android Programming Glossary: measure
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for there just return view as it is return view For good measure here's map.xml with android id..
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions super.onMeasure prior to the setMeasuredDimension will measure all the children in the view based on the original size then..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order giving it a height wrap_content . This forces ListView to measure a few children out of the adapter at layout time to know how..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? if you don't supply one it just does nothing other than re measure the layout which seems to be a perfectly adequate way of handling..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? before the size of it will be zero. Its possible to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime etc. they all return 0. I have also tried manually calling measure on the view followed by a call to getMeasuredWidth but that..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve this question I believe the OP is long gone.. here... and adding my code which requires knowing the measurements of the view into this listener. All works as expected for..
Multi-gradient shapes leads to yet another annoying problem in that you cannot measure the TextView until after it has been drawn. I'm not quite sure..
Grid of images inside ScrollView you give the ListView a mode of AT_MOST it creates and measures all of its children for you right inside the onMeasure method.. GridView behaves the same but if it doesn't you can still measure all the contents of the GridView yourself. But it would be easier..
Is it possible to measure distance to object with camera? it possible to measure distance to object with camera Is it possible to measure distance.. measure distance to object with camera Is it possible to measure distance to object with phone camera. I mean in my application.. this question Well you should read how measures the distance Uses the angle of the iPhone to estimate the distance..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I'm doing writing several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and repeat until a suitably small size.. layout with the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure.. the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner.. can I implement it I have seen a similar question how do I measure the distance traveled by an Iphone using accelerometer How do.. traveled by an Iphone using accelerometer How do I measure the distance traveled by an iPhone using the accelerometer ...
How can you tell when a layout has been drawn? i have added a handler to wait one second and then measure. This works but its sloppy and I have no idea how much i can..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] to measure height width and distance of object using camera closed I referred.. any point from that I can start my development. I want to measure my image height width and distance using camera. I found this.. same but quite same but for my requirement I want to measure my image height width and distance using camera. Can anyone..
onMeasure custom view explanation custom view explanation I tried to do custom component. I extended.. in onDraw overrided method. Why I need to override onMeasure If I didn't everything seen to be right. May someone explain.. be right. May someone explain it How should I write my onMeasure method I've seen couple tutorials but each one is a little been..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility.. r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure.. int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) void onExcessPage non Javadoc @see android.view.View#onMeasure int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec.. int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec if mOrientation HORIZONTAL.. int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setMeasuredDimension..
Measure data roaming traffic on Android? data roaming traffic on Android Just back from a very nice..
How to get height of text with fixed width and get text length which fits in a frame? library. I've done it in C# and Java. in C# it's called MeasureString and in Java FontMetrics . EDIT See if this code is useful.. boolean measureForwards float maxWidth float measuredWidth Measure the text stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth...
When Can I First Measure a View? Can I First Measure a View So I have a bit of confusion with trying to set the..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? boolean reverseBackroundFirst boolean ballFingerMove Measure frames per second. long now int framesCount 0 int framesCountAvg.. position only the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Update the text paint object paint.setTextSize textSize Measure using a static layout StaticLayout layout new StaticLayout source..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] away that you can only barely see the ends of the ruler. Measure the distance from the camera and then your total viewport angle..
Android animate drop down/up view proper wrap_content android text @string hello LinearLayout Edit Measure wrap_content height So in order to get this to work for wrap_content.. metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int.. int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for container false catch InflateException e map is already there just return view as it is return view For good measure here's map.xml with android id @ id mapFragment xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions half the image in half the parent. The problem is that calling super.onMeasure prior to the setMeasuredDimension will measure all the children in the view based on the original size then just cut the view in half when the setMeasuredDimension resizes..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order you are doing the worst thing possible with a ListView by giving it a height wrap_content . This forces ListView to measure a few children out of the adapter at layout time to know how big it should be. This is what provides ListView with the convertViews..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? it does it hand off to your onConfigurationChanged method if you don't supply one it just does nothing other than re measure the layout which seems to be a perfectly adequate way of handling the rotate most of the time. share improve this answer..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? v.getBottom v.draw c return b if the view wasn't displayed before the size of it will be zero. Its possible to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap.. wasn't displayed before the size of it will be zero. Its possible to measure it like this if v.getMeasuredHeight 0 v.measure LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap v.getMeasuredWidth v.getMeasuredHeight..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime getWidth getHeight getMeasuredWidth getLayoutParams .width etc. they all return 0. I have also tried manually calling measure on the view followed by a call to getMeasuredWidth but that has no effect. I have tried calling these methods and inspecting..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve this question I believe the OP is long gone but in case this answer is able to help future searchers I.. there does not seem to be a superclass method to invoke here... and adding my code which requires knowing the measurements of the view into this listener. All works as expected for me so I hope that this is able to help. share improve this..
Multi-gradient shapes 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld However This leads to yet another annoying problem in that you cannot measure the TextView until after it has been drawn. I'm not quite sure yet how you can accomplish this...but manually inserting..
