

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiview's

UIView's frame, bounds, center, origin, when to use what?


frame bounds center origin when to use what UIView has the concept of frame bounds center and origin and they all seem.. the UIScreen mainScreen bounds on startup to determine the visible area for the application and setup their initial UIView's frame accordingly. Why is there an frame rectangle and an bounds rectangle in an UIView Hopefully this helps clarify the..

Facebook ios sdk 3.0 active session FBiOSSDK error2


composite colors: CALayer and blend mode on iPhone


improve this question I managed to get the affect of compositing multiple CALayers by drawing them directly into a UIView's graphics context. void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef c UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSetBlendMode c kCGBlendModeDifference..

Animation : How to make UIbutton move from right to left when view is loaded?


iphone animation share improve this question Just to make it even slicker I would suggest not changing the UIView's frame but its center CGPoint newLeftCenter CGPointMake 20.0f myButton.frame.size.width 2.0f myButton.center.y UIView beginAnimations..

Drawing incrementally in a UIView (iPhone)


c performance uiview drawing share improve this question If you are only actually changing a small portion of the UIView's content every time you draw and the rest of the content generally stays the same you can use this. Rather than redraw all..

Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view


iPhone clip image with path


elipse you could use a rect . Then the image that will be clipped is drawn. Method drawRect is the one that draws the UIView's context in my case. void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGMutablePathRef path CGPathCreateMutable..

Save UIView's representation to file


UIView's representation to file What is the easiest way to save UIView's representation to file My solution is UIGraphicsBeginImageContext.. UIView's representation to file What is the easiest way to save UIView's representation to file My solution is UIGraphicsBeginImageContext someView.frame.size someView drawRect someView.frame UIImage..

Cocoa Touch: How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness?


Touch How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness I saw in the inspector that I can change the background color but I'd like to also change the..

How do I apply a perspective transform to a UIView?


iphone ios cocoa touch core animation share improve this question As Ben said you'll need to work with the UIView's layer using a CATransform3D to perform the layer's rotation. The trick to get perspective working as described here is to.. to read. The sublayerTransform you refer to in your response is a transform that is applied to the sublayers of your UIView's CALayer . If you don't have any sublayers don't worry about it. I use the sublayerTransform in my example simply because..

viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear not being called, not firing


old UIViewController just so I had a 2nd tab to click later. Sprinkle in some NSLog statements to output the various UIView's for the controllers we see this tabBarController.view UILayoutContainerView 0x5b0dc80 ... navigationController.view UILayoutContainerView..

Use Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame


Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame I want to watch for changes in a UIView 's frame bounds or center property. How can I use Key Value Observing to..

UIView drag (image and text)


multi touches etc. First thing to do is to make a custom view say DraggableView by subclassing UIView. Then override UIView's touchesMoved withEvent method and you can get a current dragging location there and move the DraggableView. Look at the..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


So the question is how to allow MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen playback only rotation when underlying UIView ie. UIView's UIViewController prohibits rotation and allows portrait only iphone cocoa touch uitabbarcontroller rotation mpmovieplayercontroller..

How to display a progress indicator overlay/HUD on iPhone?


this question You can definitely overlap views. Just add the transparent overlay as a subview in the tableView. From UIView's documentation UIView objects are arranged within an UIWindow object in a nested hierarchy of subviews. Parent objects in..

How to programmatically determine iPhone interface orientation?


suppose I could track orientation change events to remember the last portrait landscape orientation or check the main UIView's bounds height and width but that seems kludgey. Is there a property on the device or UIView that I'm missing iphone cocoa..

Does UIView's addSubview really retain the view?


UIView's addSubview really retain the view I ran into a situation that seems to suggest otherwise. In the following code snippet..