android Programming Glossary: mdragging
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer private int mOverlayScrollThumbWidth private boolean mDragging private ListView mList private boolean mScrollCompleted private.. is dragging the scroll bar draw the alphabet overlay if mDragging mDrawOverlay mOverlayDrawable.draw canvas final Paint paint.. int totalItemCount if totalItemCount visibleItemCount 0 mDragging mThumbY getHeight mThumbH firstVisibleItem totalItemCount visibleItemCount..
android camera surfaceview orientation
Android crash when app is closed and reopened 03 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 mDragging false 03 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371.. 03 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 mDragging false 03 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer private int mOverlayHeight private float mOverlayTextSize private int mOverlayScrollThumbWidth private boolean mDragging private ListView mList private boolean mScrollCompleted private boolean mThumbVisible private int mVisibleItem private Paint.. 0 y mCurrentThumb.draw canvas canvas.translate 0 y If user is dragging the scroll bar draw the alphabet overlay if mDragging mDrawOverlay mOverlayDrawable.draw canvas final Paint paint mPaint float descent paint.descent final RectF rectF mOverlayPos.. AbsListView view int firstVisibleItem int visibleItemCount int totalItemCount if totalItemCount visibleItemCount 0 mDragging mThumbY getHeight mThumbH firstVisibleItem totalItemCount visibleItemCount if mChangedBounds final int viewWidth getWidth..
android camera surfaceview orientation
Android crash when app is closed and reopened 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 endDrag false 03 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 mDragging false 03 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 endDrag false 03 15 15 36 05.979 DEBUG Launcher 1371 onPause.. 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 endDrag false 03 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 mDragging false 03 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher.DragController 1371 endDrag false 03 15 15 36 06.549 DEBUG Launcher 1371 onResume..