android Programming Glossary: manually
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse argument values are not always populated so I have to manually populate them myself. For instance list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener.. the method for me. This becomes quite a pain having to manually recreate ALL my overridden methods by hand. If anyone can explain..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons click tap the button via the touch screen. However I can't manually select it with the trackball. It always selects the whole list..
HTML5 <video> element on Android use the type attribute when calling the video. You must manually call The video must be encoded to some quite strict..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] the list. While a lot of people have tried to do this manually most ListView Adapter classes come with a Filter object that..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? credentials rather than forcing users to log in every time manually. For example we want to check updates when exiting the application..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) in the Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the.. have a custom look I don't particularly want to have to manually change the font for every new widget I add. java android gui..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners that is looking for this you can do the following code to manually round the corners of your images. http p 184 This..
Detect application heap size in Android version such as CyanogenMod which allows the user to manually select how large a heap size should be allowed for each app... different devices running CyanogenMod using two different manually set heap values for each G1 With VM Heap Size set to 16MB maxMemory.. provide an interface that would allow the heap size to be manually adjusted. For that device here are the results Novo7 maxMemory..
Open another application from your own (intent) Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks for your help 05 06 11 22 24.945 INFO ActivityManager..
How to call SOAP web service in Android to kSoap2 and then some bit about parsing it all manually with SAX . OK that's fine but it's 2008 so I figured there should..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? in the columns of the database so we have to write them manually. For other kind of data inside an MMS you can apply the same..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog same thread of your app when you extends Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download.. you do not have to worry about downloading the file manually handle threads streams etc. GingerBread brought a new feature..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file setting the Options.outHeight and Options.outWidth values manually to 800 and 533 but it doesn't work that way. android image..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager in each affected ListFragment to update the ListView manually. Any help would be gratefully accepted java android android..
Using Activities from Library projects anybody tell me if they have experienced this before EDIT Manually copying the layout.xml used by the Library project activity..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap feature in Phonegap to achieve this Possible duplicate of Manually pause an application in Android Phonegap but I couldn't find..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? My question is How is this being done A couple of guesses. Manually not likely due to volume Implemented the protocol used by the..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks android eclipse plugin adt share improve this question Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are..
Sending long sms messages less perfectly. Seems like there are a few options here Manually break the message up into multiple SMSs send each part as a..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? You need not relase the WakeLock Manually. This code will allow the Android System to handle the Lock..
Changing the Android emulator locale automatically that would open the settings app and change the locale Manually starting the emulator for each platform version changing the..
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures Share debug.keystore between various development pc's Manually uninstall your apk from device using adb share improve this..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code security. To make this clearer the basic steps would be Manually create an encrypt your string using a known key. Convert your..
R.Java not generated Import General Existing Projects into Workspace in Eclipse Manually create gen folder and add it as source folder right click on..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? generates its View . Assign id via code programmatically Manually set id s using someView.setId int The int must be positive but..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse this is with Android projects for whatever reason the method argument values are not always populated so I have to manually populate them myself. For instance list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener new OnCreateContextMenuListener These arguments have.. really know where the problem is other then it auto formatting the method for me. This becomes quite a pain having to manually recreate ALL my overridden methods by hand. If anyone can explain why this happens or how to fix it .. I would be very happy...
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons found a solution as described in my answer below. Now I can click tap the button via the touch screen. However I can't manually select it with the trackball. It always selects the whole list item and from there goes directly to the next list item ignoring..
HTML5 <video> element on Android and from what I can tell you need three things You must not use the type attribute when calling the video. You must manually call The video must be encoded to some quite strict parameters using the iPhone setting on Handbrake with the..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] we need to take the input from it and make that input filter the list. While a lot of people have tried to do this manually most ListView Adapter classes come with a Filter object that can be used to perform the filtering automagically. We just..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? deal with this. Usually it is because they hold onto logon credentials rather than forcing users to log in every time manually. For example we want to check updates when exiting the application That is a mistake on any operating system. For all you..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that in the Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would probably.. do I have Is there any better ways to making widgets that have a custom look I don't particularly want to have to manually change the font for every new widget I add. java android gui interface fonts share improve this question You can extend..
