android Programming Glossary: manager.updateappwidget
Problem while implement location listener in android appwidget AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget thisWidget updateViews public RemoteViews buildUpdate Context..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget me buildUpdate this private RemoteViews buildUpdate Context..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget myWidget updateViews Also have a look at this link http android..
How to use a custom typeface in a widget? AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget widget views private void reinit mDayFormat getString R.string.day_format..
setTextViewText not updating widget
Updating app widget using AlarmManager AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget thisWidget updateViews @Override public IBinder onBind Intent..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind be null for int widgetId ids . . Update Widget here . . manager.updateAppWidget widgetId remoteViews Step 2 Sending the broadcast Here we can..
Problem while implement location listener in android appwidget thisWidget new ComponentName this InKakinadaWidget.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget thisWidget updateViews public RemoteViews buildUpdate Context context Here I am updating the remoteview return updateViews..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget me new ComponentName this ExampleProvider.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget me buildUpdate this private RemoteViews buildUpdate Context context RemoteViews updateViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding myWidget new ComponentName this MyWidget.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget myWidget updateViews Also have a look at this link http android 2009 04 introducing home screen..
How to use a custom typeface in a widget? ComponentName widget new ComponentName this DigiClock.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget widget views private void reinit mDayFormat getString R.string.day_format mDateFormat getString R.string.date_format mTimeFormat..
setTextViewText not updating widget
Updating app widget using AlarmManager thisWidget new ComponentName this Widget.class AppWidgetManager manager AppWidgetManager.getInstance this manager.updateAppWidget thisWidget updateViews @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent no need to bind return null This has caused my onReceive..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind data data will contain some predetermined data but it may be null for int widgetId ids . . Update Widget here . . manager.updateAppWidget widgetId remoteViews Step 2 Sending the broadcast Here we can create a static method that will get our widgets to update...