Bluetooth..
Get view width/height or font width/height/other sizes before first display makes what I have described above possible. android view measurement share improve this question The size of view cannot be calculated..
Store orientation to an array - and compare accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp pt is also 1 inch. So I don't see why android define a dp measurement while it seems to work the same as points. Can anybody explain.. explain that Why should I use dp if I can use pt android measurement dimension share improve this question The Android documentation..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? void addMeasurementToQueue if Measurements.size 100 String measurement packData Measurements.add measurement private void doSendData.. 100 String measurement packData Measurements.add measurement private void doSendData while true try if Measurements.isEmpty.. do stuff which can be interrupted if necessary 2 Your measurements list is accessed by multiple threads the event thread and your..
Understanding Samsung Galaxy Tab screen density of the screen density Which is not true. Just check the measurement source from this Difference between android dimension pt and..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in can find the distance between Ax to Bx and Ay to By . This measurement is in user space to convert it to a canvas space measurement.. is in user space to convert it to a canvas space measurement simply divide it by the scale factor. Once converted to canvas.. in canvas space so by subtracting these two canvas space measurements Ax to Bx and Bx to Edge from the total width you are left with..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? How to get accurate altitude I need to get an accurate measurement of altitude using GPS only. I tried Location.getAltitude but..
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? wrap_content like I was using above will cause all child View s to be measured which will cause further CPU time. This measurement will cause your getView ... to be called. I've now tested this and the number of times getView ... is called is reduced..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? there something wrong with the way I'm computing the bytes sent and received android traffic network traffic traffic measurement share improve this question 1.Create a new Android project in Eclipse. Remember to use the TrafficStats class you must..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View so it was really bothering me that I couldn't figure this out so I decided to get more familiar with the layout and measurement system and here's the solution that I've come up with. A custom ViewGroup extending FrameLayout that hosts a single direct.. The child might be wrap_content so the MeasureSpec will be unspecified. Skip measuring the child and just accept the measurements from the first run. if heightMode MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED setMeasuredDimension getWidth getHeight else Likely in mid.. child.getMeasuredWidth child.getMeasuredHeight Sets the measured dimension for this ResizeLayout getting the initial measurements for the condensed and expanded heights from the child view. @param child the child view of this ResizeLayout @param widthSpec..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame I rotate the device. How could it be adjusted And could it be solved all I use simple Kalman filter to approximate measurement values because w o it I get quiet different values even if the device is not moving rotating at all. Please find my code.. spec. private TextView vendor private TextView resolution private TextView maximumRange Magnetic field coordinates measurements. private TextView magneticXTextView private TextView magneticYTextView private TextView magneticZTextView Sensors. private..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? and sp in Android Can anyone explain the differences between the px dip dp and sp units in Android android units of measurement share improve this question px is one pixel. sp is scale independent pixels. dip is Density independent pixels. You would..
Does setWidth(int pixels) use dip or px? For example does setWidth 100 set the a view's width to 100 dips or 100 pxs Thanks. android width pixels units of measurement dip share improve this question It uses pixels but I'm sure you're wondering how to use dips instead. The answer is..
What event is fired after all views are fully drawn?
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration will still represent distance as a number it's just that the number has little relation to any real world unit of measurement. You can simply apply a scaling function at the end calibrated to your pixel valus. Anyway here's an example with real world..
Positioning a dialog on screen even more complicated since to know what's the dialog x y. I first need to know the dialog's width and height after measurement since I need that to calculate the position relative to my overlay . android dialog share improve this question A quick..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions I have no control of the medical device. All I can do is to start it and await the procedure described above after a measurement . The Android application I've started out from the Bluetooth Chat Example on the developer pages. So far I've replaced..
Get view width/height or font width/height/other sizes before first display the android api is big to comprehend all in my mind that makes what I have described above possible. android view measurement share improve this question The size of view cannot be calculated until its parent is calculated but you can always..
Store orientation to an array - and compare Simply put don't and another reason not to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you need. And as for tc's question does the orientation relative..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp says that 160 dp density independent equals 1 inch. And 72 pt is also 1 inch. So I don't see why android define a dp measurement while it seems to work the same as points. Can anybody explain that Why should I use dp if I can use pt android measurement.. while it seems to work the same as points. Can anybody explain that Why should I use dp if I can use pt android measurement dimension share improve this question The Android documentation used to incorrectly state that 160 dp always equals..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? backgrounSendData send_data SendDataThread.start private void addMeasurementToQueue if Measurements.size 100 String measurement packData Measurements.add measurement private void doSendData while true try if Measurements.isEmpty Thread.sleep 1000.. private void addMeasurementToQueue if Measurements.size 100 String measurement packData Measurements.add measurement private void doSendData while true try if Measurements.isEmpty Thread.sleep 1000 continue Log.d TCP C Connecting..... public void run while Thread.currentThread runner do stuff which can be interrupted if necessary 2 Your measurements list is accessed by multiple threads the event thread and your user thread at the same time without any synchronization...
Understanding Samsung Galaxy Tab screen density says 160dp is always one inch regardless of the screen density Which is not true. Just check the measurement source from this Difference between android dimension pt and dp Added even later The reason I am asking is that violating..
How to find absolute position of click while zoomed in and in user space . You know Ax Ay in user space so you can find the distance between Ax to Bx and Ay to By . This measurement is in user space to convert it to a canvas space measurement simply divide it by the scale factor. Once converted to canvas.. find the distance between Ax to Bx and Ay to By . This measurement is in user space to convert it to a canvas space measurement simply divide it by the scale factor. Once converted to canvas space you can see these lines in red orange and yellow ... user space and canvas space. You know the width of the Canvas in canvas space so by subtracting these two canvas space measurements Ax to Bx and Bx to Edge from the total width you are left with the coordinates for point A in canvas space public float..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? How to get accurate altitude I need to get an accurate measurement of altitude using GPS only. I tried Location.getAltitude but that is terribly inaccurate. Any advice android gps location..