android Programming Glossary: map.animatecamera
Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in Point focus proj.toScreenLocation coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy.. map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy 13 map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng.. zoom CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 15 map.moveCamera center map.animateCamera zoom Here I move the camera first then animate the camera though..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom TO_LOCATION 40 map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null I want to draw from..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom DUBLIN 15 map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null new GetDirection .execute..
java.lang.noclassdeffounderror:$styleable nothing helped me HAMBURG 15 Zoom in animating the camera. map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null @Override public boolean..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom latLng DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM map.animateCamera update catch IOException e Log.e TAG e.getMessage e Toast.makeText..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds and map.animateCamera . I have some cases which give problems though when the points..
Google Maps v2 - set both my location and zoom in coordinate x.zoom 13 Projection proj map.getProjection Point focus proj.toScreenLocation coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy 13 map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng.. Point focus proj.toScreenLocation coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy 13 map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng coordinate LatLngBounds bounds mMap.getProjection.. LatLng 40.76793169992044 73.98180484771729 CameraUpdate zoom CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 15 map.moveCamera center map.animateCamera zoom Here I move the camera first then animate the camera though both could be animateCamera calls. Whether GoogleMap consolidates..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination Destination Title .snippet Destination Description map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom TO_LOCATION 40 map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null I want to draw from current location by provider network or gps and then draw the..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android getFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom DUBLIN 15 map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null new GetDirection .execute class GetDirection extends AsyncTask String String String..
java.lang.noclassdeffounderror:$styleable nothing helped me hamburg with a zoom of 15. map.moveCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom HAMBURG 15 Zoom in animating the camera. map.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo 10 2000 null @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate the menu this adds..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed .getAddress .getLatLng getActivity CameraUpdate update CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom latLng DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM map.animateCamera update catch IOException e Log.e TAG e.getMessage e Toast.makeText getActivity Unable to find location Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Android Maps v2 - animate camera to include most markers working nicely for most cases using the well known LatLngBounds.Builder CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds and map.animateCamera . I have some cases which give problems though when the points are too far away the map centers on max zoom level on the..