android Programming Glossary: many
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass an Intent to the native..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] that you have the android sdk build tools installed. This many not be necessary but make sure you have android build tools..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android . So what is the best correct way to handle many images Should I put them in static methods so they are not loaded.. like you have a memory leak. The problem isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the app.. a phonecall and Android decides to kill the app. There are many iPhone and Android applications that deal with this. Usually..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? to the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken though many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't..
Focusable EditText inside ListView of indicating the position with the selector. I've tried many possibilities and have so far had no luck. layout ListView android..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating another solution. It seems to be a common issue with many different answers readily available through google share improve..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog android asynctask share improve this question There are many ways to download files. Following I will post most common ways..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security.. however I recently bought Tasker from the market and among many other things that you can accomplish with it you can set rules.. be signed with the firmware signing key as it works on many android versions and different devices and you don't even need..
FFMPEG on Android be fine. Regarding using ffmpeg for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg binary itself is a good example here 's..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions the patched Smack library from here as is suggested in many other questions here in SO. However that's a patched version..
Android: How to declare global variables? back in '09 when Android was relatively new and there were many not well established areas in Android development. I have added.. design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? What is the life cycle of an Android activity Why are so many similar sounding methods onCreate onStart onResume called during.. onStart onResume called during initialization and so many others onPause onStop onDestroy called at the end When are these..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack Now press back again and you end up at fragment 3 not 1 Many thanks android android fragments back stack share improve..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true Many people miss the READ_GSERVICES permission be sure this has been..
android button selector when PRESSED the text size and color could also change Many thanks item android state_pressed true shape xmlns android..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it IP example can be found in the github . I hope this helps. Many thanks to Joseph Earl and his answer here . share improve this..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? need to pause What is the best solution to implement this Many txs for your help. H. I've tried but it doesn't work new Reminder..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock Seems there are no issues using Standard IntelliJ IDEA. Many guides online for setting it up with ABS. Also as Jake mentioned..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? this then you use prefs.getBoolean keystring true Update Many applications may provide a way to capture user preferences for..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] but you will find that RelativeLayout is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at all. Play around..
Making data persistent in android . android persistence share improve this question Many applications may provide a way to capture user preferences on..
Android: how to make a clickable map image with each country producing a different action? but there may be some simple way that I'm overlooking. Many thanks in advance Cheers r3mo android image share improve..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android the phone removing the existing .apk does not fix fault Many thanks android android emulator share improve this question..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse if there was something official from Google on this ... Many thanks in advance CHEERS SAM android eclipse source share..
Android BroadcastReceiver on startup checking for incoming sms. How can I make this persistent Many thanks Steve android share improve this question Use Service..
Playing an pre-recorded audio file to somebody over a call is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this Many similar questions have been asked but they all seem really old..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread And why you should use new thread You can google for it. Many many reasons. So what is the difference AsyncTask and Handler..
How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application a header or footer button bar for my Android application Many popular apps like Google Maps Facebook Foursquare etc. have..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? me one two punch and point how to do it the right way. Many thanks Code Main Activity public class DashboardActivity extends..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera I prevent saving additional copy of image to DCIM folder Many Thanks android native android camera android sdcard android..
Android:Google Maps API Key Signup : MD5 certification key 41 82 3B F6 DA 78 40 DD DE I want MD5 certification key . Many Thanks. android google maps api 3 share improve this question..
FragmentActivity causing ClassNotFoundException to go to Java Build Path and click Add External JARs... Many thanks to eMich for this solution from Jar file issue with ADT..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) However I was wondering if you could send and receive MMS messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass an Intent to the native Messaging application. I am trying to send an MMS without..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android growing more and more until user gets the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError . So what is the best correct way to handle many images Should I put them in static methods so they are not loaded all the time Do I have to clean the layout or the images.. memory leaks leak share improve this question It sounds like you have a memory leak. The problem isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed. It's difficult to say why this..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? are much the same way in that pressing the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the app really was shut down since iPhone only allows one third party.. Our users log in and cant be doing that everytime they get a phonecall and Android decides to kill the app. There are many iPhone and Android applications that deal with this. Usually it is because they hold onto logon credentials rather than..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? ranging from its filepath to 'date last modified' to the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken though many of the fields aren't actually used. To save time as you don't actually need the other fields cursor search is done with..
Focusable EditText inside ListView has a focusable child I want that child to take focus instead of indicating the position with the selector. I've tried many possibilities and have so far had no luck. layout ListView android id @android id list android layout_height fill_parent..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog the file in the first place. java android download android asynctask share improve this question There are many ways to download files. Following I will post most common ways it is up to you to decide which method is better for your..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker like Tasker I know that the question about turning on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences.. and let the user enable disable it. I understand that however I recently bought Tasker from the market and among many other things that you can accomplish with it you can set rules to auto enable GPS on entering pre determined applications.. tutorial on how to do it and it just works and this app can't be signed with the firmware signing key as it works on many android versions and different devices and you don't even need to be rooted. I would like to do this in my app. Of course..
