android Programming Glossary: mangle
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? for the triangle Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix 0 mAngle 0 0 1.0f Combine the rotation matrix with the projection and..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations 0 0.1f 0f 0 Matrix.rotateM mModelMatrix 0 mTriangle.mAngle 0 0 1.0f Matrix.multiplyMM tempMatrix 0 mVMatrix 0 mProjMatrix.. ratio 1 1 3 7 public class GLShip public volatile float mAngle private final String vertexShaderCode This matrix member variable.. are that on each redrawing the object would be rotated by mAngle and traslated along Y Axis by 1f. I can see only rotating a..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView public boolean onTrackballEvent MotionEvent e cr.mAngleX e.getX TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY e.getY TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR.. e cr.mAngleX e.getX TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY e.getY TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR requestRender return true @Override.. float dx x mPreviousX float dy y mPreviousY cr.mAngleX dx TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY dy TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR requestRender..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? of the MVPMatrix This seems a little weird. Create a rotation for the triangle Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix 0 mAngle 0 0 1.0f Combine the rotation matrix with the projection and camera view Matrix.multiplyMM mMVPMatrix 0 mRotationMatrix..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations Matrix.setIdentityM mModelMatrix 0 Matrix.translateM mModelMatrix 0 0.1f 0f 0 Matrix.rotateM mModelMatrix 0 mTriangle.mAngle 0 0 1.0f Matrix.multiplyMM tempMatrix 0 mVMatrix 0 mProjMatrix 0 Matrix.multiplyMM mMVPMatrix 0 mModelMatrix 0 tempMatrix.. in the onDrawFrame method Matrix.frustumM mProjMatrix 0 ratio ratio 1 1 3 7 public class GLShip public volatile float mAngle private final String vertexShaderCode This matrix member variable provides a hook to manipulate the coordinates of the objects.. mPositionHandle My expectations are that on each redrawing the object would be rotated by mAngle and traslated along Y Axis by 1f. I can see only rotating a bit projected too though. I actually got some questions regarding..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView this.getHolder .setFormat PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT public boolean onTrackballEvent MotionEvent e cr.mAngleX e.getX TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY e.getY TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR requestRender return true @Override public boolean.. PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT public boolean onTrackballEvent MotionEvent e cr.mAngleX e.getX TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY e.getY TRACKBALL_SCALE_FACTOR requestRender return true @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent e float x e.getX.. float y e.getY switch e.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float dx x mPreviousX float dy y mPreviousY cr.mAngleX dx TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR cr.mAngleY dy TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR requestRender mPreviousX x mPreviousY y return true private..