android Programming Glossary: mapactivity
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations Google Code Android public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity LinearLayout linearLayout MapView mapView private Road mRoad..
Couldn't get connection factory client get connection factory client I got this error ERROR MapActivity 258 Couldn't get connection factory client Everything worked..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process per Android application process I have written one MapActivity class that is able to display a set of places as well as single.. On startup the application creates an instance of this MapActivity and displays multiple places. If the user clicks on a certain.. the place on a map this causes that a new instance of the MapActivity is created except that now only this single place is displayed...
Android: Is application running in background? like to but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity ListActivity etc. you still need to write the following by hand..
MapView in a Fragment (Honeycomb) way to create a Fragment with a MapView MapView needs a MapActivity to work right. Having the Activity managing the Fragments inherit.. Having the Activity managing the Fragments inherit from MapActivity bad solution because it goes against the idea that Fragments.. layout does not work. I get a NullPointerException in MapActivity.setupMapView E AndroidRuntime 597 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I'm trying to get the.. via DDMS or Telnet. I see the following error in LogCat MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I've read numerous threads.. I see my first log statement but never the second and MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client is written to LogCat..
How to show a map in an Android mapactivity to show a map in an Android mapactivity I have attached a mapview to my layout and have a it showing..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map Error return result and this my mapActivity public class mapactivity extends MapActivity private MapView mapView MapController mc..
Get coordinates on tapping map in android android I'm trying to make something like this I have a mapactivity and when the user taps the map it shows the coordinates of that..
How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android? 2010 handling longpresslongclick in mapactivity . This will go into detail on how to listen for long click events..
android: MapView does not recognize clicks onClick entered android android mapview mapactivity share improve this question Add an Overlay in your map view..
Android MapActivity on map movement some sort of OnMapChange listener android google maps mapactivity share improve this question You can extend the MapView class..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client it's really baffling me cheers android google maps mapactivity mylocationoverlay share improve this question i had exactly..
Get Latitude and Longitude from SQLite database for use in Android MapOverlay Thanks you so much android database sqlite android maps mapactivity share improve this question You would want to do a query..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations return is See full code on J2MEMapRouteBlackBerryEx on Google Code Android public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity LinearLayout linearLayout MapView mapView private Road mRoad @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Couldn't get connection factory client get connection factory client I got this error ERROR MapActivity 258 Couldn't get connection factory client Everything worked fine it's all of a sudden how come that happens I know my api..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process to use multiple MapActivities MapViews per Android application process I have written one MapActivity class that is able to display a set of places as well as single places. On startup the application creates an instance of.. is able to display a set of places as well as single places. On startup the application creates an instance of this MapActivity and displays multiple places. If the user clicks on a certain place then a new Activity is launched that shows the details.. This activity has a menu item that allows the user to view the place on a map this causes that a new instance of the MapActivity is created except that now only this single place is displayed. The problem now is that if the user navigates back to the..
Android: Is application running in background? you may create a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd like to but if your activity is already extended from MapActivity ListActivity etc. you still need to write the following by hand @Override protected void onResume super.onResume MyApplication.activityResumed..
MapView in a Fragment (Honeycomb) that the final SDK is out with google apis what is the best way to create a Fragment with a MapView MapView needs a MapActivity to work right. Having the Activity managing the Fragments inherit from MapActivity bad solution because it goes against.. with a MapView MapView needs a MapActivity to work right. Having the Activity managing the Fragments inherit from MapActivity bad solution because it goes against the idea that Fragments are self contained and use a regular xml based layout does.. that Fragments are self contained and use a regular xml based layout does not work. I get a NullPointerException in MapActivity.setupMapView E AndroidRuntime 597 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException E AndroidRuntime 597 at
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I'm trying to get the Map demos working as provided in the Google API sample projects... as per samples . But I cannot set a location on the map either via DDMS or Telnet. I see the following error in LogCat MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I've read numerous threads regarding this issue but they always seem to be as a result.. loc mapController.animateTo myLocationOverlay.getMyLocation I see my first log statement but never the second and MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client is written to LogCat at that point. I have read that there were issues with SDK v8..
How to show a map in an Android mapactivity to show a map in an Android mapactivity I have attached a mapview to my layout and have a it showing a compass and my current location the problem I have is that..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map n in.close result str.toString catch Exception ex result Error return result and this my mapActivity public class mapactivity extends MapActivity private MapView mapView MapController mc GeoPoint p private MyLocationOverlay me null class MapOverlays..
Get coordinates on tapping map in android coordinates on tapping map in android I'm trying to make something like this I have a mapactivity and when the user taps the map it shows the coordinates of that location. I already overrided the onclick method but it..
How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android? question For the long click I suggest you check out http www.kind 2010 handling longpresslongclick in mapactivity . This will go into detail on how to listen for long click events within the Maps API since there is little or no built..
android: MapView does not recognize clicks arg0 return super.onTouchEvent arg0 public void onClick System.out.println onClick entered android android mapview mapactivity share improve this question Add an Overlay in your map view and handle the OnTouchEvent. Try something like this public..
Android MapActivity on map movement map in a MapActivity but I have no idea how to do that. Maybe some sort of OnMapChange listener android google maps mapactivity share improve this question You can extend the MapView class to add the necessary map change event. http
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client will do soon. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated it's really baffling me cheers android google maps mapactivity mylocationoverlay share improve this question i had exactly the same initial situation as you described. when you see..
Get Latitude and Longitude from SQLite database for use in Android MapOverlay an ArrayList itemOverlay Do you have any ideas or an example Thanks you so much android database sqlite android maps mapactivity share improve this question You would want to do a query like this SELECT title description latitude longitude FROM..