android Programming Glossary: manual
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock path of my android project to include the library Never manually modify the build path of an Android project . ActionBarSherlock.. project from your main application project and undo the manual change to the build path. UPDATE The second half of your problem..
Android Device Chooser — device not showing up make sure you set the Deployment target selection mode to manual In Eclipse Package Explorer view right click your Project select.. for Target tab select Always prompt to select device or manual . Click Apply and close the Run Configurations dialog. The next..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? My open source project is large and it is a pain to do it manually every time I release. Additionally removing a Log line is..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] here is to keep char arrays and decode your int or double manually into it and concatenate strings onto the beginning and end... Java or Android These gc issues are enough to make me miss manual memory management but not very much. java android garbage collection.. of the score and add after the Your score is every digit manually one by one by copying each the time the corresponding digit..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android not been mentioned but instead of using bare bones rather manual process with's little package GSon and Jackson are..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities this. eg. from inside your Activity Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication.. HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD.. when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual reference counting incrementing a count for each call to Activity.onCreate..
Android Proguard, removing all Log statements and merging packages into a single given package http manual usage.html#repackageclasses You can optionally combine it with..
How to set text color of TextView in code? channel first then the color value. Check out the complete manual ofcourse http reference android graphics..
How to sign an android apk file android apk signing share improve this question The manual is clear enough. Please specify what part you get stuck with.. to sign the package using a GUI instead of performing the manual procedures to compile sign and align as discussed above. Once..
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? this check http index.html# manual optimizations.html optimizations code simplification arithmetic.. if using any #http index.html# manual examples.html#callback # keep class mypackage.MyCallbackClass..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage
How to practically display math formula in Android image file and display it on Android. But in practice that manual process is really slow. I am sure this is not a right way. So..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time the application will not run for any reason except by a manual launch of an activity. Notably no BroadcastReceviers will be.. for which they have registered until the user runs the app manually. This block covers the Plan B scenario of remote install and..
Tamil font in android app. Reason is there are no Tamil fonts in the system. 1. Manual way of doing There is a work around for this solution. All you..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] games not much OpenGLES The The Khronos Reference Manual is also relevant to have but its not exactly the best place..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] we simply keep track of the number of balls we have left . Manual tracking of objects sadly. This how it's done on most current..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process From Your Device if it is Rooted According to a post..
Vertical line using XML drawable crusade you might find this useful Missing Android XML Manual UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked..
PHP: How to get version from android .apk file? way but I guess it should be simpler. Something like PHP Manual example #3. Any ideas how to create the script php xml android..
helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed running then from Eclipse Run Run Configurations... Target Manual Run Launch a new Android Virtual Device then click onto the..
How to set text color of TextView in code? class to get the same effect of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb.. Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor.. #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor Color.rgb..
ADB, Wifi and Eclipse: how I can configure? In your configuration go to Target tab and select Manual This will popup device selection each time you start the app..
Parsing JSON string in android it. So if I sent it Engine v8 Cylinders 8 Transmission Manual Gears 4 it would still work. Is this doable And if so could..
Problem when connecting my device to PC? And in eclipse i've also change the run configurations to Manual also. Why it's not connected. Anyone help me to connect that..
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock share improve this question edited the build path of my android project to include the library Never manually modify the build path of an Android project . ActionBarSherlock is an Android library project. You need to add a reference.. You need to add a reference to ActionBarSherlock's library project from your main application project and undo the manual change to the build path. UPDATE The second half of your problem was that your build target was set too low. The build target..
Android Device Chooser — device not showing up device. In Window Mac reinstall device drivers. Second make sure you set the Deployment target selection mode to manual In Eclipse Package Explorer view right click your Project select Run As Run Configurations... In Run Configurations dialog.. for Android tab make sure your project displayed under Project for Target tab select Always prompt to select device or manual . Click Apply and close the Run Configurations dialog. The next time when you Run your app you should see your list of devices...
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? by removing calls to Log methods in your source files. My open source project is large and it is a pain to do it manually every time I release. Additionally removing a Log line is potentially tricky for instance if condition Log.d LOG_TAG Something..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] your garbage collection hiccups. I think the best choice here is to keep char arrays and decode your int or double manually into it and concatenate strings onto the beginning and end. I'd like to hear if there's something cleaner. I know there.. best practices you've discovered to run interactively on Java or Android These gc issues are enough to make me miss manual memory management but not very much. java android garbage collection performance share improve this question I've worked.. from your pre stored BufferedImage loop to compute the digits of the score and add after the Your score is every digit manually one by one by copying each the time the corresponding digit 0 to 9 from your BufferedImage 10 where you pre stored them...
