android Programming Glossary: manifest
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) running on an 4.1 emulator. Here is my AndroidManifest.xml manifest xmlns android http apk res android package..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) AndroidManifest.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package.. intent filter receiver application manifest However I was wondering if you could send and receive MMS messages.. in the device android sms broadcastreceiver android manifest mms share improve this question When I have the exact same..
How to disable orientation change in Android? I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and prevents orientation..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? Tablets Also do not forget to include these permissions in manifest uses permission android name android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO..
Changing Locale within the app itself AND HERE IS THE MANIFEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package.. activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android the following in your AndroidManifest.xml file 1 In your manifest element uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData Add the service to your manifest service android name .DownloadService And the activity will.. Exception pokemon return false And just add this to the manifest service android name com.codeslap.groundy.GroundyService It..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and..
Make an HTTP request with android a permission to access network add following to your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET Then..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE in your android manifest. Edit Note that having an active network interface doesn't guarantee..
Activity restart on rotation Android to specify the name of your new Application class in the manifest for it to be registered and used. Reacting to Configuration.. adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation or for..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version
Android: How to declare global variables? and then specify that class in the application tag in your manifest. Now Android will automatically create an instance of that class.. override to your application a tag is necessary in the manifest file. Again see the Android docs for more info. An example application..
How to call Android contacts list? Add a permission to read contacts data to your application manifest. uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS..
Error importing HoloEverywhere ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere Change the Android Manifest to following application android icon @drawable ic_launcher..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? the tool can't obfuscate components mentioned in the Manifest file. Now my questions are How can I completely avoid reverse..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application to the existing application and change the version no in Manifest file. manifest xmlns android http apk res..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset speech recognition share improve this question Manifest permission uses permission android name android.permission.BLUETOOTH..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts false Also add the following permission to the Android Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update tried to create a new device but the problem still exists. Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http
How to test the performance of an Android application? to write the SD card by adding the following to your Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found.. declaration within the element google play services_lib Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found..
Static Way to get Context on android? android share improve this question Do this In Android Manifest file declare following application android name
Permission to write to the SD card to write to the SD Card by adding the line below to your Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically?
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app in the application node in the manifest file. Your Android Manifest file probably looks something like this application android..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market ok just some explanations to complete the infos 1. Android Manifest. The receiver tags must be inside the application tags. 2. The..
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo thing is that you have to add all your activities in the Manifest file. android fatal error share improve this question It.. of your Intent. Please add your Activity in your AndroidManifest.xml. When you want to making new activity you should register..
sqlite example program in android [closed] ' ' Note you suppose to define this Provider class in Manifest file like . In another class where i can insert and retrieve..
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext() So if you want the Application class you registered in the Manifest you should never call getApplicationContext and cast it to your..
How can I get root permissions through the Android SDK? thing would be to add a root permission in the Android Manifest. I saw this link in the documentation and especially noted the..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email is quite wrong. Do I need a new permission in the Manifest launch an intent to send email w attachment What am I doing..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time Market that does fulfil my requirement. Below is my Manifest file how I tried but the Service was not called at all. So let..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) and I'm getting this message when the app launches. This is running on an 4.1 emulator. Here is my AndroidManifest.xml manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.example.maptest android versionCode 1 android versionName..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) int contactId String message Display notification... AndroidManifest.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.myexample android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0.. intent filter action android name android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED intent filter receiver application manifest However I was wondering if you could send and receive MMS messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many.. like sending MMS and don't know the default APN setting present in the device android sms broadcastreceiver android manifest mms share improve this question When I have the exact same problem you describe above Galaxy Nexus on t mobile USA it..
How to disable orientation change in Android? application that I just would like to use in portrait mode so I have defined android screenOrientation portrait in the manifest XML. This works OK for the HTC magic phone and prevents orientation changes on other phones as well . But I have a problem..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? Music Video and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets Also do not forget to include these permissions in manifest uses permission android name android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO uses permission android name android.permission.CAMERA uses..
Changing Locale within the app itself .show break return super.onOptionsItemSelected item AND HERE IS THE MANIFEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.cousinHub.ChangeLocale android versionCode 1 android.. android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android I'd wrap everything up into one complete answer. You need the following in your AndroidManifest.xml file 1 In your manifest element uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED 2 In your application element be sure to..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress 100 receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData Add the service to your manifest service android name .DownloadService And the activity will look like this initialize the progress dialog like in the first.. this return true catch Exception pokemon return false And just add this to the manifest service android name com.codeslap.groundy.GroundyService It couldn't be easier I think. Just grab the latest jar from Github..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be enough..
Make an HTTP request with android share improve this question First of all request a permission to access network add following to your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET Then the easiest way is to use Apache http client bundled with..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] You will also need uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE in your android manifest. Edit Note that having an active network interface doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Networks..
