android Programming Glossary: map.getprojection
Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in new LatLng lat lng CameraPosition.Builder x CameraPosition.builder coordinate x.zoom 13 Projection proj map.getProjection Point focus proj.toScreenLocation coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate map.animateCamera..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps if marker null marker.isInfoWindowShown map null infoWindow null Get a marker position on the screen Point point map.getProjection .toScreenLocation marker.getPosition Make a copy of the MotionEvent and adjust it's location so it is relative to the..
How to compute a radius around a point in an Android MapView?
Create an Android GPS tracking application public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapv boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapv shadow Projection projection map.getProjection Path p new Path for int i 0 i geoPointsArray.size i if i geoPointsArray.size 1 break Point from new Point Point to new..
i want to draw path between multiple geopoins in android [duplicate] public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapv boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapv shadow Projection projection map.getProjection Path p new Path for int i 0 i geoPointsArray.size i if i geoPointsArray.size 1 break Point from new Point Point to new..
Can “overlay” size be zoomed together with the google map on android? point.y myCircleRadius circle public static int metersToRadius float meters MapView map double latitude return int map.getProjection .metersToEquatorPixels meters 1 Math.cos Math.toRadians latitude As your overlay re draws from zoom the marker will resize..