android Programming Glossary: manimstyle
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android new ArrayList ActionItem private boolean mDidAction private int mChildPos private int mInsertPos private int mAnimStyle private int mOrientation private int rootWidth 0 public static final int HORIZONTAL 0 public static final int VERTICAL 1.. if mOrientation HORIZONTAL setRootViewId R.layout.popup_horizontal else setRootViewId R.layout.popup_vertical mAnimStyle ANIM_AUTO mChildPos 0 Get action item at an index @param index Index of item position from callback @return Action Item.. LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT setContentView mRootView Set animation style @param mAnimStyle animation style default is set to ANIM_AUTO public void setAnimStyle int mAnimStyle this.mAnimStyle mAnimStyle Set listener..