android Programming Glossary: man
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? pixels even hit the CPU. So it can be extremely high performance. Note of course that you as an application writer can't call.. to cooperate with the phone maker as well as the silicon manufacturer. Sometimes this can provide outstanding results. For.. to these signature level APIs. I cannot overemphasise the many many man years of effort commercially and technically required..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 is currently the selection variable Cursor myCursor this.managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection.. MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID DESC myCursor this.managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI largeFileProjection.. code with any other device the program crashes. In the manifest I have used android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation..
Converting a string to an integer on Android get the EditText to a integer That would skip the middle man. If not string to integer will be just fine. java android string..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? is likely not the behavior you want. See also the ld 1 man page on a Linux system. Another way to accomplish the same thing.. massive .o file instead of a .a file. EDIT Simple command line example using libz on the desktop echo int main return..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate 1 param2 3 I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man in the middle attacks etc. So the solution must ignore the lack..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port and I want this to kinda just work not having to input IPs manually all the time . 3 If I make a device that's plugged to the.. there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer if the communication was direct between..
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android HttpsServiceConnectionSE. You can install a fake trust manager as described in http group android developers.. and install certificates in an application local trust manager I guess. I was in a safe network and not afraid of man in.. manager I guess. I was in a safe network and not afraid of man in the middle attacks so I just did the first. I found it necessary..
Store orientation to an array - and compare first steps with comparing to arrays I would be a happy man Thanks iphone android math artificial intelligence gesture.. is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you need. And as for tc's question does..
How to crop image in android of image but I have some problem over there as I have a man image. Here I need to crop exactly the face of the man but my.. a man image. Here I need to crop exactly the face of the man but my code only works for rectangle and overwrite image in.. ex if we can't stat the filesystem then we don't know how many pictures are remaining. it might be zero but just leave it..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account System.out.println System.out.println Thats it man Go and build something awesome with Scribe The relevant excerpt..
Trust Anchor not found for Android SSL Connection dangerous Trusting all certificates allows anybody to do a man in the middle attack Just send ANY certificate to the client.. it will accept it Add you certificate to a custom trust manager like described in this post Trusting all certificates using..
Android app restarts automatically after a crash path in this case is not supposed to be ' 0' terminated. man 7 unix for the gory details. memset addr 0 sizeof addr addr.sun_family..
Encrypt with Node.js Crypto module and decrypt with Java (in Android app) SecretKey or emulate EVP_BytesToKey in your Java code. Use man EVP_BytesToKey for more details but essentially it hashes the..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind update of all widgets of a particular kind I have seen many questions along these lines and I keep seeing the same answer.. pulls information when it wants it I think there are many sensible scenarios where an activity may wish to push data.. updating public void update Context context AppWidgetmanager manager int ids Object data data will contain some predetermined..
How do I create one Preference with an EditTextPreference and a Togglebutton? preferenceactivity share improve this question Hell man I like your idea This is just same as @MH's answer but more..
How to parse complex JSON file in android 0 54 74_.jpg title The Amazing Spider Man year 2012 director Marc Webb rating 7.3 details http realm feature.gif title The Amazing Spider Man 2 year 2014 director N A rating N A details http 0 54 74_.jpg title Spider Man year 2002 director Sam Raimi rating 7.3 details http
How to use and package a JAR file with my Android app? He had However the solution was simple Over 1 hour wasted. Man was I pissed Solution make sure your JAR is compiled with 1.6..
Problems saving a photo to a file saving a photo to a file Man I am still not able to save a picture when I send an intent.. that I have the appropriate permissions set in the AndroidManifest.xml file uses permission android name android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA..
Sending html email in android using <table>, etc. - is there really no relatively built-in Intent way? handle table tags or whatever it seems to be discouraged. Man I wish hackbod would weigh in here with something obvious I've..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? pre scale the image to just the size you need before the pixels even hit the CPU. So it can be extremely high performance. Note of course that you as an application writer can't call glReadPixels because you don't have access to the relevant.. often a good way forward. Of course the odds are you'll need to cooperate with the phone maker as well as the silicon manufacturer. Sometimes this can provide outstanding results. For example I have heard it's possible on some hardware to pipe.. with all the major Android phone vendors to get access to these signature level APIs. I cannot overemphasise the many many man years of effort commercially and technically required to achieve this. Some of the OEMs have publicised this work..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 way to narrow this down I think with a WHERE clause which is currently the selection variable Cursor myCursor this.managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection selection null sort long imageId 0l long thumbnailImageId.. MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA String largeFileSort MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID DESC myCursor this.managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI largeFileProjection null null largeFileSort String largeImagePath.. this is the case with Samsung S3 only if I run the above edited code with any other device the program crashes. In the manifest I have used android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation Based on the tutorial http
Converting a string to an integer on Android typed it will be used later on in code. Is there a way to get the EditText to a integer That would skip the middle man. If not string to integer will be just fine. java android string integer edittext share improve this question See the..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? the behavior for any other static libraries it encounters which is likely not the behavior you want. See also the ld 1 man page on a Linux system. Another way to accomplish the same thing is to output a single massive .o file instead of a .a file... Another way to accomplish the same thing is to output a single massive .o file instead of a .a file. EDIT Simple command line example using libz on the desktop echo int main return 0 foo.c gcc o foo usr lib libz.a foo.c ls s foo 12 foo gcc..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate https username password@anyIPAddress blabla index.php param 1 param2 3 I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man in the middle attacks etc. So the solution must ignore the lack of trust in the certificate and ignore the hostname mismatch...