FFMPEG on Android There's enough documentation on JNI out there you should be fine. Regarding using ffmpeg for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg binary itself is a good example here 's a basic tutorial. The best documentation can be found in the..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions best choice nowadays for Android development. I've been using the patched Smack library from here as is suggested in many other questions here in SO. However that's a patched version of the Smack API from two years ago. And although it generally..
Android: How to declare global variables? state share improve this question I wrote this answer back in '09 when Android was relatively new and there were many not well established areas in Android development. I have added a long addendum at the bottom of this post addressing some.. that using Singletons generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers to developer applications is one of the most appealing..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? Activity Life Cycle What are all these methods for What is the life cycle of an Android activity Why are so many similar sounding methods onCreate onStart onResume called during initialization and so many others onPause onStop onDestroy.. activity Why are so many similar sounding methods onCreate onStart onResume called during initialization and so many others onPause onStop onDestroy called at the end When are these methods called and how should they be used properly android..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack frag transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.commit Now press back again and you end up at fragment 3 not 1 Many thanks android android fragments back stack share improve this question EXPLANATION on what's going on here If we keep..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers'
android button selector ask how could the code be further directly modified such that when PRESSED the text size and color could also change Many thanks item android state_pressed true shape xmlns android http apk res android stroke android width..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? not work. Maybe it's the process and not the Thread that I need to pause What is the best solution to implement this Many txs for your help. H. I've tried but it doesn't work new Reminder 5 with public class Reminder Timer timer public Reminder..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock does not exist Any help really appreciated Edit Seems there are no issues using Standard IntelliJ IDEA. Many guides online for setting it up with ABS. Also as Jake mentioned he's actually been developing the thing in IntelliJ Here..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this then you use prefs.getBoolean keystring true Update Many applications may provide a way to capture user preferences for a specific application or activity. For supporting this Android..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] it. Love RelativeLayout Most of the tutorials use LinearLayout but you will find that RelativeLayout is truly useful. Many layouts like the GridLayout aren't used much at all. Play around with RelativeLayout. See an example from this question..
Making data persistent in android cycle. Can this be achieved without using database sqlite . android persistence share improve this question Many applications may provide a way to capture user preferences on the settings of a specific application or an activity. For..
Android: how to make a clickable map image with each country producing a different action? How would I best go about this on Android I've got ideas but there may be some simple way that I'm overlooking. Many thanks in advance Cheers r3mo android image share improve this question Here is how I solved a similar problem. First..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android phone but running fine in the emulators I have tried rebooting the phone removing the existing .apk does not fix fault Many thanks android android emulator share improve this question I had a similar issue and it was because I was trying to..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse approaches that might turn out to be outdated. Would be great if there was something official from Google on this ... Many thanks in advance CHEERS SAM android eclipse source share improve this question There is an Eclipse plugin called Android..
Android BroadcastReceiver on startup method not the lifecycle of keeping the BroadcastReceiver checking for incoming sms. How can I make this persistent Many thanks Steve android share improve this question Use Service for this to make anything persist. And use receivers to..
Playing an pre-recorded audio file to somebody over a call heard seen on the internet. My Question is this if this is truly the way it is how is prankdial accomplishing this Many similar questions have been asked but they all seem really old so i was wondering if anybody has gained any more insight..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread easily test by Thread t Thread.currentThread int id t.getId And why you should use new thread You can google for it. Many many reasons. So what is the difference AsyncTask and Handler are written in Java internally use a Thread so everything..
How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application Many popular apps like Google Maps Facebook Foursquare etc. have header and or footer bars on most of their activities. These..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? Android 3 Pro book doesn't have much about it. So please give me one two punch and point how to do it the right way. Many thanks Code Main Activity public class DashboardActivity extends BasePagerActivity implements OnMessageListActionListener..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera startActivityForResult intent REQUEST_FROM_CAMERA How can I prevent saving additional copy of image to DCIM folder Many Thanks android native android camera android sdcard android camera intent share improve this question check this code....
Android:Google Maps API Key Signup : MD5 certification key fingerprint SHA1 A4 9E 8F FA 1A B2 A0 79 3D D3 95 41 82 3B F6 DA 78 40 DD DE I want MD5 certification key . Many Thanks. android google maps api 3 share improve this question C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_04 bin keytool.exe V list..
FragmentActivity causing ClassNotFoundException