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android share improve this question I am surprised these have not been mentioned but instead of using bare bones rather manual process with's little package GSon and Jackson are much more convenient to use. So GSON Jackson So you can actually..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities itself. The docs should probably be updated to reflect this. eg. from inside your Activity Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode..... tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding when to call start stop you can implement a sort.. mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual reference counting incrementing a count for each call to Activity.onCreate and decrementing for each onDestroy then calling..
Android Proguard, removing all Log statements and merging packages The option repackageclasses moves obfuscated classes into a single given package http manual usage.html#repackageclasses You can optionally combine it with allowaccessmodification for better results. share improve..
How to set text color of TextView in code?
How to sign an android apk file programing experience so any help would be appreciated. android apk signing share improve this question The manual is clear enough. Please specify what part you get stuck with after you work trought it I'd suggest http with the Keytool and Jarsigner for you which allows you to sign the package using a GUI instead of performing the manual procedures to compile sign and align as discussed above. Once the wizard has compiled and signed your package it will also..
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? overloading of static fields . #To understand or change this check http index.html# manual optimizations.html optimizations code simplification arithmetic field class merging #To repackage classes on a single package.. OPTIONS NOT USED NORMALLY #To keep callback calls. Uncomment if using any #http index.html# manual examples.html#callback # keep class mypackage.MyCallbackClass # void myCallbackMethod java.lang.String # #Uncomment if using..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage
How to practically display math formula in Android way I can think of is to take each of those formula in a image file and display it on Android. But in practice that manual process is really slow. I am sure this is not a right way. So I have to ask this again. How to practically display math..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time app from the Settings application. While in this stopped state the application will not run for any reason except by a manual launch of an activity. Notably no BroadcastReceviers will be invoked regardless of the event for which they have registered.. BroadcastReceviers will be invoked regardless of the event for which they have registered until the user runs the app manually. This block covers the Plan B scenario of remote install and run which they were taking advantage of previously. After..
Tamil font in android will only see boxes if you use Unicode Tamil font in your app. Reason is there are no Tamil fonts in the system. 1. Manual way of doing There is a work around for this solution. All you have to do is download the Bamini font and place it in your..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] Other Android OpenGL ES information Google IO lecture regarding games not much OpenGLES The The Khronos Reference Manual is also relevant to have but its not exactly the best place to start. iPhone OpenGL ES tutorials where the OpenGl ES information..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] how we don't even care about cleaning the 4th ball 98 73 we simply keep track of the number of balls we have left . Manual tracking of objects sadly. This how it's done on most current well performing Java games that are out on mobile devices...
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? usb connection or possibly other viable options android networking tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process From Your Device if it is Rooted According to a post on xda developers you can enable ADB over WiFi from the device..
Vertical line using XML drawable still unsolved. However For anyone on a Android documentation crusade you might find this useful Missing Android XML Manual UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus..
PHP: How to get version from android .apk file? xml file from the APK zip file and then parsing XML is one way but I guess it should be simpler. Something like PHP Manual example #3. Any ideas how to create the script php xml android version apk share improve this question If you have..
helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed run that AVD reliably enough make sure no Android apps are running then from Eclipse Run Run Configurations... Target Manual Run Launch a new Android Virtual Device then click onto the pane's line item to highlight that AVD OK . Wait for the thing..
How to set text color of TextView in code? as possible You can use various functions from the Color class to get the same effect of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy.. of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor Color.rgb 200 0 0 holder.text.setTextColor Color.argb 0 200.. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor Color.rgb 200 0 0 holder.text.setTextColor Color.argb 0 200 0 0 And ofcourse..
ADB, Wifi and Eclipse: how I can configure? starts emulator Go to Run Debug Configuration your configuration In your configuration go to Target tab and select Manual This will popup device selection each time you start the app from eclipse. So you will be able to explicitly state which..
Parsing JSON string in android to be able to create a key value map for any JSON string I send it. So if I sent it Engine v8 Cylinders 8 Transmission Manual Gears 4 it would still work. Is this doable And if so could you give me some nudges in the right direction java android..
Problem when connecting my device to PC? 32 bit Operating System. I've also installed Samsung Kies. And in eclipse i've also change the run configurations to Manual also. Why it's not connected. Anyone help me to connect that please Advance Thanks. android windows xp share improve..