android Programming Glossary: mapoverlays
Adding a custom marker to map - Android OverlayItem private final ArrayList OverlayItem mapOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay.. @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public.. return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mapOverlays.add..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays geoPoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble.. That is you itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay.populateNow Map client overlay.. I am ur client itemizedOverlay1.addOverlay overlayitem1 mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay1 itemizedOverlay1.populateNow Map client..
Different named Markers on Google Android Map good so far with the same overlay over and over again mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint foo bar mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay This works fine so far. But every marker..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map when the activity is first created. private List Overlay mapOverlays private Projection projection @Override public void onCreate.. mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add.. mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add new MyOverlay @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? MapView findViewById List Overlay mapOverlays MapView.getOverlays Drawable positionMarker getResources .getDrawable.. Thats me wohooo itemizedOverlay.addOverlay Pointer mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay MapView.setSatellite false MapController..
Problem with large number of markers on the map if anybody has any idas. And the code List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. e Log.d TAG NumberFormatException e mapOverlays.add itemizedoverlay mapView.postInvalidate ..................................
mapView show overlay details when clicked mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. .toString itemizedoverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedoverlay mapView.invalidate android share improve..
Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping selectLocationOverlay null private List Overlay mapOverlays null private GestureDetector gestureDetector null @Override.. true configure the overlay to draw the icons on the map mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. new SelectGameLocationItemizedOverlay drawable this mapOverlays.add selectLocationOverlay @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent..
android maps asynchronous loading of overlay items void onPostExecute List ItemizedOverlay items List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays for ItemizedOverlay item items mapOverlays.add.. mapView.getOverlays for ItemizedOverlay item items mapOverlays.add item somewhere else in your code you do this GeoPoint center..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? this is part of creating an overlay icon List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. in Athens Greece itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay mc mapView.getController mc.setZoom..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps private LocationListener locationListener List Overlay mapOverlays Drawable drawable drawable2 HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client updateLocationOverlay if location null return List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. in Mexico City myItemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add myItemizedOverlay i want specially point out that you must..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' OverlayItem private final ArrayList OverlayItem mapOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay.. @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public.. return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mapOverlays.add..
Adding a custom marker to map - Android class public class CustomItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem private final ArrayList OverlayItem mapOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom.. Context context this defaultMarker this.context context @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mapOverlays.add overlay..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON near_places Nearplaces list mapView MapView findViewById mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays geoPoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble user_latitude 1E6 int Double.parseDouble user_longitude.. this overlayitem new OverlayItem geoPoint Your Location That is you itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay.populateNow Map client overlay item itemizedOverlay1 new AddItemizedOverlay drawable_client.. this overlayitem1 new OverlayItem geoPoint1 Your Location2 I am ur client itemizedOverlay1.addOverlay overlayitem1 mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay1 itemizedOverlay1.populateNow Map client overlay item itemizedOverlay new AddItemizedOverlay drawable..
Different named Markers on Google Android Map to add many different markers on an android map. My code works good so far with the same overlay over and over again mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.marker itemizedOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay drawable.. itemizedOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay drawable OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint foo bar mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay This works fine so far. But every marker is the same. What I want to do now is having different markers..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map Answers given below 1 Here's a solution that I used Called when the activity is first created. private List Overlay mapOverlays private Projection projection @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. LinearLayout findViewById mapView MapView findViewById mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add new MyOverlay @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed.. mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add new MyOverlay @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed return false class MyOverlay extends Overlay public MyOverlay..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? lat 0.0 lng intent.getDoubleExtra lng 0.0 MapView MapView findViewById List Overlay mapOverlays MapView.getOverlays Drawable positionMarker getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.act_map_androidmarker MapItemizedOverlay.. int lat 1000000 int lng 1000000 Pointer new OverlayItem geoPoint Thats me wohooo itemizedOverlay.addOverlay Pointer mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay MapView.setSatellite false MapController MapView.getController MapController.setCenter geoPoint MapController.setZoom..
Problem with large number of markers on the map for my bosses in case I make these changes. I appreciate if anybody has any idas. And the code List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.pin_blue drawable this.getResources .getDrawable.. tName tId itemizedoverlay.addOverlay overlayitem catch NumberFormatException e Log.d TAG NumberFormatException e mapOverlays.add itemizedoverlay mapView.postInvalidate ................................ public class ItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay..
mapView show overlay details when clicked R.layout.large_mapview mapView MapView findViewById mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.mappointer2 ItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay.. new OverlayItem point i .toString overlayItem.get i .getDetails .toString itemizedoverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedoverlay mapView.invalidate android share improve this question Check out Android mapviewballoons on github...
Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping private MapView mapView null private SelectGameLocationItemizedOverlay selectLocationOverlay null private List Overlay mapOverlays null private GestureDetector gestureDetector null @Override protected void onCreate Bundle arg0 super.onCreate arg0 set.. true mapView.setHapticFeedbackEnabled true configure the overlay to draw the icons on the map mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.map_icon selectLocationOverlay new SelectGameLocationItemizedOverlay.. .getDrawable R.drawable.map_icon selectLocationOverlay new SelectGameLocationItemizedOverlay drawable this mapOverlays.add selectLocationOverlay @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent ev gestureDetector.onTouchEvent ev return..
android maps asynchronous loading of overlay items out to convert your back end object to overlay items public void onPostExecute List ItemizedOverlay items List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays for ItemizedOverlay item items mapOverlays.add item somewhere else in your code you do this GeoPoint.. onPostExecute List ItemizedOverlay items List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays for ItemizedOverlay item items mapOverlays.add item somewhere else in your code you do this GeoPoint center someMap.getMapCenter new LoadMapItems someMap .execute..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? true parent RelativeLayout findViewById this is part of creating an overlay icon List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon CustomItemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay.. icon OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point Hello I'm in Athens Greece itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay mc mapView.getController mc.setZoom 20 mapView.setSatellite true Toast.makeText getBaseContext..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps mapController private LocationManager locationManager private LocationListener locationListener List Overlay mapOverlays Drawable drawable drawable2 HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client public int size return mOverlays.size private void updateLocationOverlay if location null return List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.XXXX MyItemizedOverlay myItemizedOverlay.. OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point Hola Mundo I'm in Mexico City myItemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem mapOverlays.add myItemizedOverlay i want specially point out that you must call boundCenter or boundCenterBottom on the drawable. else..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' class public class CustomItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay OverlayItem private final ArrayList OverlayItem mapOverlays new ArrayList OverlayItem private Context context public CustomItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom.. Context context this defaultMarker this.context context @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mapOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mapOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mapOverlays.add overlay..