

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiviewanimationtransition

dismissModalViewController with transition: left to right


right to dismiss a modal view and slide from right to left to present a modal view Thanks in advance iphone animation uiviewanimationtransition catransition share improve this question I have accepted the answer from Safecase but I would like to publish my final..

How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app?


like the maps.app on iphone ipod Any ideas how to make an similar effect Thanks iphone uikit uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition share improve this question Apple does support this for the presentation of modal views as of 3.2. This makes sense..

iPhone SDK 4 “Half curl page transition”


the iOS API docs and I can't seem to find this transition. Does anyone know where it is iphone cocoa touch ios4 uiviewanimationtransition share improve this question It's not a transition but a modalTransitionStyle . You can check the docs here http developer.apple.com..

Is there a way to use UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCurlUp without it animating the entire screen?


code Is there a way to only animate the two subviews leaving the toolbar alone If so how iphone uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition share improve this question I've been struggling with this issue and the only way I could resolve it is that I put the..

I want to use animation to imageview using UIanimationtransitioncurl right or left. Is it possible?


self.containerView addSubview flipToView UIView commitAnimations iphone uiimageview uiviewanimation uiviewanimationtransition share improve this question Yes you can. This is the code I use for that self.containerViewParent UIView alloc initWithFrame..

flip transition flips view from top in landscape mode


instead of fliping from right its flipping from top. My application works only in landscape mode. Please help. iphone uiviewanimationtransition share improve this question The animation constants have been defined with portrait mode in mind. If you define your..