How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners This is pretty late in response but for anyone else that is looking for this you can do the following code to manually round the corners of your images. http p 184 This isn't my code but I've used it and it's works wonderfully...
Detect application heap size in Android two methods can diverge is on a rooted device running an Android version such as CyanogenMod which allows the user to manually select how large a heap size should be allowed for each app. In CM for example this option appears under CyanogenMod settings.. the values returned by maxMemory and getMemoryClass for four different devices running CyanogenMod using two different manually set heap values for each G1 With VM Heap Size set to 16MB maxMemory 16777216 getMemoryClass 16 With VM Heap Size set to.. does not replace the entire OS and in particular does not provide an interface that would allow the heap size to be manually adjusted. For that device here are the results Novo7 maxMemory 62914560 getMemoryClass 60 Also per Kishore in a comment..
Open another application from your own (intent) from DDMS but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks for your help 05 06 11 22 24.945 INFO ActivityManager 76 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN..
How to call SOAP web service in Android been able to find are either very convoluted documents and references to kSoap2 and then some bit about parsing it all manually with SAX . OK that's fine but it's 2008 so I figured there should be some good library for calling standard web services...
How to Read MMS Data in Android? and which is worse they don't make public those constants used in the columns of the database so we have to write them manually. For other kind of data inside an MMS you can apply the same idea learned above... it's just a matter of knowing the mime..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog there you should know that a Service runs actually in the same thread of your app when you extends Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download service can look like this public class DownloadService extends.. class GingerBread and newer only This method is awesome you do not have to worry about downloading the file manually handle threads streams etc. GingerBread brought a new feature DownloadManager which allows you to download files easily..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I also tried BitmapFactory.decodeFile file options and setting the Options.outHeight and Options.outWidth values manually to 800 and 533 but it doesn't work that way. android image resize bitmap share improve this question No. I'd love for..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager the user see the view change. Or preferably b call a function in each affected ListFragment to update the ListView manually. Any help would be gratefully accepted java android android fragments android viewpager share improve this question ..
Using Activities from Library projects that the picker Activity can't find it's resources. Can anybody tell me if they have experienced this before EDIT Manually copying the layout.xml used by the Library project activity to the dependent project makes the project open the picker Activity..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap an asynchronous job being done in the background. Is there a feature in Phonegap to achieve this Possible duplicate of Manually pause an application in Android Phonegap but I couldn't find some of the tools the OP mentioned there such as navigator..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? that have managed to compile this information anyway. My question is How is this being done A couple of guesses. Manually not likely due to volume Implemented the protocol used by the official app by decompiling or observing packets Running some..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks 22.0.0.v201305140200 675183 android eclipse plugin adt share improve this question Manually download zip and then intent of URL use that zip. details are mention here . http sdk installing installing..
Sending long sms messages great when the message 160 characters. After that things work less perfectly. Seems like there are a few options here Manually break the message up into multiple SMSs send each part as a separate SMS. Use the multi part send SMS function sendMultipartTextMessage..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? is efficient than the wakeLock. getWindow .addFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON You need not relase the WakeLock Manually. This code will allow the Android System to handle the Lock Automatically. When your application is in the Foreground then..
Changing the Android emulator locale automatically Running a key sequence via the emulator's telnet interface that would open the settings app and change the locale Manually starting the emulator for each platform version changing the locale by hand in the settings saving it and archiving the..
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures
hiding strings in Obfuscated code the key somewhere in your jar thus negating any cryptographic security. To make this clearer the basic steps would be Manually create an encrypt your string using a known key. Convert your code to use a decrypted version of this string example Before..
R.Java not generated In general to make it work import project into eclipse File Import General Existing Projects into Workspace in Eclipse Manually create gen folder and add it as source folder right click on your project Build Path Configure Build Path Add folder Clean..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? to a Preference in XML is not used when the Preference generates its View . Assign id via code programmatically Manually set id s using someView.setId int The int must be positive but is otherwise arbitrary it can be whatever you want keep reading..