android Programming Glossary: mapcontroller.setzoom
Adding a custom marker to map - Android .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 Use the above code in ontouch method also use the below
Get Map address or Location Address in Android true myMapView.setStreetView true Zoom in mapController.setZoom 17 myMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true Add the MyPositionOverlay..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? true mapView.displayZoomControls false mapController.setZoom 17 Add the MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay new MyPositionOverlay..
You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity false mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 18 LocationManager lm LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE..
OSMDroid simple example required true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 15 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 51496994 134733 mapController.setCenter..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 16 mapController mapView.getController mapView.invalidate GeoPoint.. int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mapController.animateTo p mapController.setZoom 17 HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay new HelloItemizedOverlay.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 GeoPoint point1 new GeoPoint 30.084691643714909 31.335958242416382..
Couldn't get connection factory client addressoverlay.getGeopoint new Runnable public void run mapController.setZoom 12 else catch IOException exception exception.printStackTrace..
Adding Overlay to OSMDROID true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 20 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 31.987968 34.783069 mapController.setCenter.. true mapController this.mMapView.getController mapController.setZoom 15 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 53554070 2959520 centre map..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 14 Zoon 1 is world view locationManager LocationManager getSystemService..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' GeoPoint latitude longitude mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 MapOverlay mapOverLay new MapOverlay mapOverLay.setPointToDraw.. improve this question mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 MapOverlay mapOverLay new MapOverlay mapOverLay.setPointToDraw.. .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 If you want more than one point on map Drawable srcdrawable..
Adding a custom marker to map - Android srcoverlayitem mapView.getOverlays .clear mapView.getOverlays .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 Use the above code in ontouch method also use the below class public class CustomItemizedOverlay..
Get Map address or Location Address in Android Configure the map display options myMapView.setSatellite true myMapView.setStreetView true Zoom in mapController.setZoom 17 myMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true Add the MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay new MyPositionOverlay List Overlay overlays..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? the map display options mapView.setSatellite true mapView.setStreetView true mapView.displayZoomControls false mapController.setZoom 17 Add the MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay new MyPositionOverlay List Overlay overlays mapView.getOverlays overlays.add..
You are only allowed to have a single MapView in a MapActivity true mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls false mapView.setSatellite false mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 18 LocationManager lm LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Location location lm .getLastKnownLocation..
OSMDroid simple example required mapView.setTileSource TileSourceFactory.MAPNIK mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 15 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 51496994 134733 mapController.setCenter point2 protected boolean isRouteDisplayed TODO..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps to show Traffic on map mapView.setTraffic true mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 16 mapController mapView.getController mapView.invalidate GeoPoint p String coordinates 30.084691643714909 31.335958242416382.. 0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mapController.animateTo p mapController.setZoom 17 HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay new HelloItemizedOverlay drawable MapOverlay mapOverlay new MapOverlay List Overlay.. location.getLatitude Longitude location.getLongitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 GeoPoint point1 new GeoPoint 30.084691643714909 31.335958242416382 add marker MapOverlay mapOverlay new MapOverlay..
Couldn't get connection factory client mapView.getController mapController.animateTo addressoverlay.getGeopoint new Runnable public void run mapController.setZoom 12 else catch IOException exception exception.printStackTrace any help thanks in advance java android share..
Adding Overlay to OSMDROID mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapView.setMultiTouchControls true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 20 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 31.987968 34.783069 mapController.setCenter point2 this.mmapOverlay new MapOverlay this.. mMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mMapView.setMultiTouchControls true mapController this.mMapView.getController mapController.setZoom 15 GeoPoint point2 new GeoPoint 53554070 2959520 centre map here GeoPoint point3 new GeoPoint 53554070 1000 2959520 1000..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps true Either satellite or 2d mapView.setSatellite true mapController mapView.getController mapController.setZoom 14 Zoon 1 is world view locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE locationManager.requestLocationUpdates..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' int longitude int location.getLongitude 1000000 point new GeoPoint latitude longitude mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 MapOverlay mapOverLay new MapOverlay mapOverLay.setPointToDraw point List Overlay listOfOverlays map.getOverlays listOfOverlays.clear.. Could not get Geocoder data e android google maps gsp share improve this question mapController.animateTo point mapController.setZoom 16 MapOverlay mapOverLay new MapOverlay mapOverLay.setPointToDraw point List Overlay listOfOverlays map.getOverlays listOfOverlays.clear.. srcoverlayitem mapView.getOverlays .clear mapView.getOverlays .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 If you want more than one point on map Drawable srcdrawable getApplicationContext .getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.pin_blue..