

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextfield's

UITextField blurred text


blurred text I am having a problem with a UITextField's text being blurred anti aliased even with a standard font size. The text will appear crisp when the control is the first..

uialertview called more than once [closed]


this problem found some Relative Questions but not Satisfactory Answers . So I have One IBAction method that adds some UITextField's Values to NSMutableArray when Add Button is Clicked. I am simply trying to show UIAlertView if the UITextField is empty..

drawTextInRect on UITextField not called


question . The problem is drawTextInRect is apparently not called and setting the shadow in drawRect doesn't make the UITextField's text shadowed. Another weird thing is that even if my subclass implementations of drawTextInRect and drawRect are completely..

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event


or a custom target action and how do I use the NSNumberFormatter to parse and re apply formatting to the UITextField's text property Any help would be much appreciated Thanks iphone uitextfield currency nsnumberformatter share improve this..

UISegmentedControl setSelectedSegmentIndex: without valueChanged Action


doesn't emit a Value Changed event. Setting a UISwitch's on doesn't emit a Value Changed event. Similarly setting a UITextField's text doesn't emit an Editing Changed event. So the fact that changing a UISegmentedControl's selectedSegmentIndex emits..

UITextField auto correction crash in iOS 4.3 on simulator


auto correction crash in iOS 4.3 on simulator The UITextField's auto correction crashes my app on the simulator with iOS 4.3 sdk build target. Works fine on the device and in the simulator..

Disable UITextField keyboard?


help is greatly appreciated. iphone cocoa touch uitextfield iphone softkeyboard share improve this question The UITextField's inputView property is nil by default which means the standard keyboard gets displayed. If you assign it a custom input view..

How to make return key on iphone make keyboard disappear?


resignFirstResponder makes sure the keyboard is dismissed. Make sure you're setting your view viewcontroller to be the UITextField's delegate after you init the textfield in the .m yourTextField UITextField alloc initWithFrame yourFrame .... .... Setting..

Change UITextField's placeholder text color programmatically


UITextField's placeholder text color programmatically I have a UITextField with a placeholder. When the user wants to submit the form..

How to check if UITextField's text is valid email?


to check if UITextField's text is valid email I have a view controller with 3 UITextFields username email and password . I need a method that checks..

UITextField changes font while editing


changes font while editing I am suffering the same problem as here UITextField's custom font changes while in edit mode and could really do with a solution. I have 4 UITextFields that I assign custom fonts..

iPhone Table View: How to access text field of custom TableViewCell


text field of custom TableViewCell I've set up a UITableView with several custom UITableViewCell's that have some UITextField's and UISwitch's based on Settings.app . My question is when a user clicks the Save button in the navigation bar what's the..