android Programming Glossary: meat
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted is a Thread with pause resume and cancel methods. The meat of the process must implement `step`. You can either extend..
Dynamic UI with sliding menu and actionbarsherlock break if newContent null switchFragment newContent the meat of switching the above fragment private void switchFragment.. mContent public void switchContent Fragment fragment the meat of switching fragment mContent fragment getSupportFragmentManager..
change application's starting activity - android starting activity android I have created the meat and guts of my application but I want to add a different activity..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox it is checked or not for example . And finally the real meat of the app the DataAdapter class public class DataAdapter extends..
Progress Dialog on open activity to override in AsyncTask. doInBackground this is where the meat of your background processing will occur. onPreExecute show..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview View.FOCUS_DOWN targetUrl extras.getString URL String meat genMainHTML mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL mDomain meat text html.. meat genMainHTML mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL mDomain meat text html utf 8 null setContentView mWebView Whew When the WebView.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException for AutoCompleteTextView String foodList new String meat fruit vega instantiate AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker ArrayAdapter..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted PauseableThread is a Thread with pause resume and cancel methods. The meat of the process must implement `step`. You can either extend this and implement `step` or use the factory. Note that I cannot..
Dynamic UI with sliding menu and actionbarsherlock case 4 newContent new ColorFragment break if newContent null switchFragment newContent the meat of switching the above fragment private void switchFragment Fragment fragment if getActivity null return if getActivity.. getSupportFragmentManager .putFragment outState mContent mContent public void switchContent Fragment fragment the meat of switching fragment mContent fragment getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace fragment..
change application's starting activity - android application's starting activity android I have created the meat and guts of my application but I want to add a different activity that will be the starting point sort of a log in screen..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox for each entry in the ListView you may want to store whether it is checked or not for example . And finally the real meat of the app the DataAdapter class public class DataAdapter extends ArrayAdapter DataHolder private Activity myContext public..
Progress Dialog on open activity AsyncTask is working for me. There are 3 important methods to override in AsyncTask. doInBackground this is where the meat of your background processing will occur. onPreExecute show your ProgressDialog here showDialog onPostExecute hide your..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview it like so mDomain http mWebView.requestFocus View.FOCUS_DOWN targetUrl extras.getString URL String meat genMainHTML mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL mDomain meat text html utf 8 null setContentView mWebView Whew When the WebView.. View.FOCUS_DOWN targetUrl extras.getString URL String meat genMainHTML mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL mDomain meat text html utf 8 null setContentView mWebView Whew When the WebView is ready then the html and js go in including the iframe.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.edit dummy selections for AutoCompleteTextView String foodList new String meat fruit vega instantiate AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker ArrayAdapter String arrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.food_list_dropdown..