android Programming Glossary: maplocation
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? if you are understand that please replay me. public class MapLocationOverlay extends Overlay private boolean isNameAddHold true private.. every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint.. on a known map location private PantryLocation selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer..
Custom tap window on Google Map Class to hold our location information public class MapLocation private GeoPoint point private String name public MapLocation.. private GeoPoint point private String name public MapLocation String name double latitude double longitude name.. import com.pocketjourney.tutorials.R public class MapLocationOverlay extends Overlay Store these as global instances so we..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? display information over tap in map i am supply code to you if you are understand that please replay me. public class MapLocationOverlay extends Overlay private boolean isNameAddHold true private Bitmap bitmap bitCross bitMoreInformation int testX testY.. Store these as global instances so we don't keep reloading every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup.. should be displayed where...i.e. whether a user 'clicked' on a known map location private PantryLocation selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer..
Custom tap window on Google Map com.pocketjourney.view import Class to hold our location information public class MapLocation private GeoPoint point private String name public MapLocation String name double latitude double longitude name.. Class to hold our location information public class MapLocation private GeoPoint point private String name public MapLocation String name double latitude double longitude name point new GeoPoint int latitude 1e6 int longitude 1e6 public.. import import com.pocketjourney.tutorials.R public class MapLocationOverlay extends Overlay Store these as global instances so we don't keep reloading every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon..