android Programming Glossary: malicious
Android: Listen for app installed / upgraded broadcast message app it'll automatically scan this app to ensure it's not malicious. Follow Lookout I write a simple app which listen broadcast..
Can we detect which android application is using the microphone?
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue disabling SSO is very bad and will open up your app to malicious apps that can steal your user's Facebook credentials. The hack..
What is “android:allowBackup”? the debugging feature would be affected. if they have a malicious app on their PC that uses the ADB tools this could be problematic..
Disable Home button in Android 4.0+ app the home screen. This is for security reasons so that malicious apps cannot take over your device by overriding all the buttons..
how to disable home button in android? app the home screen. This is for security reasons so that malicious apps cannot take over your device by overriding all the buttons..
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? Home and End Call buttons. If you could this would allow a malicious application to prevent a user ever leaving it effectively hijacking..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? this change it would then be very easy to write a malicious application that hijacked a user's phone. Alternatively your..
How does AppBrain's installation app work? app that was built by a researcher shows how a person with malicious intent can easily use two commands that google has put in for..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? on and inform the service provider ex Google about the malicious app the service provider can then revoke the consumer key secret.. dumb terminal with rich UI. This way the only actions the malicious app would be able to make the proxy perform on its behalf would.. that message . At the end of the day if I am writing a malicious app I don't care if I actually know the real secret as long..
uninstallable app for Android a user level app. For good reason just imagine putting a malicious app on the market that cannot be removed The only way to do..
securing a REST API accessible from Android the API by simply typing it from his browser. I assume malicious user somehow knows API urls to call by sniffing when the application..
Where is the bundle of onSaveInstanceState saved? this question I don't think there's any way that any malicious background process can get at the bundle data of your application...
How to secure my app against piracy code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious code resign the app and publish it on the Android Market. The.. protects you from blame but it will also make it so that malicious application cannot access data available through your original..
Android: Listen for app installed / upgraded broadcast message details id com.lookout I see every time I install or upgrade app it'll automatically scan this app to ensure it's not malicious. Follow Lookout I write a simple app which listen broadcast message whenever each app is installed or upgraded. AFAIK there..
Can we detect which android application is using the microphone?
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue to be addressed. The other answer in this thread that suggests disabling SSO is very bad and will open up your app to malicious apps that can steal your user's Facebook credentials. The hack launches a WebView dialog to Facebook without SSO and the..
What is “android:allowBackup”? so only users that connect their devices to the PC and enable the debugging feature would be affected. if they have a malicious app on their PC that uses the ADB tools this could be problematic since the app could read the private storage data. i think..
Disable Home button in Android 4.0+ to intercept the home button on Android unless you make your app the home screen. This is for security reasons so that malicious apps cannot take over your device by overriding all the buttons that can exit. The home button is the one sure shot way..
how to disable home button in android? to intercept the home button on Android unless you make your app the home screen. This is for security reasons so that malicious apps cannot take over your device by overriding all the buttons that can exit. Home button is one sure short way to navigate..
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? easily . I don't think you'll be able to intercept the Home and End Call buttons. If you could this would allow a malicious application to prevent a user ever leaving it effectively hijacking the phone. An option for your application would be to..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? application instead of the Home screen without the user confirming this change it would then be very easy to write a malicious application that hijacked a user's phone. Alternatively your application could contain a replicate Home Screen that harvested..
How does AppBrain's installation app work? this other question. Link 1 Here is a link on how the first app that was built by a researcher shows how a person with malicious intent can easily use two commands that google has put in for our convenience for silent install and uninstall... Link 2..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? the end user may being noticing that something fishy is going on and inform the service provider ex Google about the malicious app the service provider can then revoke the consumer key secret OAuth consumer my application impact My app containing.. webservice to your proxy server and make the client app dumb terminal with rich UI. This way the only actions the malicious app would be able to make the proxy perform on its behalf would be only what your business logic legitimately needs. But.. looks right nothing can prove it's another app that's sending that message . At the end of the day if I am writing a malicious app I don't care if I actually know the real secret as long as I can make somebody that knows it do a work on my behalf...
uninstallable app for Android share improve this question This is simply impossible for a user level app. For good reason just imagine putting a malicious app on the market that cannot be removed The only way to do this would be with root privileges like carriers do with pre..
securing a REST API accessible from Android downloads game then submits score as he wish all via calling the API by simply typing it from his browser. I assume malicious user somehow knows API urls to call by sniffing when the application was making HTTP requests. I need to ensure that requests..
Where is the bundle of onSaveInstanceState saved? data which is stored in the bundle. android share improve this question I don't think there's any way that any malicious background process can get at the bundle data of your application. It is not documented how Android treats the Bundle data...
How to secure my app against piracy blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious code resign the app and publish it on the Android Market. The good news here is that unless your android license key password.. an application with the same license key. This not only protects you from blame but it will also make it so that malicious application cannot access data available through your original application such as SharedPreferences . All in all the best..