Activity restart on rotation Android initializing using getters and setters. NOTE You'll need to specify the name of your new Application class in the manifest for it to be registered and used. Reacting to Configuration Changes As a further alternative you can have your application.. changes and handle them within your Activity. Start by adding the android configChanges node to your Activity's manifest node android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation or for Android 3.2 API level 13 and newer android configChanges keyboardHidden..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version
Android: How to declare global variables? is to create your own subclass of and then specify that class in the application tag in your manifest. Now Android will automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your entire application. You.. anticafe commented in order to correctly tie your Application override to your application a tag is necessary in the manifest file. Again see the Android docs for more info. An example application android name my.application.MyApp android icon .....
How to call Android contacts list? name'. There are three steps to this process. 1 Permissions Add a permission to read contacts data to your application manifest. uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS 2 Calling the Contact Picker Within your Activity create..
Error importing HoloEverywhere project Right Click on project Properties Android Add add both ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere Change the Android Manifest to following application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style Holo.Theme..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? used in the app remains unchanged. As per Proguard documentation the tool can't obfuscate components mentioned in the Manifest file. Now my questions are How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK Is this possible How can I protect..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application I installed the application and it works fine. I made changes to the existing application and change the version no in Manifest file. manifest xmlns android http apk res android package org.openintents.samples.BasicOpenARDemo android..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset using setBluetoothScoOn or startBluetoothSco android bluetooth speech recognition share improve this question Manifest permission uses permission android name android.permission.BLUETOOTH uses permission android name android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting return true return false Also add the following permission to the Android Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE One other small point if you absolutely need a network..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update project the LogCat shows a ClassNotFoundException . I tried to create a new device but the problem still exists. Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.example.myapp..
How to test the performance of an Android application? an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write the SD card by adding the following to your Manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Once the file has been created you'll need to copy..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error 11 08 12.845 E AndroidRuntime 28885 Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the element.. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the element google play services_lib Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application..
Static Way to get Context on android? i hate saving the context instance each time it changes. android share improve this question Do this In Android Manifest file declare following application android name application then write the class public class MyApplication..
Permission to write to the SD card
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically?
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app It was because I specified the android name attribute in the application node in the manifest file. Your Android Manifest file probably looks something like this application android name Novak ESC Track guide android icon @drawable icon android..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market ...referrer thatsthevalue thisisnot xxx The above code is ok just some explanations to complete the infos 1. Android Manifest. The receiver tags must be inside the application tags. 2. The correct url to link the market is not the results of the..
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo Edit This error happens to most of the beginners the thing is that you have to add all your activities in the Manifest file. android fatal error share improve this question It is a problem of your Intent. Please add your Activity in your.. fatal error share improve this question It is a problem of your Intent. Please add your Activity in your AndroidManifest.xml. When you want to making new activity you should register it in your AndroidManifest.xml. share improve this answer..
sqlite example program in android [closed] id return _ID id TextUtils.isEmpty selection AND selection ' ' Note you suppose to define this Provider class in Manifest file like . In another class where i can insert and retrieve the data to DB...has follows class A extends Activity addevent..
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext() the case for example in a specific vendor implementation . So if you want the Application class you registered in the Manifest you should never call getApplicationContext and cast it to your application because it may not be the application instance..
How can I get root permissions through the Android SDK? to make an application which has to run as root. The logical thing would be to add a root permission in the Android Manifest. I saw this link in the documentation and especially noted the FACTORY_TEST permission public static final String FACTORY_TEST..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email attachment sends correctly. That would lead me to believe something is quite wrong. Do I need a new permission in the Manifest launch an intent to send email w attachment What am I doing wrong android email attachment android intent share improve..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time possible. Just have a look at PlanB Application on the Android Market that does fulfil my requirement. Below is my Manifest file how I tried but the Service was not called at all. So let me know what is the best possible way to start a Service..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK false jFile.lastModified 0 gFile drive.files .update gFile.getId gFile gContent .setSetModifiedDate true .execute THE MANIFEST You'll need the following permissions GET_ACCOUNTS USE_CREDENTIALS MANAGE_ACCOUNTS INTERNET and there's a good chance you'll..
Changing Locale within the app itself this Locale en Français Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break return super.onOptionsItemSelected item AND HERE IS THE MANIFEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.cousinHub.ChangeLocale..
how to receive text sms to specific port.. but to no avail. This has been asked a few times but nobody seems to have a clear answer. My code is as follows MANIFEST FILE receiver android name .SMSRecieve android enabled true intent filter action android name android.intent.action.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED..
How does the Android repo manifest repository work? m option in .repo manifests by default .repo manifests default.xml . Roughly as follows repo init u URL b BRANCH m MANIFEST mkdir .repo cd .repo git clone https tools repo git clone bare URL manifests.git mkdir p manifests.. .git cd manifests .git for i in .. .. manifests.git do ln s ı . done cd .. git checkout BRANCH . cd .. ln s manifests MANIFEST manifest.xml You can trace what really happens with repo trace init ... Then repo sync clones git repositories to .repo..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android INVOKING THIS METHOD. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SET INTERNET AND NETWORK ACCESS STATE PERMISSIONS IN APPLICATION'S MANIFEST FILE. Log.d DEBUG In startUnzipping UnzipManager.BASE_FOLDER Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator samples..