android Programming Glossary: maplocationviewer
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint.. public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer.. mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer location arglocation bubbleIcon BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
Custom tap window on Google Map private boolean flag false private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private Point.. fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations int.. MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations int size mList.size start new int size end new..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint.. selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer..
Custom tap window on Google Map mHandler new Handler private boolean flag false private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint.. point private void fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations.. Coor Resut result return result public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer bubbleIcon..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? global instances so we don't keep reloading every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false private boolean.. on a known map location private PantryLocation selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer location arglocation bubbleIcon BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer location arglocation bubbleIcon BitmapFactory.decodeResource mapLocationViewer.getResources R.drawable.bubble..
Custom tap window on Google Map iconForMapKitRollOver private Handler mHandler new Handler private boolean flag false private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private Point arrowPointCoordinates new Point The currently selected Map.. and again till start point equals the end point private void fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations int size mList.size start new int size end new int size Method.. point private void fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations int size mList.size start new int size end new int size Method for checking two arrays. Used for dropping..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Store these as global instances so we don't keep reloading every time private Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false.. whether a user 'clicked' on a known map location private PantryLocation selectedMapLocation public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer PantryLocation arglocation this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer location arglocation bubbleIcon BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
Custom tap window on Google Map shadowIcon iconForMapKit iconForMapKitRollOver private Handler mHandler new Handler private boolean flag false private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private Point arrowPointCoordinates new Point The currently.. be called again and again till start point equals the end point private void fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer List MapLocation mList mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations int size mList.size start new int size end new.. i 0 i a.length i if a i b i result false break Log.v Coor Coor Resut result return result public MapLocationOverlay MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer this.mapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer bubbleIcon BitmapFactory.decodeResource mapLocationViewer.getResources..