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port guessing no on wi fi since neither party has the other's IP and I want this to kinda just work not having to input IPs manually all the time . 3 If I make a device that's plugged to the little USB port at the bottom of the phone and let's say.. welcome. Going through the web could be an option although there'd have to be a central server that I own as a middle man I believe . But i'd prefer if the communication was direct between the two devices. Thank you very much for any ideas Daniel..
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android Well there is an easier way to do this instead of modifying HttpsServiceConnectionSE. You can install a fake trust manager as described in http group android developers browse_thread thread 1ac2b851e07269ba c7275f3b28ad8bbc.. You can also put some more effort into this make it much safer and install certificates in an application local trust manager I guess. I was in a safe network and not afraid of man in the middle attacks so I just did the first. I found it necessary.. and install certificates in an application local trust manager I guess. I was in a safe network and not afraid of man in the middle attacks so I just did the first. I found it necessary to use KeepAliveHttpsTransportSE like this new KeepAliveHttpsTransportSE..
Store orientation to an array - and compare that smart apparently so if anyone could help me out with the first steps with comparing to arrays I would be a happy man Thanks iphone android math artificial intelligence gesture recognition share improve this question Try dynamic time.. to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you need. And as for tc's question does the orientation relative to North matter I guess not. It..
How to crop image in android image. When I googled it I got some ideas based on cropping of image but I have some problem over there as I have a man image. Here I need to crop exactly the face of the man but my code only works for rectangle and overwrite image in a sdcard... of image but I have some problem over there as I have a man image. Here I need to crop exactly the face of the man but my code only works for rectangle and overwrite image in a sdcard. I am confused with that code.. can anyone please help.. 400000F return int remaining catch Exception ex if we can't stat the filesystem then we don't know how many pictures are remaining. it might be zero but just leave it blank since we really don't know. return CANNOT_STAT_ERROR class..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account we found... System.out.println System.out.println response.getBody System.out.println System.out.println Thats it man Go and build something awesome with Scribe The relevant excerpt from my Manifest is here activity android name .loginexample..
Trust Anchor not found for Android SSL Connection share improve this question The solution of @Chrispix is dangerous Trusting all certificates allows anybody to do a man in the middle attack Just send ANY certificate to the client and it will accept it Add you certificate to a custom trust.. the middle attack Just send ANY certificate to the client and it will accept it Add you certificate to a custom trust manager like described in this post Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS Also it is a bit more complex to establish..
Android app restarts automatically after a crash initial ' 0' at the start of the Unix socket path. Note The path in this case is not supposed to be ' 0' terminated. man 7 unix for the gory details. memset addr 0 sizeof addr addr.sun_family AF_LOCAL addr.sun_path 0 0 memcpy addr.sun_path 1..
Encrypt with Node.js Crypto module and decrypt with Java (in Android app) a raw byte buffer and use the same to initialize Java's SecretKey or emulate EVP_BytesToKey in your Java code. Use man EVP_BytesToKey for more details but essentially it hashes the passphrase multiple times with MD5 and concatenates a salt...
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind I have seen many questions along these lines and I keep seeing the same answer over and over. I don't want to have to have a Service for.. Android widget design seems to work on the basis that your widget pulls information when it wants it I think there are many sensible scenarios where an activity may wish to push data to a widget. Read the answer below for how I worked out how.. appWidgetManager appWidgetIds null This is where we do the actual updating public void update Context context AppWidgetmanager manager int ids Object data data will contain some predetermined data but it may be null for int widgetId ids . . Update..
How do I create one Preference with an EditTextPreference and a Togglebutton? need an answer to this android preferences togglebutton preferenceactivity share improve this question Hell man I like your idea This is just same as @MH's answer but more concise. I tested with ToggleButton not Switch . package android.dumdum..
How to parse complex JSON file in android images M MV5BMjMyOTM4MDMxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjIyNzExOA@@._V1._SX54_CR0 0 54 74_.jpg title The Amazing Spider Man year 2012 director Marc Webb rating 7.3 details http title tt0948470 cover http images.. cover http images SF1f0a42ee1aa08d477a576fbbf7562eed realm feature.gif title The Amazing Spider Man 2 year 2014 director N A rating N A details http title tt1872181 cover http images.. http images M MV5BMzk3MTE5MDU5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjY3NTY3._V1._SX54_CR0 0 54 74_.jpg title Spider Man year 2002 director Sam Raimi rating 7.3 details http title tt0145487 cover http images..
How to use and package a JAR file with my Android app?
Problems saving a photo to a file saving a photo to a file Man I am still not able to save a picture when I send an intent asking for a photo to be taken. Here's what I am doing Make.. is clearly taking the picture. Thanks Peter I should mention that I have the appropriate permissions set in the AndroidManifest.xml file uses permission android name android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA..
Sending html email in android using <table>, etc. - is there really no relatively built-in Intent way? even if you wanted to hook into this and write your own to handle table tags or whatever it seems to be discouraged. Man I wish hackbod would weigh in here with something obvious I've missed. android html email android intent share improve..