android Programming Glossary: map.entry
HTTP doesn't work in Android emulator nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair params.size for Map.Entry String String heh params.entrySet nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work .iterator while it.hasNext @SuppressWarnings rawtypes Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String.. it.hasNext @SuppressWarnings rawtypes Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey..
How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection? 0 Map String prefsMap spePreferences.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet for String strCookie HashSet..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? o set.iterator Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println.. Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue..
Android - MapView contained within a Listview while it.hasNext Get the key name and value for it Map.Entry pair Map.Entry String keyName String pair.getKey String.. Get the key name and value for it Map.Entry pair Map.Entry String keyName String pair.getKey String value pair.getValue..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue..
Android post JSON using HTTP entry while iter.hasNext gets an entry in the params Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry creates a key for Map String key String.. iter.hasNext gets an entry in the params Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry creates a key for Map String key String pairs.getKey.. Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String..
Parsing JSON string in android new HttpPost URL JSONObject holder new JSONObject for Map.Entry String Object m params.entrySet try holder.put m.getKey m.getValue..
how to get Hash table Arraylist to other intent? Iterator it set.iterator Display elements while it.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println.. Display elements while it.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue..
How to iterate through all keys of shared preferences? easily iterate through. Map String keys prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry keys.entrySet Log.d map values entry.getKey ..
HTTP doesn't work in Android emulator new HttpPost action try Add your data List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair params.size for Map.Entry String String heh params.entrySet nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair heh.getKey heh.getValue httppost.setEntity..
ImageSpan on EditText (smileys). With SwiftKey Keyboard doesnt work @SuppressWarnings rawtypes Iterator it smilyRegexMap.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext @SuppressWarnings rawtypes Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher.. rawtypes Iterator it smilyRegexMap.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext @SuppressWarnings rawtypes Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry Pattern mPattern Pattern.compile String pairs.getKey Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher matcher mPattern.matcher your_recieved_message..
How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection? spePreferences ctxContext.getSharedPreferences CookiePrefsFile 0 Map String prefsMap spePreferences.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet for String strCookie HashSet String entry.getValue if mapCookies.containsKey entry.getKey..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? mylist.add map Set set map.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator o set.iterator Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue System.out.println catch JSONException.. map Set set map.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator o set.iterator Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue System.out.println catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag..
Android - MapView contained within a Listview VALUE By clicking here Iterator it data.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext Get the key name and value for it Map.Entry pair Map.Entry String keyName String pair.getKey String value pair.getValue .toString if value null Add the.. clicking here Iterator it data.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext Get the key name and value for it Map.Entry pair Map.Entry String keyName String pair.getKey String value pair.getValue .toString if value null Add the parents aka main..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString pw.close fw.close catch Exception e ..
Android post JSON using HTTP be '' fan email '' While there is another entry while iter.hasNext gets an entry in the params Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry creates a key for Map String key String pairs.getKey Create a new map Map m Map pairs.getValue.. fan email '' While there is another entry while iter.hasNext gets an entry in the params Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry creates a key for Map String key String pairs.getKey Create a new map Map m Map pairs.getValue object for storing.. storing Json JSONObject data new JSONObject gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email and '' together..
Parsing JSON string in android httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost URL JSONObject holder new JSONObject for Map.Entry String Object m params.entrySet try holder.put m.getKey m.getValue catch JSONException e Log.e Hmmmm JSONException..
how to get Hash table Arraylist to other intent? a set of the entries Set set hm.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator it set.iterator Display elements while it.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue System.out.println hm info.add hm here info.. entries Set set hm.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator it set.iterator Display elements while it.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry System.out.print me.getKey System.out.println me.getValue System.out.println hm info.add hm here info contains..
How to iterate through all keys of shared preferences? and get all the values in Map String and then you can easily iterate through. Map String keys prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry keys.entrySet Log.d map values entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString For more you can check's..