Grid of images inside ScrollView widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec This works because when you give the ListView a mode of AT_MOST it creates and measures all of its children for you right inside the onMeasure method I discovered this by browsing through the source code . Hopefully.. this by browsing through the source code . Hopefully GridView behaves the same but if it doesn't you can still measure all the contents of the GridView yourself. But it would be easier if you could trick the GridView into doing it for you...
Is it possible to measure distance to object with camera? it possible to measure distance to object with camera Is it possible to measure distance to object with phone camera. I mean in my application.. it possible to measure distance to object with camera Is it possible to measure distance to object with phone camera. I mean in my application I start the camera facing the camera to the object lets say.. information about it android camera distance share improve this question Well you should read how measures the distance Uses the angle of the iPhone to estimate the distance to a point on the ground. Hold the iPhone in front of..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds out there has found a good solution that doesn't involve what I'm doing writing several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines does TextView use to wrap.. it will be useful for someone else. This class uses a static layout with the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text.. with the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer.. between points of interest. If it is possible then how can I implement it I have seen a similar question how do I measure the distance traveled by an Iphone using accelerometer How do I measure the distance traveled by an iPhone using the accelerometer.. it I have seen a similar question how do I measure the distance traveled by an Iphone using accelerometer How do I measure the distance traveled by an iPhone using the accelerometer . But I didn't come to a point. Thank You Arslan android accelerometer..
How can you tell when a layout has been drawn? yet and so layout.getMeasuredHeight returns 0. As a workaround i have added a handler to wait one second and then measure. This works but its sloppy and I have no idea how much i can trim the time before I end up before the laout gets drawn...
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] to measure height width and distance of object using camera closed I referred lot many links but still I am not able to get any point.. I referred lot many links but still I am not able to get any point from that I can start my development. I want to measure my image height width and distance using camera. I found this app . I want to make this type of application not exactly.. this app . I want to make this type of application not exactly same but quite same but for my requirement I want to measure my image height width and distance using camera. Can anyone give me suggest me the right way or any example so that I can..
onMeasure custom view explanation custom view explanation I tried to do custom component. I extended View class and do some drawing in onDraw overrided method... to do custom component. I extended View class and do some drawing in onDraw overrided method. Why I need to override onMeasure If I didn't everything seen to be right. May someone explain it How should I write my onMeasure method I've seen couple.. I need to override onMeasure If I didn't everything seen to be right. May someone explain it How should I write my onMeasure method I've seen couple tutorials but each one is a little been different. Sometimes they call super.onMeasure at the end..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View boolean changed int l int t int r int b super.onLayout changed l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight.. int l int t int r int b super.onLayout changed l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight getMeasuredHeight.. r int b super.onLayout changed l t r b if r l 0 b t 0 dimensionsDirty int widthSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec r l MeasureSpec.EXACTLY messageView.setVisibility GONE measure widthSpec MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED condensedHeight getMeasuredHeight messageView.setVisibility..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) listener mListener listener public void onExcessPage non Javadoc @see android.view.View#onMeasure int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setMeasuredDimension.. listener public void onExcessPage non Javadoc @see android.view.View#onMeasure int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setMeasuredDimension measureLong widthMeasureSpec.. void onExcessPage non Javadoc @see android.view.View#onMeasure int int @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setMeasuredDimension measureLong widthMeasureSpec measureShort heightMeasureSpec..
Measure data roaming traffic on Android? data roaming traffic on Android Just back from a very nice vacation in Iceland and await the data roaming bill from my..
How to get height of text with fixed width and get text length which fits in a frame? font type and size using methods available in the graphical library. I've done it in C# and Java. in C# it's called MeasureString and in Java FontMetrics . EDIT See if this code is useful I haven't compiled it because I don't have android SDK here.. methods are available for Android breakText String text boolean measureForwards float maxWidth float measuredWidth Measure the text stopping early if the measured width exceeds maxWidth. measureText String text Return the width of the text. http..
When Can I First Measure a View? Can I First Measure a View So I have a bit of confusion with trying to set the background drawable of a view as it is displayed. The code relies..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr bgrReverse boolean reverseBackroundFirst boolean ballFingerMove Measure frames per second. long now int framesCount 0 int framesCountAvg 0 long framesTimer 0 Paint fpsPaint new Paint Frame speed.. canvas.restore Rotate the canvas matrix back to its saved position only the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds CharSequence source TextPaint paint int width float textSize Update the text paint object paint.setTextSize textSize Measure using a static layout StaticLayout layout new StaticLayout source paint width Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL mSpacingMult mSpacingAdd..
How to measure height, width and distance of object using camera? [closed] For example point it at a ruler and make it just far enough away that you can only barely see the ends of the ruler. Measure the distance from the camera and then your total viewport angle is viewportAngle tan ruler_length distance Then suppose..
Android animate drop down/up view proper android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text @string hello LinearLayout Edit Measure wrap_content height So in order to get this to work for wrap_content I measured the height of the view before I start the.. activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY..