android Programming Glossary: mdualpane
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? view in the single pane layout. Then it was a matter of mDualPane findViewById null EDIT There are better ways to..
How many Activities vs Fragments? void showDetails int index mCurCheckPosition index if mDualPane We can display everything in place with fragments so update..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called static String TAG ListPlayersFragment private boolean mDualPane private int curSelectedPlayerPosition 0 private PlayerCursorAdapter.. getActivity .findViewById mDualPane teamListFragment null teamListFragment.getVisibility View.VISIBLE.. null teamListFragment.getVisibility View.VISIBLE if mDualPane Log.i TAG Setting list select mode to single getListView .setChoiceMode..
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator private void showScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws.. 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane.. ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private void..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container deatil FrameLayout findViewById mDualPane deatil null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new.. tab.getPosition String a null if mDualPane a mTabs.get tab.getPosition responder.loadData a map.get a.. .findFragmentById if mDualPane if viewer null viewer.getShownIndex index viewer.getTypeFragment..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? in those layouts that I want to be dual pane and omitting this view in the single pane layout. Then it was a matter of mDualPane findViewById null EDIT There are better ways to designate dual pane ness than having a dummy view. The one..
How many Activities vs Fragments? UI or starting a whole new activity in which it is displayed. void showDetails int index mCurCheckPosition index if mDualPane We can display everything in place with fragments so update the list to highlight the selected item and show the data...
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called ListFragment implements OnItemClickListener private final static String TAG ListPlayersFragment private boolean mDualPane private int curSelectedPlayerPosition 0 private PlayerCursorAdapter playerAdapter private QueryPlayersTask currentTask private.. for the view players view along with the pane View teamListFragment getActivity .findViewById mDualPane teamListFragment null teamListFragment.getVisibility View.VISIBLE if mDualPane Log.i TAG Setting list select mode to single.. .findViewById mDualPane teamListFragment null teamListFragment.getVisibility View.VISIBLE if mDualPane Log.i TAG Setting list select mode to single getListView .setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE getListView .setSmoothScrollbarEnabled..
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator my code to showing and hiding Screen2 using the ObjectAnimator private void showScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat.. void showScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private.. 2.0f Now try to animate the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private void hideScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container Integer mViewPager ViewPager findViewById FrameLayout deatil FrameLayout findViewById mDualPane deatil null deatil.getVisibility View.VISIBLE mTabsAdapter new TabsAdapter this getSupportActionBar mViewPager if savedInstanceState.. public void onTabSelected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft mViewPager.setCurrentItem tab.getPosition String a null if mDualPane a mTabs.get tab.getPosition responder.loadData a map.get a @Override public void onTabUnselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction.. int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById if mDualPane if viewer null viewer.getShownIndex index viewer.getTypeFragment type DetailFragment df DetailFragment.newInstance index..